The Fate of the Cosmos Isn't Necessarily Dependent on the Amount of Matter

I didn't mean to be rude, I apologise; I've got carried away with myself and forgot that you don't strictly acknowledge the Big Bang event, is that right? I've come up with a rival title to your Quantum Wave Cosmology...wait for it...Spring Theory (I know.........I said "I know")
You weren’t being rude and don’t apologize because I don’t think you got carried away with yourself at all.

I do in fact acknowledge the Big Bang event. I often say that the consensus theory, i.e. BBT does not actually say there was a big bang nor does it say what caused the initial expansion of our observable universe. I then go right into the discussion of what could have caused the big bang event that BBT doesn’t mention. I show the process of concluding for myself that there was a big crunch, how it formed, and the new physics I suggest that could cause a crunch to burst (my QWC version of the Big Bang event).
I applaud your methodology :cheers: ; it's the same thing I did all those years ago. Did you feel that pseudoscience subjects were worthy of consideration during your study I wonder? (I included all the fringe topics, being influenced by things like Arthur C. Clarke's 'Mysterious World' etc, which I realised equated to looking at all the pieces equally for the first time in the first step to solving the ultimate goal, in the same way that I solved that jigsaw puzzle all those years ago)
I must be older than you are. After all, I’m on SS and middle aged people call me sir :).

Yes, as you acknowledge, the methodology is the only thing that separates reasonable and responsible speculation from idle and wild speculation. Those who refuse to see the difference haven’t spent much time trying to speculate about things that science does not yet have the answers for.
Yet you are not completed. I've had this same experience more than once, where you think you have made the final step of a solution, yet later find there is years to go before completion. Take my own example where I've realised that I've made a mistake in asking my 'Egg or Bubble Theory of Creation?' question. Only after reading 'Dark Side of the Universe' by Iain Nicholson did I see that my terminology was inconsistent with the mainstream. I should have been aware that the 'bubble universe' generally refers to a multitude of different domains ('bubbles') within a single immense universe (his diagrams are worth seeing). I think that the same principle applies to your web pages. The onus is on you to learn the latest mainstream thinking in detail and then express your ideas in a language that hopefully anyone can understand. You seem to have done a considerable amount of work already incidentally.
I would say we have both been around long enough to have a considerable understanding and appreciation for science and so being completed in one’s thinking about the universe is not an option. Insisting that everything that I include in my personal cosmology works together with internal consistency and is not inconsistent with observation and the consensus does not mean that I expect to complete it. It means that my personal cosmology satisfies me in that it is just that, internally consistent, not inconsistent with the consensus, and it will always be a work in progress.

The consensus has no cause for the big bang and doesn’t even say anything about time before 10^-43, i.e. it begins with expansion in progress. Oh sure, there are many theories that go beyond the consensus but I use the consensus as my starting point. I simply speculate about “before” 10^-43 using a defined methodology. QWC is drawn from science, science theory, and speculation. Nothing built on such a tentative foundation can itself every be considered complete.

You are right to point out that in my write up I use lexical definitions and avoid the précising definitions of specific theories, and I explain why I do that. My personal cosmology is not intended to replace anyone’s view of cosmology and it is a bottom up approach where all of the components are added one at a time so they all fit and work together to satisfy only me. Of course the similarities with the consensus are there from the start and the move from there to speculation is bottom up meaning that I don’t start with theories, I start with observation and speculation using the consensus as the starting point. To me it doesn’t fit to try to use words that have specific meanings within existing theories if I don’t incorporate that theory and don’t defend it.

I understand QWC and can answer any questions that refer to it specifically, but I can’t compare it to existing theories that I don’t incorporate into it because those theories use précising definitions that I don’t use in QWC. That makes the words I use the lexicon on QWC as I say in my introduction.

And you refer to what you and I do as work on our ideas while I don’t look at it that way. True it uses energy to have a personal cosmology as you can attest, but being a hobby and the most interesting of pass times makes it an enjoyable endeavor and not work as such, wouldn’t you agree?

