The First "Miracle" Some will see will be that of Judgement Day


Some will be blinded for life with locks on their hearts and keys off the chain.

They will fail to see every miracle of life and beauty/

Stumbling in the void with their own self-prophecy of darkness.

They will be shocked to see us all in assembly on the last day.

They will see they have been brought back with their own memories intact.

They will remember all the miracles that they denied.

They will face the self accusing Spirit. and the Most Highs Majesty.

It's spam because because there's no actual subject to the post, just a meaningless unsupported ramble.
Topic is in the title?
You've claimed there'll be a miracle. So what?
I could simply claim you're mistaken.
End of subject.
It's spam because because there's no actual subject to the post, just a meaningless unsupported ramble.
Topic is in the title?
You've claimed there'll be a miracle. So what?
I could simply claim you're mistaken.
End of subject.

End of subject to you yes, so skip along. Remember other people have these things called individual opinions and thoughts. Maybe they have things to discuss with what I said.

If you find something Obsolete then why waste your time with it.

You still miss the point.
You've made claims.
What is the basis of these claims?
What is the point of making them?
Simply preaching?
A reminder:

7. Preaching, Proselytizing, and Evangelizing

A. Definitions:

Preaching – a “sermon” or address of a religious nature. Using religious dogma to support a point.
Proselytizing – making an attempt to convert someone to accept a religious opinion
Evangelizing – a version of proselytizing in which the religious believer’s true agenda is to spread the “word” to others of different or no faith.

B. The inclusion of religious text to support a point that isn’t related to a discussion or examination about a given religious text is considered to be, at a minimum, preaching. If the discussion is on the nature of various translations of religious text and how religious societies accept or interpret these texts, then quotes of scriptures would be appropriate.

C. A scriptural quote would be appropriate if one was attempting to explain why religious adherents make certain decisions, behave certain ways, believes certain things, etc. If, however, the quote is provided a priori from the point of view that it is a given truth that supports itself, it would be considered preaching or proselytizing.

D. Continued preaching and proselytizing would be, thus, considered evangelizing. Evangelizing in a science forum will not be tolerated.
Some will be...

Sounds good, except you didn't see that Satan would sabotage your plans, forming a rift between the world of the matter and the spirit, forcing our sun to supernova and sending mankind out into the galaxy in 12 tribes. Thus I have forseen. We will have to experience heaven through v-world, a virtual reality game. Our bones will become flexible and delicate like the spines of a fish, and we will domesticate the ant in order to farm our fungal food crops.
Do I seriously have to break down every single detail that is encoded into my parables. You want the beauty to be stripped from a tree and then to read each ring in its trunk and crack open each seed of its fruit?

I shall not conform to your dead sterile way of Typing or communicating with each other as fellow humans. I spit upon your offer Delete my thread then and let it merge with Dao.

Does it happen in 2012?

Now why did the Jehovah Witnesses not pick this date instead of their wrong one?
Sounds good, except you didn't see that Satan would sabotage your plans, forming a rift between the world of the matter and the spirit, forcing our sun to supernova and sending mankind out into the galaxy in 12 tribes. Thus I have forseen. We will have to experience heaven through v-world, a virtual reality game. Our bones will become flexible and delicate like the spines of a fish, and we will domesticate the ant in order to farm our fungal food crops.

We shall see villain!.

Lol ^_^

Does it happen in 2012?

Now why did the Jehovah Witnesses not pick this date instead of their wrong one?

2012 is when the Olympics will be held in London.

Jehova as a word is offensive to me (im not obviously offended though just a FoS) Pay no attention to scare mongering, what you need to watch out for is Evil Governments bombing the world to pieces, and the real war between good and evil thats going on all around you.

Suicide bombers (and their 72 best friends) completely circumvent Judgment Day by going straight to Allah. Would that be good escape route for you or anyone?
Suicide bombers (and their 72 best friends) completely circumvent Judgment Day by going straight to Allah. Would that be good escape route for you or anyone?

I would never defy my creed that I set for myself, that is much more strict than the Scriptures Law for even the chosen tribes. I also follow the scriptures law which is lenient compared.

I would not kill myself for anything even if world war 3 was upon us why would suicide bombing be an option to any fighter, I would kill the enemy who are invading but why would i kill myself along with them.

Cowards usualy take the easiest way out. I am not afraid of judgment I dont need to use some magical get out of jail free card I will face mine and be proud of what i did in life.

Jehova is offensive to you??? Because you misspelled the hand-me down translation of YHWH?

Listen up...



Get A Grip. You are going backwards. Go forwards.
Jehova is offensive to you??? Because you misspelled the hand-me down translation of YHWH?

Listen up...



Get A Grip. You are going backwards. Go forwards.

This is proof right here that you have an in depth and more than normal amount of knowledge in this area.

Please go and add more to the list of my thread on scrolls/tablets/books etc.

Yahweh-javoha.......allah. Can you whisper "HHHYYYWWWHHHYYYY`E"

PS I laughed at the Image lol ^_^

Chi- you are burning the candle at both ends and I predict you are going to burn yourself out sooner than later. Stop prophetizing and freaking TALK to us!

Jesus on the mount was an all day event. And it was not Jesus preaching from up on high, it was him having a conversation with a lot of people over the course of the day that boiled down to what we see in the New Testament today.

Stop acting like you're entitled.
Some will be blinded for life with locks on their hearts and keys off the chain.

They will fail to see every miracle of life and beauty/

Stumbling in the void with their own self-prophecy of darkness.

They will be shocked to see us all in assembly on the last day.

They will see they have been brought back with their own memories intact.

They will remember all the miracles that they denied.

They will face the self accusing Spirit. and the Most Highs Majesty.


Do you think the end of the world according to scripture is preventable?
Do you think that by converting the unbelievers, the world will be spared?
Do you think the world would be a better place if its ppl were 100% believing?

i believe (don't know) all religious texts say that at the end there will be more non-believers than believers, this is from god..
Man cannot prevent this.