The Final Theory About Universe

Now... I don't know if my info is correct, but I think that most breakthroughs in science have seemed illogical under the eyes of most scientists when they first came into being. Relativity and Quantum Physics... fractional dimensions... little strings that form multidimentional membranes when they vibrate... sounds stupid, right? What was the first thing that proved them right, as fairly good aproximations of what reality looks like? Math, of course

Relativity , Quantum Physics and String Theory are not so big breakthroughs as they may seems. Also for me they are perfectly logical.

I will not argue with you what is the place of mathematics. I only think that math is just an intrument , it depends from logic how it will be used. You can have great math but if you use to find the density of God, or to calculate how many devils can stay on the tip of a needle and other bullshits it will be useless. Logic determines the correct consequence of conclusions, the correct questions and answers. Math only refines logic and gives it quantatve measure.

Whatever. I had not present my theory but only a basic part from its logic. I can't prove it mathematicly because it means solution of a great number of differential equations and other quite heavy tasks. I can however offer experiments for proving it. I can also offer common observation that may prove it indirectly.

I can not compete with QM and GR. After all these are fields in which thousends of people had been working for a lot of time. There must be something usefull ;). My goal is not to wipe them out, they must just step on a firm basis. It is the same with classical and quantum physics. You can use classical physics equally good and without QM , but QM is a better fundament for classical physics and you can see much more things if you rebuild physics on this new fundament. I believe that case with MAC is the same , it is more firm fundament for both - QM and classical physics.

Besides I am not scared if someone can prove that I am wrong. I will be very happy if this happens because he/she must offer something better. Also you can oppose a theory with logical means, not only with experimental facts. I can not accept something that does not fit in my logic even if entire world tells me that it is so.
The lack of contraction is viewed as a proof of existence of the objects defined in a given theory according to David Hilbert. First we have to reveal the fabric of realty and then to introduce the TOE describing it. The TOE should be based on a discovery of the underlying structure and so it has to follow the self-consistency, the logic of creation, which is in everything. This mode of thinking is followed in the free downloads at [advertisment removed]

I would greately appreciate the comments of Chaos Corona on this approach.
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If the equations are too difficult to solve, how do you know what they predict, or what experiments should be performed to "prove" your theory.
Xgen - I have no idea what your theory is from your description (which may be my fault). However I agree with you that deduction provides answers which induction can not, and that logical thinking encompasses mathematics, and not the other way around. The bit that interested me is that your theory allows something to emerge from nothing and is based on something that is physically non-existent. IMO these are minimum requirements for a decent ToE.

The problem with science's idea of a ToE is apparent here, with people talking about it being a knowledge of the algorythms that determine the evolution of the Universe. All the focus is on prediction. Thus the ToE will allow us to predict the future from the current state. This is a very limited form of ToE, and wouldn't constitute an understanding of anything much IMO. We can mathematically predict the effects of gravity with great accuracy - but we still know f-all about it.

I'm no Christian but at least they have the right kind of ToE in that it contains a degree of explanation, not just a list of algorythmic equations. The most logically coherent ToE I have ever found is the Buddhist one - it does not contradict science and explains more than science tries to explain. Of course whether it is right or not remains to be seen.
Since no actual description of the "Final theory" seems to be forthcoming in this thread, it has been moved to a more appropriate forum.
James if this is not a censorship what it is?

I apologize to all participants in this discussion for my extreme visions for the Final Theory. I apologize especialy to Chaos_Corona, I had come to the conclusion that there is no real difference between "Logic" and "Math", sorry. Logic had itermediate mathematical presentations so both are the same. I come to the word that describes best what I meaned all the time - "formalism". That is what I meaned , that is what had to be first achived.

I had finished my survey. I had come to the result that a concept "Final Theory About Universe" can not be defined. I can not pretend that I had such a complete theory and may be my research is just a small neglectible and needless deviation of the science mainstream. Sorry that I had lose your time with my ravings. The only usefull conclusion may be is that you must not believe to noone except your own reason.

my final remark

Censorship would be deleting your posts so that other people can't read them. I didn't do that.
lookin forward

Hey everybody

Xgen, u don't need to apologize. However, I am glad that we could reach a middle point through discussion, which by the way is the purpose of any discussion or forum.

What I don't understand is why u would make the attempt to make us believe that u had the ultimate theory of everything... i think this forum should be about posting thoughts and hypothesis about the possible theories... and then discussing them with logical and mathematical arguments. I am sure that way we could all learn a lot, and who knows... maybe one of those thought experiments could derive to some interesting conclusion...

I don't think I'll post again unless this forum is used precisely with this intent.

One last comment. Maybe we could start with some postulate... there's a really cool analogy to that in "God Particle" by Leon Lederman. It's one of the most amazing books on physics ever written, and really fun to read too.

