The Final Answer

Right!!, had enough of this religious and atheistic bullshit!
These usuless looping threads that amount to nothing and just fill up webspace!

The answer is here if you think hard enough to find it....

The purpose of human beings on this planet!
yes we are unique species yet we have no importance in the earth's ecosystem. Every species on this planet has a role to play benefiting its habitat in the process. What do huimans do? we take we use.
What do we naturally give in return,,,,shit!!! or else if you got anything better!!!

The answer to the existance of god or no god depends on the real purpose of the existance of human beings!

which basically boils down to 2 options or engagements for our intelligence

  1. animal propensities (sleeping, eating, mating and defending - dressed up in the latest technological advancements of course)
  2. or philosophical inquiry (why am I am forced to suffer in this world - birth, death, old age and disease etc)
which basically boils down to 2 options or engagements for our intelligence

  1. animal propensities (sleeping, eating, mating and defending - dressed up in the latest technological advancements of course)
  2. or philosophical inquiry (why am I am forced to suffer in this world - birth, death, old age and disease etc)
Actually none of the above!
Human's leave a trail in history..all you gotta to do is back track humanity's footsteps as far as your tiny little mind can..
Then the Inevitable truth starts to materialize just as it's seen today!
Come guy's use your brains for once...The truth is out there!!!
I don't think humans have a purpose at all. I think I have a purpose, but only because I make myself have a purpose.
But humans have no more of a purpose than the slugs on my porch.

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
which basically boils down to 2 options or engagements for our intelligence

1. animal propensities (sleeping, eating, mating and defending - dressed up in the latest technological advancements of course)
2. or philosophical inquiry (why am I am forced to suffer in this world - birth, death, old age and disease etc)

Actually none of the above!
Human's leave a trail in history..all you gotta to do is back track humanity's footsteps as far as your tiny little mind can..
Then the Inevitable truth starts to materialize just as it's seen today!
Come guy's use your brains for once...The truth is out there!!!
and if you examine the trail of history you see these two broad camps of thought ....
What is the purpose of humans on this planet? surely you super nerds out there can figure that one out without breaking into a sweat!!!
What is the purpose of humans on this planet? surely you super nerds out there can figure that one out without breaking into a sweat!!!
one of our best thinkers/rhetorician has already answered that question
cris said:
There is no necessity for anything that exists to have a purpose.
why do you think there must be more to existence.
one of our best thinkers/rhetorician has already answered that question why do you think there must be more to existence.
Unfortunately one of your best so called thinkers has failed to identify that "homosapiens" have conducted themselves in the past in various activities prompting suggestion that traits of purpose do exist regarless of necessity to have purpose!
Unfortunately one of your best so called thinkers has failed to identify that "homosapiens" have conducted themselves in the past in various activities prompting suggestion that traits of purpose do exist regarless of necessity to have purpose!
having a wish/want or need for a purpose, is irrelevant to there actually being a purpose, as cris said There is no necessity for anything that exists to have a purpose." irregardless of whether you want it to be so, or whether ancient peoples sang, danced, cavorted, and imagined there was a purpose, there is still no necessity for a purpose at all.