QWC depicts a multiverse where our observable expanding arena emerged from a big crunch and that emergence, the big bang type event is a common occurrence throughout the greater universe that is made up of a potentially infinite number of other arenas. Arenas don’t last forever because they expand, intersect, overlap and the overlaps collapse into crunches from which new arenas emerge. Entropy is defeated and the greater universe is homogeneous and isotropic on a grand scale, while within arenas exists the micro scale where quantum mechanics operates.

The new physics that I suggest is necessary to make the two scales work together. By working together I mean that the new physics suggests a common cause of mass and gravity and that common cause is responsible for the crunch/burst process that is characteristic of the arena process of the greater universe. My endeavor is to get all of the ideas that I have discussed in my various threads documented using the step by step process and so the document itself is a work in progress at all times.

That is why I was asking if you have documented your ideas so that I could refer to the document and compare, looking not only for common ground, but for ideas that work with mine.
I meant to mention your comment about the 'Dark Side of the Universe' by Iain Nicholson. One of my well worn reference books is "Looking at the Invisible Universe" by Jespersen and Fitz-Randolph. The dark side is where it's at when it comes to unraveling some of the greatest mysteries. Reading about the great names and discoveries says it all in a kind of progression of understanding that is enjoyable to experience in books like those.
QWC depicts a multiverse, where our observable expanding arena emerged from a big crunch and that emergence, the big bang type event is a common occurrence throughout the greater universe that is made up of a potentially infinite number of other arenas. .
I still have a problem with your use of the word "arena" and "big crunch". I don't really appreciate the significance of the multiverse scenario or bubble scenario. Are you thinking in terms of hypersphere bubbles i.e. 4D topologies within a bigger picture? If that is the case, then the representation is from the viewpoint relative to "an imaginary higher dimensional being". Do you understand what I'm getting at?
I still have a problem with your use of the word "arena" and "big crunch". I don't really appreciate the significance of the multiverse scenario or bubble scenario. Are you thinking in terms of hypersphere bubbles i.e. 4D topologies within a bigger picture? If that is the case, then the representation is from the viewpoint relative to "an imaginary higher dimensional being". Do you understand what I'm getting at?
Arena and big crunch are used in their lexical meanings, i.e. common usage of the terms, as is all of QWC. Each term fits in the description of a picture of a greater universe that is composed of a potentially infinite number of active arenas (patches of the greater universe). I develop their usage throughout the document. And the arena process is a huge part of the step by step process that I describe in the sections I. and II.

I don't use the term bubble scenario and that doesn't apply but the term multiverse may be misleading and I don't actually use that word in the document. I used it poorly I guess to convey a picture but if you read Roman Numeral I. of the document about Step One in QWC, you would see how I develop the arena concept and how an arena is like our own expanding observable universe but is only a tiny part of the greater universe, all in 3-D space, no hyperspace and no physical coupling of space and time.

Read that part of the document again and if I isn't clear I am open to suggestion as to how to clarify it. This kind of discussion is how QWC has evolved to this point. If you tell me after reading the part labeled Step I. again that you still don't see what an arena is and still think I am talking about bubbles and hyperspace let me know.

And if you don't have a write up of yours for me to read you could use this thread to convey it step by step and then do the document from that.
Arena and big crunch are used in their lexical meanings, i.e. common usage of the terms, as is all of QWC. Each term fits in the description of a picture of a greater universe that is composed of a potentially infinite number of active arenas (patches of the greater universe). I develop their usage throughout the document. And the arena process is a huge part of the step by step process that I describe in the sections I. and II.

I don't use the term bubble scenario and that doesn't apply but the term multiverse may be misleading and I don't actually use that word in the document. I used it poorly I guess to convey a picture but if you read Roman Numeral I. of the document about Step One in QWC, you would see how I develop the arena concept and how an arena is like our own expanding observable universe but is only a tiny part of the greater universe, all in 3-D space, no hyperspace and no physical coupling of space and time.

Read that part of the document again and if I isn't clear I am open to suggestion as to how to clarify it. This kind of discussion is how QWC has evolved to this point. If you tell me after reading the part labeled Step I. again that you still don't see what an arena is and still think I am talking about bubbles and hyperspace let me know.

