The ethics of homosexuality.

Read my initial post I gave everything, even a breakdown of the figures, secondly that cite you posted only showed those who admit they are homosexual, of course those figures are deflated, it is not possible that only 10% of the population has feelings for the same sex, I gave you the stats, read my post again and don’t bother asking me this stupid question again.
First of all, the 10% figure is a bit on the high range--my site actually disputes this, saying it should "be about 1%--but 80% is just off the wall. Kinsey's 1948 didn't show 80% but 10%. "2. Fortune, 1991, p. 42: 'Kinsey’s classic 1948 studies suggest that about 10% of American adults are homosexual, a figure that more recent surveys support.'" Second of all, I don't see any reason for someon to lie during these surveys. If they don't want to mention their sexual orientation, they either will not answer the question or will not take the survey. Sure, this would skew the survey somewhat, but not as drastically as you might think.

So then homosexuality isn’t a sin then?
No, it's just an abnormal attraction.

There is disrespect to the sacrament if the sacrament imposes no age limits, the only limit the bible places is that of procreation, if that can be achieved you can get married, and have sex.
The Church imposes restrictions for sacraments. For instance, to receive communion in the western rite, someone must fast for an hour before hand, which is not mentioned in the Bible, however.

Smoking cigarettes is a choice, eating candy is a choice, homosexual sex is not a choice so much as it is a natural inclination.
Homosexual sex in most cases involves some amount of choice; otherwise, it would be rape.

Like I said natural law doesn’t exist, it is a individual interpretation and thus means nothing. The only laws that matter are those which are universalistic in nature, and really only liberal philosophy accomplishes that to any great degree.
Your so-called liberal philosophy isn't universal. I don't agree with it. It puts too much emphasis on the single individual to tell what harms them.
okinrus said:
Your so-called liberal philosophy isn't universal. I don't agree with it. It puts too much emphasis on the single individual to tell what harms them.

Which is a thing that could be problematic, I'll agree, however your authoritarian philosophy puts too much emphasis on everyone else telling someone what harms the individual without the need for using reason.
Yes, heterosexual aren't sexually attracted to other men. No inclination whatsoever.
Painting this as a black and white issue is the height of ignorance, and also a false dilemma fallacy.

Sexuality is a sliding scale. This is a fact.
Undecided said:
. Looking back at western history, the greatness of Greek, and Roman empires was when they tolerated homosexuality,

"Homosexuality" in Greece and Rome was a relationship between an adult man and a young boy (usually between 12-17 years old). The older man was called erastes and the young boy eromenos. The older man played the active role and the boy the passive role. This was tolerated, however it was seen as very shameful if a grown-up man allowed himself to be penetrated (play the passive role) by another man.

Alfred Kinsey’s 1948 study of the sex lives of 5,000 white males shocked the nation: 37 percent had at least one homosexual experience to orgasm in their adult lives; an additional 13 percent had homosexual fantasies to orgasm; 4 percent were exclusively homosexual in their practices; another 5 percent had virtually no heterosexual experience; and nearly one-fifth had at least as many homosexual as heterosexual experiences. Two out of five men one passes on the street have had orgasmic sex with men

Kinsey's study has been criticized because 25% of the males in the study were inmates, and many of them were in prison just for sex crimes. This is the reason why so many as 37% had had at least one homosexual experience.
The ethics of homosexuality. Hmm. Sure. Need there be ethics behind it? Someone looking for sex in anyway they can get it. Okay, not really, but that's how some of it is. Also, let's look at one's view of sex(mine)-A rejoiceing/triumph over one's own achievements. This achievement being A)Holding your own virtues and finding someone else who met them, or B)Finding someone of the virtues you desire/think are correct, and then coming up to meet their standards. Love as heroworship, just to the umpteenth degree. So, if one were to find someone of the same sex that these standards apply, then I don't see that terrible bad reason for it. Sure, there may be reasons for one to not go this far when that happened of the same sex, or there may be reasons for one to predominantly follow the same sex. That, I would consider, as the real issue(unless of course, you do not hold this view of sex). I don't see what the difference in ethics is.
Forget that. All of it. All of you have a point. Until there is a human born without choice of male or female then it is not natural. No other animal from dino to roach is having relations with the same sex!!! Unless we're evolving to this race then lets wait and see what happens. This is just like any other issue in this world. We won't know the problems that will arise from this issue until enough time has passed. Just like any new drug on the market. Sure is works great for one thing but will kill you in the end from another. All I can say is that every single human being in this world has to know deep down (especially homo's) that there are problems and there will be some MAJOR problems in the future that will seriously hurt this world if we continue to try and fool ourselves into believing that being gay is ok. No one and I mean no one in his RIGHT mind will say that being gay or lesbian is o.k. when it involves raising children. Nature is life : if I can use the earth as an example: Earth is alive, pay attention to what it does to survive. Earthquakes happen for a reason, hurricanes happen for reason just to name a couple. They replenish the earth. For our nation to survive we have to procreate. There's male and female for a reason. (I feel stupid to even have to say this. It should already be understood) No examples or statistics can tell you what is naturally correct. Are you kidding me ??? What is wrong with you people. Has anyone seen the movie She hate me. If not please do. Imagine that times 100,000 what he did in the movie for those lesbian women. It's just not natural.
From dino to roach? I believe you are forgetting seals. and selveral other animals at that, though there names escape me.

