The Experience of Death by All Humans


Registered Senior Member
Despite the common misunderstanding that the deceased will be revived sometime after death, the Koran defines 'death' as an experiment that is to be tasted by all humans.

"Every soul will TASTE death."

Death is kind of a transformation. The moment that a brain stops for any given reason, the bio-electrical energy that is distributed between cells of the whole body through the neural system, is detached from the physical body starting to be removed from the foot fingers upwards... The same moment, the person's spiritual body disconnects and is freed from the physical body...

From then onward, consciousness lives on with a spirit body. Death does not cause any pause in consciousness. Most of the times even, the person is not aware that he has actually tasted death. While he perceives all sides consciously, all of a sudden he starts panicking because of peoples' weeping and wailing for him, and he feels extremely worried. He observes people attending around his corpse's bathing and the funeral prayer. And he gets into the greatest panic when his body is laid down in a grave, because he is still there in a conscious and alive state, unfortunately he has to be buried in a grave with his body.

Awaits for each and every one of us such an experience.
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Looks like first hand experience. Are you still alive or already a spirit ?!! :D
Don't you see? He's obviously a ghost who, due to some unresolved issue, feels compelled to keep haunting this boards.

May he find his well deserved peace soon.
Sufi said:
Despite the common misunderstanding that the deceased will be revived sometime after death, the Koran defines 'death' as an experiment that is to be tasted by all humans.

"Every soul will TASTE death."

Death is kind of a transformation. The moment that a brain stops for any given reason, the bio-electrical energy that is distributed between cells of the whole body through the neural system, is detached from the physical body starting to be removed from the foot fingers upwards... The same moment, the person's spiritual body disconnects and is freed from the physical body...

From then onward, consciousness lives on with a spirit body. Death does not cause any pause in consciousness. Most of the times even, the person is not aware that he has actually tasted death. While he perceives all sides consciously, all of a sudden he starts panicking because of peoples' weeping and wailing for him, and he feels extremely worried. He observes people attending around his corpse's bathing and the funeral prayer. And he gets into the greatest panic when his body is laid down in a grave, because he is still there in a conscious and alive state, unfortunately he has to be buried in a grave with his body.

Awaits for each and every one of us such an experience.
M*W: That was an interesting post! Thank you! I understand and agree with your statements. I've always thought that the spirit was something like electrical impulses or energy. When my mother died, I watched her lying there until the funeral home came. I had always dreaded the time my mother would go. We were so close. But as I watched her lifeless body, I had such a sense of peace about her. She looked so totally relaxed, as she was, but I didn't sense her "death" as an end to her life.

I don't believe that death is the end. The energy we had while we were alive doesn't just die, it make take another form, but our spirit never dies. Human beings do not have the total capacity to understand what happens after we take our last breath. Is that when we reach the highest level of inspiration? We like to think we will rise in the flesh, but we won't. That's just a fairy tale. Our bodies won't rise again, but our soul and consciousness will always be alive.

Death is a transition from the body to the spirit. When we say our body is "corrupt," that has nothing to do with "sin." Our bodies are "corrupt," because they are made of flesh and blood, and flesh and blood can decompose like every living thing. Our spirit isn't "corrupt," and it lives forever because it cannot die.
Sufi said:

"Every soul will TASTE death."

sorry sufi .
went you die that's it, switched of like a light bulb, extinquished like a flame, no more smell, taste, sight, hearing, touch, nothing the end, goodbye, your no more.
and when you religious people frigging get enlighten by this fact you may stop killing . in fact when anybody come's to understand that life is sacred, and you only get it once, you may all stop frigging killing.
everneo said:
Looks like first hand experience. Are you still alive or already a spirit ?!! :D

Both, everneo! :) I am alive with my spirit. Actually we all have two bodies at the same time.

Knowing death gives one something important:

You are no more a body haviing spiritual experience, but rather you are a spiritual being having a human experience --with a body for a short period of time on earth.
fadeaway humper said:
Don't you see? He's obviously a ghost who, due to some unresolved issue, feels compelled to keep haunting this boards.

