The Dispensation of Divine Revenge

Wow, take money for the people and build grand Cathedrals for the papacy. And while you're at it, they'll be needing new gold lining for their robes and a new crown-hat thingy to put on their head. As well as Kleenex to wipe their hand after demanding that their fingers be kissed by dignitaries.

okinrus, don't forget my posts.
Wow, so now you are arguing semantics even though the verse CLEARLY uses the word "saints".
Why do you say "CLEARLY" when two other Bibles do not use the word saint. I read "19 Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, 20having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone" to mean that we are citzens with those who have left the world and are in heaven? This is the definition of saint? Someone who is in heaven.

Why don't you go to a commentary to verify what I said then? The word saints, according to context, refers to ALL saints. It is VERY clear from what he says about God's household.
Yes, perhaps all saints but the word "saint" means someone at the present time in heaven.
okinrus said:
Yes, perhaps all saints but the word "saint" means someone at the present time in heaven.

Saints are those who are blessed with the Grace and Power of God. We do not know that every Soul in Heaven has such Grace, but we do know that every Saint we know of displayed their Divine Powers while still alive on Earth.

Mariantology teaches that there are 30 Graces represented by the 30 Rings on Our Lady's Hands -- 3 rings on each Finger. Most of these 30 Rings emanate Light which supply Her Saints with their Graces and Powers. Some Rings give off no light, and Our Lady explains this by saying that some Graces are not prayed for. There would be more varieties of the Miraculous except for the failure of Imagination of the Saints.

Christ is the Orignal Archetype of the Saint. Most Saints have not achieved His Level, but a few have surpassed it, at least as far as we know. For instance, we have no record of Christ levitating, flying or bi-locating. But we know of many instances of Saints levitating, flying and bi-locating.
TruthSeeker said:
Christ is not even dead! And you totally miss the whole point of Christianity. By far.


In the way we usually mean the term, yes, Christ is dead -- He is in Heaven and no longer has dispensation or commission upon Earth. Christ will 'come again', but until then He is as good as dead.

Mary, on the otherhand, never technically died -- not being murdered as Christ was -- and She was 'assumed' up into Heaven in Her Body which became Transfigured and Glorified. Mary has Appeared many times and does exercise a Dispensation and Commission, as Queen of the Angels and Guardian Mother of the Church and All the Faithful.
§outh§tar said:
I am a zealot, not a fanatic. :p

People often times forget the distinction.

In the same way as there is the distinction between bad breath and flatulence in those who irritate the rest of society by their stink.
okinrus said:
I'm also not sure how they would make money off of declaring someone a saint?

Typically, the Home Diocese of a New Saint throws a big Festival -- a Party --and lately even the Pope has been showing up. These Festivals go on for days and must certainly cost a lot of money... what party doesn't cost money. So money is raised -- the most wealthy members of the Parish typically volunteer to kick in the necessary funds. But the Church does not take a 'mark-up'. Money collected is spent.

Protestants like to defame the Church by accusing it of hoarding great Wealth. A strange accusation from those who brought us Capitalism. Their Virtues are vices when anyone but they practice them. But, yes, the Church does have its resources, rents, properties and investments. They use these resources to establish schools and hospitals, as well as fund the Religious side of the Church's activities. To demonstrate that the Church does not have an excessive wealth, the spate of Lawsuits against the Church as forced the closings of many hospitals and parochial schools.

When people speak of the Church having 'millions' of dollars, as though that is a great deal of money, they need to consider that economic prudence requires that Trustees for Charity NEVER spend their Principal, but only the INTEREST on their Rents and Investments. In a good Investment Environment this could be as much as 7 or 8% of the Principal being made available to run all of the Church's Charitable Operations each Year. But when the Economy goes sour, as the World Economies now are, returns on investments are significantly reduced.

People suppose that the Church collects a lot of money. They need to remember that the Catholic Church is the Church of the Poor. Unlike Protestantism, the Catholic Church does not implore its Congregations to Selfishness and actively promote slavery, as the Protestants did in the past, and exploitation in order to raise the level of tithes it collects.
Leo Volont said:
In the way we usually mean the term, yes, Christ is dead -- He is in Heaven and no longer has dispensation or commission upon Earth. Christ will 'come again', but until then He is as good as dead.