Yeah, but did any of us say that EVERYONE would be gay? Also, for those of you saying that being gay is a gene, a lack of procreating would most obviously help your case. Earth doesn't have natural disasters to replenish itself. That's what happens as a result, but tsunamis don't happen for the purpose of clearing out the world. They happen because of plates causing earthquakes underwater(or on land close to water), and it does this rather "impersonally", with no relation with what might happen. It just does.
JohnGalt said:
From dino to roach? I believe you are forgetting seals. and selveral other animals at that, though there names escape me.

Yeah, but did any of us say that EVERYONE would be gay? Also, for those of you saying that being gay is a gene, a lack of procreating would most obviously help your case. Earth doesn't have natural disasters to replenish itself. That's what happens as a result, but tsunamis don't happen for the purpose of clearing out the world. They happen because of plates causing earthquakes underwater(or on land close to water), and it does this rather "impersonally", with no relation with what might happen. It just does.

What are you babbling about. Where did I say everyone would be gay??
Also an earthquake is natural. What do you think an earthquake is ?? What happens when the magma cools ?? I'm from Florida,Hurricanes do replenish the land. Out with the old in with the new. Lived through enough of them to know. Anyway, I digress, that's not the point I was trying to make. Just said that Earth was alive and procreating, the same thing that humans have to do to survive. Can't do that fornicating with same sex.
Oh, so it's gay people's fault that there are AIDS, not because people ate friggin' colobus monkey brains?
get with the world, people. gayness is just as natural as straightness. its all depends on the chemical balance in your brain before birth.
its not a "choose" situation, as most christians believe it is.
AIDS and HIV has nothing to do with gay. They didn't start it, and it is just as easily spread from man to woman. Maybe we should ban sex in general, to prevent AIDS, and just have test tube babies(nothing against them, not that big of an issue, j ust an ecample).

I didn't say hurricanes don't replinish. They do, but that is not their purpose. they do not happen when an area is overpopulated or something of the sort, merely to clear it out. They happen because of weather patterns over the Atlantic(the one's effecting Florida), a long, long ways away. Yes, they do replenish, but that is not why they occur, as you seemed to state.
JohnGalt said:
AIDS and HIV has nothing to do with gay. They didn't start it, and it is just as easily spread from man to woman. Maybe we should ban sex in general, to prevent AIDS, and just have test tube babies(nothing against them, not that big of an issue, j ust an ecample).

I didn't say hurricanes don't replinish. They do, but that is not their purpose. they do not happen when an area is overpopulated or something of the sort, merely to clear it out. They happen because of weather patterns over the Atlantic(the one's effecting Florida), a long, long ways away. Yes, they do replenish, but that is not why they occur, as you seemed to state.

Nature is life : if I can use the earth as an example: Earth is alive, pay attention to what it does to survive. Earthquakes happen for a reason, hurricanes happen for reason just to name a couple. They replenish the earth

That's what I said. Also, who said anything about gay people handing out AIDS. Not me. I was talking about what the person posted before me. Stop reading what's not there. ;)
ReighnStorm said:

Also, who said anything about gay people handing out AIDS. Not me. I was talking about what the person posted before me.

So why did you introduce the subject of AIDS? I see nothing in the post before you that says anything about AIDS, and I see no notes indicating that post has been altered to remove prior reference, and since you didn't include that mysterious portion in your quote of the poster, why did you introduce AIDS to the discussion?
JohnGalt said:
AIDS and HIV has nothing to do with gay. They didn't start it, and it is just as easily spread from man to woman. Maybe we should ban sex in general, to prevent AIDS, and just have test tube babies

did you not read the thing that says "sarcasm" under my sentence?
i was more or less insulting the fact that many christians claim that it was gay people that started AIDS, when in reality it was stupid people eating stupid foods (monkey brain).
tiassa said:
So why did you introduce the subject of AIDS? I see nothing in the post before you that says anything about AIDS, and I see no notes indicating that post has been altered to remove prior reference, and since you didn't include that mysterious portion in your quote of the poster, why did you introduce AIDS to the discussion?

I really don't want to answer this, but.... Anyone (like me )would automatically assume AIDS when you think of homosexual (but that was not my initial intent) just like when you think of diabetes you think of black people or when you think of Alzheimers you think of old people. Sad but true. I know that there are many people dying from AIDS and HIV, just like many people are dying from cancer, kidney failure, liver disease so forth and so on. AIDS is not a disgusting disease that only gays attract, its a disease period :(
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I wasn't refering to your post hap, but storms.

Storm, as I said, gays don't have any more to do with AIDS than a straight person. Logically, more AIDS is passed during straight sex than during gay sex, as there is a lot more straight sex happening.

Did you mean anemia or jaundice in blacks, because those are both more common than diabetes(maybe not anemia(sickle-cell))?
JohnGalt said:
I wasn't refering to your post hap, but storms.

Storm, as I said, gays don't have any more to do with AIDS than a straight person. Logically, more AIDS is passed during straight sex than during gay sex, as there is a lot more straight sex happening.

Did you mean anemia or jaundice in blacks, because those are both more common than diabetes(maybe not anemia(sickle-cell))?

So, I guess what you're saying is that you agree with me about AIDS. Also, I did not say that what was common about those illnesses is why we think of certain types of people. It's mainly because that's what the media speaks mostly about. :bugeye:
I hear about jaundice in blacks much more often than diabetes. Just because you only hear that about a group of people dosn't a)mean that it's true in any way, or B)that it's true for the entire group of people.

And, I'm not agreeing with what you said about AIDS, since you said the opposite. I guess you sort of cleared your name, but that wasn't what you originally said. Nm, you post a ways back leaves thousands of interpretations. Guess I read it the wrong way.
JG, seriously you keep saying the same thing as I am. From hurricanes to jaundice !

"AIDS is not a disgusting disease that only gays attract, its a disease period"