The Dispensation of Divine Revenge

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
The Dispensation of Divine Revenge

The People who call themselves Christians because they claim to benefit from having had Murdered the Christ, claim that their Sins are forgiven and that they are Blessed by the Grace of God. But by the way God has rained down His Wrath, does it really seem that God has forgiven any Sin? By the way God rains down His Wrath, does it really seem that God is bestowing His Grace?

But God’s Wrath has not been total, because certainly not everyone murdered Christ, and then not everyone rested on that Murder as the source of their Salvation. Opposed to the Antichrist Paul’s contention that Murdering the Messiah was the culminating point of Religious Destiny, we have the Doctrines of Mary and the Saints who reiterated the actual Teachings given by Christ – Penance and Conversion, Righteousness and Love. But even among the Saints there were those who still taught the efficacy of Christ’s Blood. Of them Christ asked the Suffering of the Stigmata. Even the Saints, if they were to claim benefit by Christ’s Suffering, would have to endure the revenge of Christ’s Suffering.

Christ did not need to be murdered. Christ had already established the Bloodless Sacrifice of the Eucharist – the Bread and the Wine as the Real Body and Blood. The Eucharist was not supposed to be a Death-for-Life kind of thing. The Eucharist was to be a Divine Nourishment Sacrament – Ingest Christ to become Christ. Christianity would grow up split between the influences of the False Salvation by Death, and the True Christly regeneration through taking the Holy Sacrament. Our Lady the Blessed Virgin would come to sponsor any Church that would honor the Holy Sacrament as Real. Likewise, She would reject any Church that would reject it. How abominable can it be to suppose that Christ’s Mother could support a congregation that celebrates that they have murdered Her Son? So the Protestant Sects are outside of the Pall of Her Grace.

But, there is no avoiding the apparent reality that since the Murder of the Messiah we have been living in a Dispensation of Divine Revenge. The Messiah was to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth. Instead, Humanity soundly rejected God. John the Baptist was killed – cutting off the Head of the Messenger. Then the Son was crucified. It would not be possible to insult God any worse. Our Punishment has been the bloody History of the last two thousand years.

We should endeavor to fix this Big Problem. Instead of insisting that God reward us for having Murdered His Son, we should do the obvious – something that entirely escaped Paul the Antichrist – we should all sincerely apologize to God for this abomination.

Believe me, God will never try again to work with us – we will not see the 2nd Coming – until we can convincingly repent for the poor reception we gave the 1st Coming. I would add that we need also serve Penance and Atone; however, History clearly shows we have already been serving penance and atonement. The Bloody 20th Century could be accepted as finally Enough. But the only way the Suffering can be brought to an end is if we renounce this Violence we have committed against the Divine. Surrender the Salvation which we do not deserve and plead instead for Mercy.
I once had a dream that I was crucified not once but three times. The first time I was so terrified that they had to kill me first with an injection before they could nail me up. The second time I was still afraid but I went through with it and suffered with some shred of dignity until the end. The third time I went to the crucifixion as though I was going to a well deserved and much needed rest.

I once had a dream that I was crucified not once but three times. The first time I was so terrified that they had to kill me first with an injection before they could nail me up. The second time I was still afraid but I went through with it and suffered with some shred of dignity until the end. The third time I went to the crucifixion as though I was going to a well deserved and much needed rest.

When you drown your life in horrific fairy stories like Christianity, and especially Catholicism, you should expect to have related nightmares.

Our Punishment has been the bloody History of the last two thousand years.

So why were we being punished for the prior two thousand years that were even more bloody and violent? It would appear that the outbreak of Christianity didn't change anything, in effect a non-event.
Cris said:
When you drown your life in horrific fairy stories like Christianity, and especially Catholicism, you should expect to have related nightmares.

Don't mess with the man, fool! Word has it that he commands an army of thirty (30) powerful Angels. So, watch your step.

Ah ha thanks for the warning but of course 30 toons are just as powerful as zero. ;)
Leo Volont said:
I once had a dream that I was crucified not once but three times.
Three times? My! You don't go easily do you? I once had a dream that I was flying a plane and then realised that I didn't know how to fly and I crashed. It was a dream Leo. A dream! It doesn't mean anything. It is not a prophecy. Just a dream.

