The Feminization of Man

Satyr, why do you suggest that society needs men to be "femanized", personaly i dont see a strict need for it myself. i actualy see it doing more harm in the long run than good. your position on this at certain sections tends to imply that it is not needed and it is harmful, yet you say that there is an actual need for it, why is this?.

society needs male traits comming from men, and female traits comming from women, why would we ever actualy need to cross incorperate traits from one sex to another?. wouldent it be more fitting to leave men to be men and women to be women?. that is the way it has worked for millions of years with the hand of nature sculping it, why fix what is not broken?

Satyr, supposing that everything in your essay is entitrely without flaw, what should be the implications of it? What I mean is, what's your point? Or do you just like to flaunt your intellect and discussion skills?
Women are stupid I'm not trying to diss them or anything but just think about it.

Before Feminism-

Women stayed home (her only job was to help take care of her man and her loving children)
Now Feminism-
Women work and not only at home. Kids are put in daycare or is pawned off to someone for most of the day for 5 days a week being raised by a complete stranger and around kids who have mothers who also have no time for their children. I cant imagine these type of kids to be the most well-mannered children in the world. Especially considering their is no time for their mother to teach them proper manners.
The demand for work has almost doubled now because of women are now getting jobs. Now even a man has a hard-time getting a job that will allow him to buy a house because he is now getting paid lower wages because the demand for a job is high. People are trying to get what they can now and it's not much because retailers have no problem finding employees who are willing to work for $5.15/hr.

Now the economy is worse than before and women now have to work. Men are now having a harder time supporting a wife and a child on a single salary.

It kind of seems like an ongoing cycle of death on the economy. Thanks to the less pay a lot of men cant support a family on a single salary. So no matter what sometimes the wife has to get a job.

Trust me I am not claiming to be an expert, 99 % of science students don't read, especially when it comes to extensive philosophiy and supersecular ideologue. To be honest I totally don't understand what your point is, I have tried time after time to read between the lines of your rhetoric (and might I add, a very extensive and elaborate, almost out-for-vengence rhetoric). You write very well, you probably should stop wasting your time here and start writing a book or something, i'll give you credit for your writing grammar and skills. The only rebutal, the only thing I found wrong with your passage, was this line.

A dumbass can pretend he is smart by buying wisdom at the bookstore.
How else is he going to be smart?
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satyr is indeed a sage and seer for our times
his portends of the future are inevitable

i see the savages resisting
what a tawdry spectacle

on a side note
i presumed that steve jones had used your thesis, The Feminization of Man as foundation for his acclaimed book Y: The Descent of Men
Here's what I know, nobody can make you do what you don't want..not for too long. For starters, feminity and masculinity are ideas closely related to the actual function of their respective sex. Here's what I mean about doing what you want. Some guys wear small shirts, tight pants, etc, because they like it, nobody forced them. Some women complain everyday about the subjectification women but time after time we see other women dressing sexy. You see, if you look at history, you can't force people to do or not to do something for too long. Things change, civilizations progress, education, technology emerges, globalization, individual innovation, e.t.c. All this things continualy give liberty to the individual, especialy when the society is non conformist. If a woman wants to be a governor of my state, no problem! Especialy if she is qualified, which takes us back to the word "function". Thats just what I think. Now, not that this has anything to do with anything but I am following the women's world cup with great ethusiasm. I mean, I hope I won't become gay. I find myself screaming and shouting for this women. Sometimes I really hate it when they are about to score and true women fashion...fuck up. But nonetheless, I like it.
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Talk about hypocrisy....What hypocrisy?

Uhmm, the fact that you get to run about insulting people without consequence, while the rest of us can't say "fuck" or "cocksucker."
But then, I suppose you should feel special. LIke, and I shall return to this simile, a retard on pudding day.

Oh palease...spare me the liberal gospel.

Don't read it.

Wars have been fought over you...well not you specifically.

Which ones?
Although there was a great War of the Beer Bongs fought over me, once. It was grotesque, people ended up drinking MGD.

Oppressed class!!!
We'll have to wait for the revolutionary thinknig that comes out of those brains of yours now that you are not "oppressed".

Probably, because I'm about to go to a friend's house to roll a fatty and watch Bergman movies. Or storyboard our zombie movie.
Oh, wait, I forgot that I'm revealing some SUPER INNER SECRET if I mention my life on here, so I can just see your response:

"Ha ha! Xev, you are a pathetic loser who likes zombie movies because they help you hide your fear of people whom you secretly suspect of being brainless and predatory! If you were feminine and dainty, men would like you, and you would not have a secret inner fear of a Young Christians Association group trying to batter down your door and eat your tasty, tasty intestines!"

Shit, this is actually easy.

No, seriously? You're on the other half of the more retarded feminists I've hung with. They might buy the idea of women being unilaterally oppressed over time. You buy the idea of men being unilaterally superior. Both of you are locked into this model of human behavior that states that, gee, one group is dominant and has all the power and all the money and all of the fucking Sour Patch Kids candy, and the other one has shit.
It doesn't really work that way.

Why do you think you are an "oppressed class"?

I don't, in particular, subscribe to Marxism. Hence I gave the link to Engels.
I am developing this interest in Marxism because I think I'm a closet Hegelian.
You see this is what people do when they don't have any particular need to flip out over every little thing: they present ideas, not to fight over them like little Paris-Hilton dogs fight over chew-toys, but to pleasantly bicker.
And I wasn't talking to you either.

Why has it not in the females case? Even feminism is a male invention, a byproduct of democracy and egalitarianism; a product of a culture of incorporation and assimilation.
I love that you had to resort to Marxism to support your downtrodden excuses.
Communism always attracted, just like Christianity, the weakest and most vulnerable groups and inspired retribution in them, promising social justice, whatever that means, and a paradise on earth based on sharing and loving and subduing every human instinct of self.

