The Feminization of Man

men can act femine but they cant become femine. in the west feminism is just another form of nagging. the person who loves his girl will provide security selflessly.
Is English your native language? I have read many of your posts now and I can't make heads or tails of them. It's like you don't know what words mean and just blurt out whatever nonsense you please. Why not get yourself a private tutor and rejoin us when you can express yourself clearly?
men can act femine but they cant become femine. in the west feminism is just another form of nagging. the person who loves his girl will provide security selflessly.

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i wrote fact.
a entity which is already established, and yearns to be another is repressed internally. i wrote "men who act " , the word 'act' is of immense importance here, acting is never real.
about nagging, i wrote it for humour purpose, the west and developed society is our higher octave, nothing changed, so nagging remains a constant. actually nagging makes women happy, women like guys who care for them, this is just one another way women love men.
radical femminsts have no male partners for most of the time, therefore they nagg on t.v.
1. lots of difference between hate and delusion
2. maybe we have language problem. since 4 yrs passed last time i had internet facility. so mine english is not good.