May he find his well deserved peace soon.

Can you turn a blind eye to your friends who happen to walk together with you on the same road, and not share with them what you see as awaiting danger for all of us.
Dear Sufi,

I've heard that some departed Souls have had trouble separating from their dead bodies -- that it sometimes takes up to 3 days for Souls who had been very attached to the body to peal off.

But ordinarily Souls leave their bodies almost immediately after death. We see this in numerous NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE Stories. Within five minutes of having lost their lives, they are 'heading for the light' -- not frightened prisoners in a casement of dead flesh.
§outh§tar said:
@ the preacher

Why do you say that "no life after death" is a "fact"? :rolleyes:

Did you prove it?

I'd like you to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there is life after death.
without using the bible at all,(a book written by man to instill fear in men, not written by a god/god's.) and not stating that several people have had near death experience's, as there is no such thing.
people halucinate/dream, if two or more people had, had the same experience, at the same time and same place, then it might be a viable truth.
but that's not possible is it.

Leo Volont said:
Dear Sufi,

I've heard that some departed Souls have had trouble separating from their dead bodies -- that it sometimes takes up to 3 days for Souls who had been very attached to the body to peal off.

But ordinarily Souls leave their bodies almost immediately after death. We see this in numerous NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE Stories. Within five minutes of having lost their lives, they are 'heading for the light' -- not frightened prisoners in a casement of dead flesh.

It depends on the person's positive spritual power gained through practices and behavior when his brain was alive in this world. Easy permanent detachment from the physical body is a result of ability to live detached from the material world and worldly things and the ablity to be unidentified with the physical body while alive.

All the activities realized through the brain of a person throughout his lifetime are stored in his spirit --his hologramlike body of frequencies-- like the waves of sound and vision. Therefore, the spiritual dimension is directly accessed without any change noticed of life on dying. The person continues his life in a form of SPIRIT the same way as he was within his physical body!

There is one difference however: Although he is still completely alive and conscious (aware) as before, he cannot conduct his physical body any more! Similar to a permanent vegetative state (PVS) patient (the state of being permanent vegetable) he is alive and aware! He can observe everything going on outside, can hear and sense them, but he cannot communicate or respond in any way to his physical surroundings in the outside world.

Upon the release of spirit from the physical body, the life goes on within this spiritual state in a grave until Doomsday, which is known as the "life in a grave" or "grave life".
There is not life after death. Life is forever and death is a transition from one level of reality into the other. You do not need to wait till you die to see your truth.

"Die while you are alive."

Ah such delightful gibberish.

The moment that a brain stops for any given reason, the bio-electrical energy that is distributed between cells of the whole body through the neural system, is detached from the physical body starting to be removed from the foot fingers upwards...
LOL. Well no. Without an oxygen supply and nutrients the neurons simply stop firing electrical pulses. There is no independent bio-electrical energy that has a mystical life of its own as you imply. And who cares, your intelligence, memories, and mind are formed from the unique networks of physical connections between some 200 billion neurons and trillions of protein based synaptic connections. Once the cells of your brain stop receiving oxygen and nutrients they begin to decay and your unique brain patterns that form what is essentially “you” simply irreversibly collapse, and “you” cease to exist.

We could make an analogy to a computer. It is not the electrical energy flowing through the computer that gives it its unique abilities but its circuit design. Remove the power and certainly the computer dies, but there is nothing special about the energy that is no longer present. Add new power and behold a miracle, the computer is resurrected. The difference between us and a computer is that once our power supply fails our circuitry irretrievable decays and after that there is no way we can come back to life.

The same moment, the person's spiritual body disconnects and is freed from the physical body...
Riiiight! So what’s a spiritual body? What is it made from? Does it have any memory and if so where did it come from, and how does it work? If it does have memory based on its old physical brain how does it transfer the data from the 200 billions of neurons that are now decaying? What is its energy source? How does it sustain itself? Does it have any intelligence and if so how does it operate without 200 billion neurons to support it?

From then onward, consciousness lives on with a spirit body.
How? And where?

Death does not cause any pause in consciousness.
What is consciousness?

Most of the times even, the person is not aware that he has actually tasted death.
If you’re dead then you don’t exist and can’t possibly experience anything.

While he perceives all sides consciously,
How? What senses does this imaginary entity possess? And how do they function without a physical body?

all of a sudden he starts panicking because of peoples' weeping and wailing for him, and he feels extremely worried.
How can he “feel” anything without a physical body and a brain to generate such emotions?

He observes people attending around his corpse's bathing and the funeral prayer.
How does he observe without any eyes and without a brain to process the visual signals?

And he gets into the greatest panic when his body is laid down in a grave, because he is still there in a conscious and alive state, unfortunately he has to be buried in a grave with his body.
But wait - even this fairy tale is internally inconsistent. You’ve already stated that your mystical bio-electrical energy has detached from the physical body, and again you state the spiritual body is freed from the physical body, why then if they are separate must they stay with the body in a grave? Also what happens if the body is cremated? Or what happens if the physical body is blown apart in a bomb blast and is distributed over a mile radius and thousands of fragments? What does your fantasy spiritual body do then?

Awaits for each and every one of us such an experience.
LOL. Dream on kiddo.


Why do you say that "no life after death" is a "fact"?

Did you prove it?
Sure. There have been several billions of deaths in the history of mankind and not one of them have ever come back to life. A 100% success rate of death being the end.

If you can prove an exception then please do so.

If you can prove an exception then please do so.

Well Kat they are still waiting for Jesus!.

The idea of surviving death is not new, just another notion copied by the authors of the bible, quaran, etc.. The Egyptians and just about all ancient civilizations thought they could survive death, this comes from the soul-body dichotomy explained in some of Ayn Rand's literature, the whole idea is that they try to seperate consciousness, from the body, and call it a spirit, soul, enlighten counsciousness, etc.. and that energy exists in some other realm of existence, with us but not with us.. Crap..

Only after realizing that death is final and eternal, that no other realm of existence exists, and get rid of the desease of mysticism which has plagued the earth for milleniums, may we open the path to research means & ways to create biological immortality, or make ourselves borg like creature in order to continue living. We'r at the verge of and the point of technological advances such as earth has never seen we've only fighting this god-damn mystics and their shiet, infiltrated everywere and holding science, stagnating human development of biological immortality.

Godless said:
Only after realizing that death is final and eternal, that no other realm of existence exists, and get rid of the desease of mysticism which has plagued the earth for milleniums...

All of that would be quite true except for the proven incursions into our experience of the Miraculous and the Mystical. You know it is not all Vatican Propaganda. Take the Life of Saint Francis of Paola who began his Ministry down at the Boot of Italy. His Miracles started a firestorm of Religious Enthusiam -- the Vatican found it all quite difficult to deal with.

Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico caused 10 Million Conversion in 10 years. If that was a Successful Vatican Subterfuge, then we need to wonder why the Vatican did not play out the same 'trick' anywhere else.

Saint Vincent Ferrer was the most Miraculous Man in History... well enough documented. The Regions of His Ministry did not succomb to the Protestant Rebellion centuries later.

No, I believe your skepticism can only be supported by ignoring all the evidence that could refute it. You are a disciple of Ann Rynd -- a lady too concerned with getting rich and laid then with any evidentary concerns. Her wish was simply to replace Communist Materialism with Anarchistic Materialism.

You'll get no argument from me on that. How the heck do we bring all these muddle minded religionists to their senses? It is totally frustarting that they continue believe this gibberish is somehow true.

Katazia said:

You'll get no argument from me on that. How the heck do we bring all these muddle minded religionists to their senses? It is totally frustarting that they continue believe this gibberish is somehow true.


How do you manage to explain Miracles and Apparitions -- recent ones?
Leo Volent,

All of that would be quite true except for the proven incursions into our experience of the Miraculous and the Mystical.
What miraculous and mystical? Unexplained phenomena are just that, unexplained, they are not evidence for gods or souls.