And if you don't have a write up of yours for me to read you could use this thread to convey it step by step and then do the document from that.
There's also the phrases that you use :

"Nothing yields nothing

Energy cannot be created or destroyed"

This seems in contradiction to the vacuum energy explanation for dark energy that you adhere to. Vacuum energy is based on the notion of 'particle pair creation', which annihilate each other a very short time afterwards. How do you reconcile this? Are you familiar with the terms 'conservation of energy' and 'conservation of momentum' and understand the difference between them?
There's also the phrases that you use :

"Nothing yields nothing

Energy cannot be created or destroyed"

This seems in contradiction to the vacuum energy explanation for dark energy that you adhere to. Vacuum energy is based on the notion of 'particle pair creation', which annihilate each other a very short time afterwards. How do you reconcile this? Are you familiar with the terms 'conservation of energy' and 'conservation of momentum' and understand the difference between them?
Yes I am and do. I'll refer you to this post from a discussion of SR. Check out the link I gave in that post. I think the consensus is still that acceleration increases the mass of the object which is what I was trying to pin down. Saying that Phyti and Prom had "taught" me otherwise was an attempt at diplomacy and my challenge was for them to say that the LHC does not increase the mass of accelerated particles. Neither of them replied.

In that discussion where I asked if you were familiar with the concept of vacuum energy density as it relates to Einsteins cosmological constant we were discussing Lemaitre not QWC. We didn't get very far in that discussion but I was going to relate the cosmological constant of GR to the QWC concept of energy density.

In QWC there is a greater universe that surrounds the dense dark energy of an arena like our expanding observable universe as it emerges from the big crunch. The energy density of the surrounding greater universe is very very low relative to the extremely high energy density of the expanding energy at the point of initial expansion of the arena. Why couldn't expansion be due to hight energy density surrounded by low energy density? Wouldn't the high energy density appear to expand as it equalized with the low energy density? And can you see the similarity between expansion due to equalization of energy density to the vacuum energy density that I linked to in that previous discussion?

If expansion occurred at or less than the speed of light and if equalization between the lower and higher energy density occurred at the speed of light, then the energy density of the expanding arena would always be completely equalized within and across the entire expanding arena, which is proposed by QWC. In other words, no matter where you are in an expanding arena the energy density of the background energy is always the same and always declining at the same rate as equalization between the expanding arena and the low energy density of the greater universe occurs.
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Yes I am and do.

In that discussion where I asked if you were familiar with the concept of vacuum energy density as it relates to Einsteins cosmological constant we were discussing Lemaitre not QWC. We didn't get very far in that discussion but I was going to realate the cosmological constant of GR to the QWC concept of energy density.

In QWC there is a greater universe that surrounds the dense dark energy of an arena like our expanding observable universe as it emerges from the big crunch. The energy density of the surrounding greater universe is very very low relative to the extremely high energy density of the expanding energy at the point of initial expansion of the arena. Why couldn't expansion be due to hight energy density surrounded by low energy density? Wouldn't the high energy density appear to expand as it equalized with the low energy density? And can you see the similarity between expansion due to equalization of energy density to the vacuum energy density that I linked to in that previous discussion?

If expansion occurred at or less than the speed of light and if equalization between the lower and higher energy density occurred at the speed of light, then the energy density of the expanding arena would always be completely equalized within and across the entire expanding arena, which is proposed by QWC. In other words, no matter where you are in an expanding arena the energy density of the background energy is always the same and always declining at the same rate as equalization between the expanding arena and the low energy density of the greater universe occurs.
I'm really sorry QW, but my enthusiasm has gone. My obstinate side is refusing to comprehend your dialogue, I'm afraid. Like you said, you're happy to understand QWC for yourself. I'm keen to show my ideas to the world in a simple way that a lay audience can readily understand and accept. I've decided to use an ultra-slow motion camera to capture the BBBB helical effect by using a drill to spin a hanging thread of heavy beads i.e. a practical experiment which will show my basic idea has some substance. This is what you are lacking IMHO. Best of luck.
OK, and good luck to you too.

Still, as you leave you should read Step I. which follows the preface and introduction in my Google.doc http://quantumwavecosmology.blogspo...d-max=2010-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&max-results=1 since you didn't understand the arena concept. And you should put together some kind of written document when you get the results of your demonstration.

And just to close, you replied before I edited and so you missed part of my previous post but I know where you are coming from. Thanks for the effort.