The Final Answer


Right!!, had enough of this religious and atheistic bullshit!
These usuless looping threads that amount to nothing and just fill up webspace!

The answer is here if you think hard enough to find it....

The purpose of human beings on this planet!
yes we are unique species yet we have no importance in the earth's ecosystem. Every species on this planet has a role to play benefiting its habitat in the process. What do huimans do? we take we use.
What do we naturally give in return,,,,shit!!! or else if you got anything better!!!

The answer to the existance of god or no god depends on the real purpose of the existance of human beings!
I believe the universe is inside a higher beings broom closet, we're just floating around like dust bunnies

P.S. Fairies visit me every night
What do huimans do? we take we use.
What do we naturally give in return,,,,shit!!! or else if you got anything better!!!

The answer to the existance of god or no god depends on the real purpose of the existance of human beings!

Not all human beings take.

It's mostly Westerners whose culture is based on consumption.

If you don't like materialism then its time to develop a culture based on the immaterial.
There is no necessity for anything that exists to have a purpose.

If the existence of a god depends on the purpose of humans then we can conclude that such a god is equaly not a necessity.
There is no necessity for anything that exists to have a purpose.

If the existence of a god depends on the purpose of humans then we can conclude that such a god is equaly not a necessity.
the real purpose of our existance will prove the true existance of a god!!!
The answer to the existance of god or no god depends on the real purpose of the existance of human beings!

Actualy it depends on great myth writers to try to convince humans that Gods exist in the first place. Before the writers of myth came along there was no God(s).

the real purpose of our existance will prove the true existance of a god!!!
You mean as opposed to a false existence of a god?

Ok, but if that happens, then what? What then would be our purpose if a god is shown to exist?

Ultimately it will be about our survival, i.e. continuing to exist.

There can be no purpose to existence other than to exist.
Actualy it depends on great myth writers to try to convince humans that Gods exist in the first place. Before the writers of myth came along there was no God(s).

The 'myth writers' WERE human. Doesnt that tell you something? Just look around and see why it is not an issue. Look at a snail and do you see science fiction or design?

So now what do we do?

I know this may OT but they took god seriously. Nevertheless it is a remarkable testament to inspiration. Looking up
I found this tonight- I like the objects in the foreground, adds depth and the shadows. digitus medicinalis.

yes we are unique species yet we have no importance in the earth's ecosystem.

Maybe its important that we figure it out.
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I know this may OT but they took god seriously.
Not quite accurate. They took the concept of God seriously since they were ignorant of how man could have evolved and simply declared themselves special.

yes we are unique species yet we have no importance in the earth's ecosystem.
Maybe its important that we figure it out.
We have, its called evolution.

Not quite accurate. They took the concept of God seriously since they were ignorant of how man could have evolved and simply declared themselves special.

We have, its called evolution.
All species evolve!!! so what's your point???:eek:

They took the concept of God seriously since they were ignorant of how man could have evolved and simply declared themselves special.

We have, its called evolution.

Why call them ignorant if your not even convinced yourself?

But at what point does a species stop evolving and die out?

It takes an enormous amount of faith to equate evolution and adaptation. One is easily proven and demonstrated by many species and the other is not. Your making statements that are very likely wrong and stating them as fact. And there is the real possibility your belief of evolution (if that is what you believe) never happened and could never happen. Everything has limitations, you can always try to cite an example of adaptation that would be analogous to evolution.