The E N D is near!

think of a vibration that equates to the level of interaction of the brain!

hey gill the soul issue is one i have heard in regard to grey activity!
could some drugs be used to induce the higher levels?(temp-like)

groove on
hey gill the soul issue is one i have heard in regard to grey activity!
could some drugs be used to induce the higher levels?(temp-like)

groove on
First, call me Gil, please. Not Gill !!!!

Yes, it's right- Many of drug can "induce" to the higher levels.

It's "the diffrent world".....

Anyway, about the clocks- they are just stupid machines.
Today,the humans are so dependend on those machines so we can't "understand" the "Time".

The situation here in Israel is really b a d , so I guess I won't write here in the next weeks.

Bye Bye Mr American Pie.....

We are going to a war.....

:( :( :(
hey all

hey gil sorry for the typo :(

hells teeth any chance of you moving to another country?

i would suggest australia, new zealand, or maybe ?????????????
some country that doesnt have nuke missiles(advertised)
and a few trees and fish.
i gues canada would be ok and irland.

i can only hope that a huge earthquake turns the gazza strip into a waste land so atleast some people will survive and israely tanks cant get acrros and the suicide bombers trip on the rockey ground and blowup only them selfs.

groove on all :)
cool dude
i just hate hte thought of the war thing :(

back to topic-
what end is near?..............thoughts..??????

groove on all :)
Originally posted by ripleofdeath
cool dude
i just hate hte thought of the war thing :(

back to topic-
what end is near?..............thoughts..??????

Before 3 hours (when I'm writing it) someone called Eli from Tel-Aviv sent me e-mail.
You won't believe it!
He wrote that he sucseeded to build a time machine.
He wrote:

"...Before 4 monthes, when I saw the tv show "Space Sliders"(Do u know this show?) the main character (Kevin) has talked that the quants theory (I hope I wrote it right) is the base for passing through dimensions. I've researched about it in the books, internet..... It has taken me a month to discover how to slide to other dimension. Yesterday I completed to build the time machine and in accident I was flown into the hole.
Fortunetaly, I reached a rope which was on the wall so I didn't slide.
I saw many shapes and colors in the hole.
Now I'm afraid to touch it....."

He's a lier, isn't he?
But maybe not......

I need to know more about Eli.

Bye for now
cool as
yeah it is possible but if he has got one that works he could be in big trouble since he has stated it on the net ?????????
i would say that he would have had visitors by now and you wont hear from him again!
maybe someone else typing in his computer but prob not him!
unless he has some vital error in the machinery which will create a one way gate! im sure that would not be seen as a prob if it goes out but cant come back!

:) keep digging gil

groove on all :)
Eli Hason & his time machine(?!)


Eli has written me again.
He has said he know telephaty and the "Eliens Language".
He had told me that he met many aliens.
He wants me to help him, but I still think he's liar!!!!!

Do U want his e-mail????

Hello people!!!!

Have U heard about the book " The elegant Universe" by Brian Greene?
It's a book about the hidden dimensions and explain the Universe and so on....

I still read it, and you M U S T read it too.

From the "Wall Street Journal", February 9th,1985:

Carl Saign: 'no, we are not alone'
A famous scientist pleads there are aliens,
he said: 'the chances that there are another intelligence life are very big!!!' "

I say go help him. However, you do run the risk of him being a psycho. He might also be in the secret governments agenda and is on to you. In that case, he's a psycho.

How to go to other dimension


Eli has gave me on the e-mail the base of the instruction how to create a portal to other dimensions.
Of course it's just the basic instruction.
He can't give me the all instruction.........

Anyway, it was originally in a Flash format, but because the site has no support to this format, I've changed the file to a BMP format.

Just look the file I've added!!!!!!

Gil Weinstein- seeks to a normal life.
Last edited:
What kind of bullshit is this?

GIL_W, What's all this bullshit you are posting about dimensional shifting and a guy who was a dimensional hole in his wall? Where are the plans?
Are you out of your mind? DO you have any common sense? If i tell you i have been in mars, would u believe me?


"Simple software for simple minds"

Welcome to sciforums. You are in the Pseudoscience section. It is alright to bullshit here and have fun....

Gee, foxcorp ...

Have you really ... really and truly ... been IN Mars?

I have a few friends that have been TO Mars, but none that have been IN Mars. Or did you just want us to know you're a caver?

That's okay too ... because I'm a skydiver.

Hey, kmguru ... you really can lighten up! Decent!
Being a skydiver just might qualify you for being in earth. If the chute failed....
hey all :)
yo foxcorp if you manage to get to mars again can you please take a core sample of one of the poles that are supposed to contain liquid CO2.
or what ever it is :/
and let us know what it consists of. :)
ps any other space travelers reading this?

groove on all :)
True, wet1 ...

But being the wuss that I am, I wear a reserve too ...

Just don't want THE END to be that near ;)
Not to be a party pooper but I've seen them both fail to help when needed.

There is indeed the possibility that intersystem material may well be partially hydrocarbon. In fact there is a competing theory that oil itself may not be a nonrenewable resource rather that it may seep up from near the molten core after it gets far enough away to participate out.
hey all
wouldnt that be a ground breaker!
i gues there is a huge debate on the concept of where to spend the research money with too little direction from the people and govt :/

groove on all :)