A bunch of aliens come to visit our planet. These aliens have only one particular flaw: their eyes can't detect objetcs in which there are mixtures of black and white (like a soccer ball). So, as part of their visit, they're invited to watch a soccer game. When they arrive and sit down, they stare in awe... hahaha, and they spend half of the game in disbelief, trying to comprehend what in the word are these people dressed in shorts doin in the field... then they start to make measurements... they realize that the players are in two teams... that there is a certain zone in which they are most likely to be found... they classify them in tables, and make a whole system of interactions....

So, when the game is about to end, the youngest one stands up and realizes that just before the goalee drops to the ground, and just before one team gets one point to it's favor, there is a hemispherical perturbation in the net. So he says "let's postulate the existance of a soccer ball"... and then everything else makes sense... only that now they understand the game.

I hope u find this as interesting and as amusing as I did. See ya
i believe the universe is being programed by aliens inside worm holes.In other dimensions our world is being created by different aliens.They proggramed the brain so that we see what our brain lets us see.We see the world in the image our brain creates.
Aliens would see our world in a different image in the correct image of life.If humans ever created a technology to travel to other planets,other solar systems,we would look like the image they have proggramed for that planet.We cant even imagine what life is like on other planets out of our solar system.God's angel's are the aliens.Ask yourself how we are the only intelligent life forms on our planet,Cos we are the aliens chosen on this planet.We arent allowed to go to other planets.We are trapped by god and the gmen.They think we will disrupt the peace,so every area in the trying to communicate with the aliens is impossible because theyre technology doesnt react with our technology.Our Brains are made to equal the correct development and creation of our planet.If we were too intelligent for our planet,thier would be chaos.If we had the intelligence that the aliens had for theyre perticular planet,theyre brain would only function the way they were designed for theyre planet.
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i could explain something in my mind but it would be too complex to type.So Im gonna put it straight to you.Humans are in Hell,Aliens are in Heaven.I would really like to explain this to you in better directions,but it would be impossible for you to understand.If nobody had any feelings,life would not be enjoyable on this planet,but with multiple Open mynomical thoughts so Big with unhuman-like speeds that humans would be uncapable to take the capacity of theyre brains census field.It means theyre brains have a higher-scale length for reproduce the thought process at speeds that would coincide with theyre other thoughts.
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mr mynomics, u should be kicked out

Mr Mynomics:

I think you're pathetic, and you're probably either on drugs, or don't have anything better to do with the petty voices inside your head. I don't know why they let people like you do a thread, or even be a member. I think this is a forum for intelligent people, not for boneheads. Sorry, now this is my last post. Too bad.
every thing exists for the porpous of asking questions

Intellect and consciousness are for making questions
The rest is for something to question about.
The answer is only as important as the questions it arises.
Hence if the answer doesn't raise as many questions or more than it answers then the answer is worthless.

with respect
choas corona well why are you here,it is my theory it doesnt mean that it is the definitive answer.Most of the writings people put on sciforums are alot stupider than mine.I have a probable theory seen that im am a super intellegent.I have taken hundreds of tests to claim my words and my ideas.
What is funny about this is corona you have a very easy crunch on typing because you type against me,not realizing that youre the stupid one not being complexed about this.I got a bit carried away,i admit that,i can put questions on this and i know will never be answered with intellegence or intellectually,not even einstein was a normal person because he never had no social or ideal skills for living on the basis of being normal.I mean i wrote that just for another theory to be typed,not for words that doesnt testify for yourself.Corona i admit its a little farfetched,but isnt everything you people type on this a little farfetched.Most people who come onto forums a blabbering bullshit,im just adding to that.None of you are intelligent or intellectual.I mean half of you cant even spell Physics the correct way.
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I bet most of you have told the certain folk(dumb),About your Little theorys and asked them or told them things about certain pseudoscience things,and theyve told you in around about way that your intellectual when you are not.Im not even into aliens i just typed that crap to piss you off,give me a break you guys are dumb as shit ,i came close to winning the nobel prize,to be intellectual you have to back it up with work and achievement,iv'e seen most of you type in the month i signed on and you talk nothing but bullshit.
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You could go on for ever asking questions and joining up answers,everything can be answered a million times over,but ufos and the universe are just peoples theories.All the things you said are a heap of shit,think with some correct thought before you type.
Yes oh great swamy

Originally posted by MrMynomics
You could go on for ever asking questions and joining up answers,everything can be answered a million times over,but ufos and the universe are just peoples theories.All the things you said are a heap of shit,think with some correct thought before you type.

and what would this correct thought be.
any worm such as I would have no chance against thee.
yet let this miserable one get another bite and then enlighten this lowly one.
:m: ;) :m: