The ethics of reincarnation...

Sgal said:
What's bizzare? I don't think a human gets reincarnated into an animals body ever! I think there are separate spirits of different species. The cycle remains in the species.

haven't read much on the subject. but i had a dog, the only dog i have ever liked, and i loved him with everything i had in me. when he looked at me...he wasn't just a dog. couldn't be. he was too smart, too sensitive, too everything to be a mere dog.
aniamls portray characteristics of humans because they are living, thinking, breathing
Sgal said:
aniamls portray characteristics of humans because they are living, thinking, breathing

So the question is there that if an animal displays the same symptoms of life as a human (and also the same symptoms after death) wouldn't it indicatethey are active by the same potency, ie the soul?
The soul might be no more than a bunch of frequencies that just happen to exist all around us. I will not surmise as to where they might come from at this juncture.

As an example, just picture the frequencies/codes being transmitted over the internet and just imagine that there are no computers connected to the web anywhere, except just for this one server connected to a small group of users that's pumping out information. All the other computers in the world are like soulless beings, but as soon as they connect to the server they acquire soul.

Maybe living organisms are like computers that as soon as they're conceived are automatically connected to unique sites on this ethereal universal web and thereby acquire a soul. When the organism dies, its connection (energy) merely transfers to another-similar organism at its moment of conception.

The soul transceives information with the 'server' during the whole of its existence, both receiving and transmitting information that A) guides the organism in all manner of things and B) adds to the knowledge already contained in the server... knowledge that is used for wish fulfilment, mutations and evolution.
But i am saying because humans and animals have the living and breathing things in common, they display characteristics that are similar to each other, the soul cycle is different for each species.
but the differences pertain to the body only - I mean they display the exact same symptoms of life - its only the application of their life force that is different, not the life force itself
I just don't think that the intelligence of a human being can ever match an animal. I think the human soul remebers everything it learned when residing in a body(always human) and to put the soul inside the body of an animal would feel wrong and the soul would feel trapped. If souls were created first and then bodies they had to have a shape. An animal soul would have their own unique shape and therefore can only be in that shape of a body. A human can only be in a human body. Souls in their own species can change gender if they want to.
Sgal said:
I just don't think that the intelligence of a human being can ever match an animal. I think the human soul remebers everything it learned when residing in a body(always human) and to put the soul inside the body of an animal would feel wrong and the soul would feel trapped. If souls were created first and then bodies they had to have a shape. An animal soul would have their own unique shape and therefore can only be in that shape of a body. A human can only be in a human body. Souls in their own species can change gender if they want to.

it was always my assumption that souls were a sort of energy and that energy has no real shape. as far as the intelligence of animals. i don't think that animals are less intelligent. perhaps intelligent in a different way but not less so. parrots can speak and they have been trained (i use that word in case you won't accept "taught" but what is teaching but training?) to identify shapes, colors, textures, size, and all combinations of them. they can tell the difference between a car and a truck and differentiate between their trainers by name. are these parrots any less intelligent? or are they merely working with what they have? :D
Souls can't be mere energy. They are smarter than a human in the sense that they remember everything and they aren't limited to our plane of existence. The reason is because the souls are old they have been around for a long time. when the human race dies out thet will remember what is was like to be human and carry that experience into whatever they will do next.
I didn't mean to insult animals and I did mean they are less intelligent in the sense that they are missing things that we have. like the ability to create and imagine. Things humans are known for and anmals simply can't do. A human soul would never want to be trapped in an animals body because it would be too limited for a human.
Sgal said:
Souls can't be mere energy. They are smarter than a human in the sense that they remember everything and they aren't limited to our plane of existence. The reason is because the souls are old they have been around for a long time. when the human race dies out thet will remember what is was like to be human and carry that experience into whatever they will do next.
I didn't mean to insult animals and I did mean they are less intelligent in the sense that they are missing things that we have. like the ability to create and imagine. Things humans are known for and anmals simply can't do. A human soul would never want to be trapped in an animals body because it would be too limited for a human.

Just a question sgal, on what basis do you draw up your picture of the soul?

Do you rely on logic or thinking?
Do you rely on some other body of work, (scripture or otherwise)?
Do you rely on what you have taught or heard?

Just asking because when you say things like "souls are old" and give explanations on what the soul can and cannot do or be it tends to lead to an examination on what basis you say these statements
Its my logic. If the universe is old then so are souls. Everything must have been created at the same time. That I got from the bible. I just think it would be wasteful that a human soul would want to become an animal when it is more intelligent then that.
Sgal said:
Its my logic. If the universe is old then so are souls. Everything must have been created at the same time. That I got from the bible. I just think it would be wasteful that a human soul would want to become an animal when it is more intelligent then that.

Even in this life you can see that there are places and situations you don't want to be and ways how to get there - what to speak of the next .....
Sgal said:
Its my logic. If the universe is old then so are souls. Everything must have been created at the same time. That I got from the bible. I just think it would be wasteful that a human soul would want to become an animal when it is more intelligent then that.

yes, the bible says that universe is old. hell, science says that. the bible also says that man, as in the species, was created somewhere toward the beginning of all this, but the bible does not say that souls are recycled. it says that when people die they wait for judgement day and then, depending on the quality of their lives, they go to heaven or hell.
There were early christian scholars, like Origen, who had ideas akin to reincarnation - but they got axed by a political manouvere and their teachings didn't get absorbed into the bible -