Do you wish to take issue with any of these rather obvious facts?
James, You made statements and I confronted you on those statements that led to this point in the conversation. I stand by every one of my statements and I've explained quite clearly why your definitions are laughable.
Can you tell me exactly which object in this universe isn't in motion and comprised of motion?
The universe itself is motion, at every level. For example, at the galactic level, the core of the galaxy has a massive black hole ( which also consists of elements in motion) in motion. Some of the objects in motion around the black hole are solar systems. They are made of motion, which consists of planets orbiting a core (the Sun in our solar system), again, made of motion. At every level of observation, "objects" consist of motion. Every element in this universe is IN MOTION, period.
If you deny this fact, specifically name the element in our universe that isn't in motion, and that doesn't consist of elements in motion. At ANY level, specifically name the element.
Your definitions of states of matter are fine for every day use, but when called on your definitions on the reality of it all, you stumble and stutter. It's because you are repeating what you've been told, and never really questioned it or looked at it from different angles. You've accepted it as fact, when in reality it is rubbish!
The reality of the universe is that all objects are in motion and consist of motion. The reality is, when an object's elements are analyzed, they are made of elements in motion, and those elements are also in motion, etc, etc... There is no level which you can analyze that isn't in motion or it's elements in motion. Period!