The ethics of God

Do I agree to the removal of offensive violence from humanity by God

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • No

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 1 7.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Quantum Quack

Life's a tease...
Valued Senior Member
I had a dream a little while ago. It was an amazing dream as sometimes dreams are.

Here goes:

Standing in front of me in a large stadium on a stage in front of the worlds TV cameras was a simple looking man that we have come to know as God.

The world had known for sometime that this event was going to take place, the world’s media had been in a frenzy of headlines for about a month.

There in front of the world stood a man who had become God, his story was well known and evidence to support his title was easy and clear to see.

In other words there was absolutely no doubt about his achievement in becoming “God” not just for here on earth but the entire universe, every culture every rock every star.

With out obvious reason the entire stadium fell into a hushed silence and people sat quietly with no sound.

Slowly this man on stage moved to the microphones in the centre of the stage.

With a air of supreme patience he apologised for having to use the microphone as he had a policy that conventional communications were more appropriate for the best part of his work. ( “when in Rome......”)

This was the first time he had addressed the world using this medium.

He said he had just one question that he wanted us all to ponder on.

“As the reason for my success in achieving Godhood was due to my respect for the self determination and freewill of my people, my children, I ask you a question that you are fully free to find an answer to.”

“The world as you know is a very violent place, fear of violence is constant. You have been praying for world peace and I have been listening.”

“As you know I have the ability to remedy this situation, with out any restriction with in 7 days the world could be free of offensive violence of any sort.”

“The capacity to inflict intentional or insanely inspired harm can be removed from humanity. It will become impossible for any one to inflict violence on another simply because there will be no desire to do so.”

“This being achieved by careful changes in the world energy dynamic”
“There is no hidden agenda, and no negative impacts on other aspects or your humanity”

“ I ask you, is this what you want?”

“Or do you wish to continue in your struggle against war and violence on your own with out my intervention?”

“By my grace I grant you full choice in this matter”

“ One thing that is necessary to consider is that humanities participation in Universal affairs in the immediate future would be severely encumbered if you choose to decide to the negative.”

“Another thing to consider is that once violence is can always be restored just as easily.” “Do you wish to be part of an experiment?’
“Your answer is required within 30 days”

“A future is now pending your decision”

Upon which he moved away from the microphone an sat down, the audience slowly stood and noisily made their way out of the stadium.

This dream or vision left me stunned by it’s simplistic ethical dilemma.

How would you answer the question posed by God about violence?
I'd tell him to kiss my ass. It's too little too late. He lets us go for this long just so he can come galloping in on the airwaves and act like he's doing us a favor? He should have been here long ago. Now he can go to hell as far as I'm concerned.
There in front of the world stood a man who had become God, his story was well known and evidence to support his title was easy and clear to see.

"A man had become God"

The impression I got was that this was the first opportunity a "God" has had to offer this choice. Prior to this God was not single minded ands could not ask the question so therefore could not offer a solution.......
I might point out that the mere existance of God on earth in the flesh would have a profound impact on violence anyway and maybe this question is only entrenching this impact so that it is more permanent.....just a thought......

also ...personal privacy is also only given by grace too.
The ability to commit a crime without God's awareness is no longer true....
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I might point out that the mere existance of God on earth in the flesh would have a profound impact on violence anyway...


(BTW, should this perhaps be in the Religion forum?)
also ...personal privacy is also only given by grace too.
The ability to commit a crime without God's awareness is no longer true....


If you think about it a little......there is no secret that can be kept hidden....

I'll post a copy of the thread in the religious forum
"the ability to commit a crime without "god's" awareness" should read "without "God's" single minded awareness."
The reason I posted it here is because it has very little to do with religion and more to do with ethics.
I think a world without violence would be a much better place than this stream of chaotic atrocities we live in now. In your dream, it is said that it might be a drawback in universal politics. Well, I would rather live in a peaceful world and be annihilated by an alien existence than do it vice versa.
Violence is just irrational and insane.
hmmmm...actually the issue of violence amongst humanity is an "encumberance" to taking our place in universal affairs. There is no threat posed by alien cultures.

I would suggest that it is our violence and the asumption of alien violence that keeps us away from said aliens....our fear or paranoir creating a barrier to growth.
Standing in front of me in a large stadium on a stage in front of the worlds TV cameras was a simple looking man that we have come to know as God.

I have given a little thought to this bit...The man at no time has claimed to be God and is only given this title by the world in general.

I think the title God is way too confusing....and I might add limiting due to religious beliefs and varieties of opinion of what "god" maybe capable of.....
The point of it all is that it is an abstraction and not a reality....the poll is only a poll of a "what if.....? scenario...... but I do think it tends to reduce the value of the ethical question......stupid....yes I agree in hindsight.....
Perhaps I formulated my post a bit drastical. I will correct myself. It should go like this: Well, I would rather live in a peaceful world and be encumbered by the lack of violence rather than watch people getting harmed each day.
Strange question.

?The capacity to inflict intentional or insanely inspired harm can be removed from humanity. It will become impossible for any one to inflict violence on another simply because there will be no desire to do so.?

No more boxing? No more clipping children around the ear? No more consensual rough sex? Facetious examples maybe, but it doesn't reduce simply to 'no more violence'.
How could conflict be resolved? You would have to remove desire full stop, or else provide absolute authority for conflict resolution.

Far better for people to decide not to inflict violence. I'll take the world as it is and continue trying to improve our lot by ourselves through education and communication thanks very much.

(first post - Hi all)
Now that I think about it, the removal of violence tendencies would result in us all being vegetarians. We would be unable to kill an animal or am I mistaken?
I don't think we would all have to become vegetarians because one of the definitions of violence is simply "The unjust use of power." Which brings up another point.

Don't we have to specify the exact definition of violence before we can analyze it?
I think the definition of Offensive an insanely inspired violence is sound.

We all know what he is talking about. We all know the sort of violence he is suggesting be removed.

We all know that he could not have achieved what he has achieved ( becoming "God") with out incredible integrity.

Afterall you don't get to become a protector of the universe by any other way.

I would also suggest that he is suggesting a "minimalistic" approach and not a "maximum" approach. By this I mean he is only going to change things with the view to minimal change and not maximum change......Hard one to describe this.....
For example,

remove the ability to aim and fire a weapon at somebody. This alone would have a profound effect on humanity. For instance Iraq and any violence where a weapon is used. I might add the hands would be considered a potential weapon as would a car.
Free will is our greatest gift and our greatest curse. I will keep mine and defend it and yours to the death.