Lol, you're all over that trite easy-listening Nietzsche like a retard on pudding day.

You're so locked into an antagonistic mindset that you can't even pay attention to what I'm saying, so you use some hackneyed 19th-century social-Darwinist crap to argument that nobody has even made.

you must be aching to mention the fact, or the illusion, that you now have a boyfriend...oops there it is...Is this supposed to make you happy or is it supposed to make you normal?

FOILED! You saw through my cunning plot to seduce MIkenostic by mentioning minutae of my life, therefore making him insane with the need/i] to possess my troubled, gothic self, and then he will be more amenable to my super-duper-evil-plot to take over sciforums by means of GIANT FUCKING FLYING LLAMAS that shoot laser beams from their eyes.
In fact, here's a picture of me plotting:


Either that or, you know, I have a rapport with him 'cause he's cool and mentioned part of my weekend activities. The Detroit zoo, and I guess a lot of other zoos, will let you come during feeding time, and it's awfully fun.
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How else is he going to be smart?

Experience and discussion. Haven't you ever read any Socratic dialogues? Books can only teach you facts. In order to conceptualise those facts, you have to have some real life experience which either supports them or is analogous to them. Without discussion and experience, you're just someone who idly believes what others tell you; then you end up proclaiming it as if you thought of it yourself, without ever really understanding what it is you're saying.
How else is he going to be smart?

satyr was implying that people take credit for other peoples work, they read books and respond using information they have taken in, in turn spewing it out like a computer.

true books are excellent sources of information, it is how we have passed on wisdom and knowledge from generation to generation. but observing and thinking about things from observation of your own insight is a much needed part of true smarts. he was saying that instead of spouting out information you have taken in, instead why not use your own mind to figure it out through logic and give your insight.

it is true anybody who can read, can buy smarts at the bookshop. for instance i have read alot of philosophy, i can bang on about a huge amount of things that other people have wrote, and act like its my knowledge. but to write my own philosophy based on my observation and life within the universe from scratch is a different matter. (which im in the middle of doing). :eek:

Experience and discussion. Haven't you ever read any Socratic dialogues? Books can only teach you facts. In order to conceptualise those facts, you have to have some real life experience which either supports them or is analogous to them. Without discussion and experience, you're just someone who idly believes what others tell you; then you end up proclaiming it as if you thought of it yourself, without ever really understanding what it is you're saying.

Good post.
I'd amend that to say: a good philosophy book expands your way of thinking, stretches it (rather like a good shroom trip) and teaches you new ways to reason.
Experience and discussion. Haven't you ever read any Socratic dialogues? Books can only teach you facts. In order to conceptualise those facts, you have to have some real life experience which either supports them or is analogous to them. Without discussion and experience, you're just someone who idly believes what others tell you; then you end up proclaiming it as if you thought of it yourself, without ever really understanding what it is you're saying.

damni you, why did you go and beat me to it. i shuld have kept it short and sweet instead of yappin on.

Experience and discussion. Haven't you ever read any Socratic dialogues? Books can only teach you facts. In order to conceptualise those facts, you have to have some real life experience which either supports them or is analogous to them. Without discussion and experience, you're just someone who idly believes what others tell you; then you end up proclaiming it as if you thought of it yourself, without ever really understanding what it is you're saying.
But books are written by the same humans, and written by the intelligent and coherent ones. Books have at least been through endless profreading and criticism before being published. You can always count on a book. A lot of people say a lot of things, some of them could be borderline jargon. Your' re right though, but I wouldn't put it that way. Discussions are not the best way to learn, but the best way to improve what you learn.
^^ but pioneers push things forward, if you dont add to the greater wisdom then you havent done anything except repeat what others have already stated.

originaly by EmptyForceOfChi
satyr was implying that people take credit for other peoples work, they read books and respond using information they have taken in, in turn spewing it out like a computer.

I'm sorry, you are talking about Satyr, someone who also barely gives original ideas. I mean, I didn't realy read her posts but it doesn't exactly look original. A lot of people think its easy to be original, they make me laugh. You and I know its hard to be original, it takes special intellect to be original, but it takes discipline and determination most of all.
I'm sorry, you are talking about Satyr, someone who also barely gives original ideas. I mean, I didn't realy read her posts but it doesn't exactly look original. A lot of people think its easy to be original, they make me laugh. You and I know its hard to be original, it takes special intellect to be original, but it takes discipline and determination most of all.

it is very hard to be original!, actualy writing this philosophy of the universe is the hardest thing i have ever tried to do in my life. thats why it is taking me so damn long. but because it is so difficult to pioneer in the field of wisdom, thats why it should be held at such a high esteem and value.

even when i think of something on my own, through my own insight without reading it, i later find out after searching that somebody else has already thought of it before, and even wrote a book about it.

so even when you are giving original insight, you still might not be the first person to write about it.

it is very hard to be original!, actualy writing this philosophy of the universe is the hardest thing i have ever tried to do in my life. thats why it is taking me so damn long. but because it is so difficult to pioneer in the field of wisdom, thats why it should be held at such a high esteem and value.

even when i think of something on my own, through my own insight without reading it, i later find out after searching that somebody else has already thought of it before, and even wrote a book about it.

so even when you are giving original insight, you still might not be the first person to write about it.

Yeah I hate it when that happens. It sucks when you find out someone else has already done it or thought of it.
Yeah I hate it when that happens. It sucks when you find out someone else has already done it or thought of it.

Also it sucks knowing that even though we haven't found alot information on quantum mechanics yet but once it's figured out almost everything in science will be figured out.

After quantum mechanics what else would I think of? Quantum mechanics will put a completion on the rest of the Sciences.

What else am I going to think about?