Mary, on the otherhand, never technically died -- not being murdered as Christ was -- and She was 'assumed' up into Heaven in Her Body which became Transfigured and Glorified. Mary has Appeared many times and does exercise a Dispensation and Commission, as Queen of the Angels and Guardian Mother of the Church and All the Faithful.
So you are saying Mary is greater the Christ? :rolleyes: Not only that, but you are also saying that Christ is irrelevant and that the Bible is wrong.
Nice "Christian" you are, eh? :eek:
TruthSeeker said:
So you are saying Mary is greater the Christ? :rolleyes: Not only that, but you are also saying that Christ is irrelevant and that the Bible is wrong.
Nice "Christian" you are, eh? :eek:

The Cosmis Christ is the Cosmic Christ. There is nothing more important then that. However -- The Cosmic Christ has nothing to do with any Human Being. The Cosmic Christ does not take appointments for any Protestant 'Personal Relationships'. Anytime anybody claims to have a Relationship with Christ, they are lying to themselves and lying to everyone else. Christ is above all That. Humanity murdered Him and now He will have nothing to do with any of Us until the Day of Judgment when it would really be His utmost Pleasure if He could shovel us all into Hell.

But Mary, after being Designation Queen of Heaven and the Angels, took it in Her Own Free Will to intercede for and Work with Humanity. So, YES, it is either Mary or it is Nothing. Protestants by endlessly insulting Mary have effectively decided upon a Spiritual Nothing. Christ will certainly do nothing for those who still insist upon heeping Ever New Suffering upon Him. For a person to claim that he can sin because Christ can be made to pay for it in Pain -- that certainly must be Spiritual Suicide. Satan, as Paul, who taught Christians to practice such a self-defeating Doctrine, must be laughing as Christians who think they are being 'Saved' are actually assuring their own Damanation. So, considering that Christ is not operating in the World, and that if He were, the Christian Doctrines would alienate Him, the Protestants (and even many Catholics) are left with nothing. Mary IS Humanity's only Hope.

Being a "Christian" is nothing to brag about. The term was used orignally to apply to Paul's Congregations. Jesus had no intent of creating 'Christians' -- He came to give the Jews a New Dispensation. We were to be New Jews, not "Christians", especially not Christians who gloried in the Murder of Christ.
Leo Volont said:
The Cosmis Christ is the Cosmic Christ. There is nothing more important then that. However -- The Cosmic Christ has nothing to do with any Human Being. The Cosmic Christ does not take appointments for any Protestant 'Personal Relationships'. Anytime anybody claims to have a Relationship with Christ, they are lying to themselves and lying to everyone else. Christ is above all That. Humanity murdered Him and now He will have nothing to do with any of Us until the Day of Judgment when it would really be His utmost Pleasure if He could shovel us all into Hell.
So you are saying that Christ is evil and want to kill us all? I thought that was the devil... :rolleyes:

So... I guess He forgot all His own teachings such as "love your enemies", forgiveness and "show your other cheeck"...... :rolleyes:

But Mary, after being Designation Queen of Heaven and the Angels, took it in Her Own Free Will to intercede for and Work with Humanity.
Where is this written?

So, YES, it is either Mary or it is Nothing. Protestants by endlessly insulting Mary have effectively decided upon a Spiritual Nothing.
Where do protestants insult Mary?

Christ will certainly do nothing for those who still insist upon heeping Ever New Suffering upon Him. For a person to claim that he can sin because Christ can be made to pay for it in Pain -- that certainly must be Spiritual Suicide. Satan, as Paul, who taught Christians to practice such a self-defeating Doctrine, must be laughing as Christians who think they are being 'Saved' are actually assuring their own Damanation.
I could sort of agree here. I don't think Paul was Satan teaching something wrong. I think people interpret it badly. It is certain that we are forgiven. But wheter we accept that forgiveness is another thing. Besides, Paul himself said that we shouldn't sin despite our protection.

Romans 6:10-18
"10 For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God.
11 Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus.
12 Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts,
13 and do not go on presenting the members of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God.
14 For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace.
15 What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? May it never be!
16 Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness?
17 But thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were committed,
18 and having been freed from sin, you became slaves of righteousness. "

Full Chapter

All Romans explain those things. They also deny Catholicism.

I don't think Paul is Satan. I think you are!

So, considering that Christ is not operating in the World, and that if He were, the Christian Doctrines would alienate Him, the Protestants (and even many Catholics) are left with nothing. Mary IS Humanity's only Hope.
So considering that noone is left, we can only hope for Mary? Nit even Mary you spare! Do you!?

Being a "Christian" is nothing to brag about. The term was used orignally to apply to Paul's Congregations. Jesus had no intent of creating 'Christians' -- He came to give the Jews a New Dispensation. We were to be New Jews, not "Christians", especially not Christians who gloried in the Murder of Christ.
Names... do you think God care about names? God is not superficial, you know? Besides, Jesus came for the Gentiles as well.