The first time I was so terrified that they had to kill me first with an injection before they could nail me up.
So I'm guessing that this crucifixion was set in modern times? After all, injections were not around when such forms of punishment were the norm. I mean, can anyone remember any stories of Christ being given a shot of valium or morphine before he was nailed?

The second time I was still afraid but I went through with it and suffered with some shred of dignity until the end.
'Suffered with some shred of dignity' how exactly? You did not yell or scream or cry?

The third time I went to the crucifixion as though I was going to a well deserved and much needed rest.
Mmm hmmm! And now you have arisen fresh as a daisy I take it?

Our Lady the Blessed Virgin would come to sponsor any Church that would honor the Holy Sacrament as Real. Likewise, She would reject any Church that would reject it. How abominable can it be to suppose that Christ’s Mother could support a congregation that celebrates that they have murdered Her Son?
Mmm hmm. So each time your priest makes a comment of how Christ died for your sins, you stand up there and call him an abomination because Mary would not support such a stance? Or do you feel that you can justify and absolve yourself because you have convinced yourself that the little piece of wafer you suck on at mass really is the body of Christ?

So the Protestant Sects are outside of the Pall of Her Grace.
How do you know? How can you be 100% sure that this is so? Where's your proof?

And I don't mean one of your so called dreams and visions or silly moments of clairvoyancy, but actual proof that Mary would not 'sponsor' the Protestants or any other religion except Catholicism.

You really do have something against Protestants don't you?

Chris said:
When you drown your life in horrific fairy stories like Christianity, and especially Catholicism, you should expect to have related nightmares.
Heh! Classic! Well said. :p

Welcome back Chris. :D

Hi and thanks. sciforums is just too addictive and I just couldn't survive the withdrawal symptoms. :(
Bells, the wafer is Christ and I believe this was revealed to me. Leo is in error in this regard because the disposition that one must have before receiving the sacrament. The graces received are only receive inasmuch as one trusts in the efficacy of the Sacrament.

Loosely speaking he is correct that Christ did not *need* to be sacrificed because God does not need to do anything. However, the Eucharist proclaims the resurrected Christ, while Baptism proclaims his death. Death and resurrection are necessary to have Baptism and the Eucharist.

As for what Leo is saying about Protestants, I've tried to ask him what's with his attacks on Protestants are, and he has yet to give a good answer.
Jesus fortold of his death and rebuked his disciples for vowing to never let him die.

What on earth are you talking about??? It was deliberate.
okinrus said:
Loosely speaking he is correct that Christ did not *need* to be sacrificed because God does not need to do anything. However, the Eucharist proclaims the resurrected Christ, while Baptism proclaims his death. Death and resurrection are necessary to have Baptism and the Eucharist.
True. Jesus did not have to die, but it was foretold that he would. He knew he would be killed and when. His father could have saved him but did not. Could we say that the mother of Jesus would also feel resentful towards God? I'm sure that Jesus screaming out 'why have thou foresaken me' to his father might show some resentment. Lets face it though, without his death and resurrection, the story just wouldn't be as catchy.

As for what Leo is saying about Protestants, I've tried to ask him what's with his attacks on Protestants are, and he has yet to give a good answer.
There is no good answer to give. He, like so many of the self proclaimed pious, claim to love and believe in the higher beings, but their words and actions just don't follow suit.
True. Jesus did not have to die, but it was foretold that he would. He knew he would be killed and when. His father could have saved him but did not. Could we say that the mother of Jesus would also feel resentful towards God? I'm sure that Jesus screaming out 'why have thou foresaken me' to his father might show some resentment. Lets face it though, without his death and resurrection, the story just wouldn't be as catchy.

You can predict the outcome of a Superball Game, but that is a matter of Winning versus Losing... not Right versus Wrong. Prophecy predicted that Evil would triumph, a FACT that did transpire. Prophecy did not say that this is whould SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED.

Now, to reiterate my problem with Protestants -- they believe that it was a wonderful thing to murder Jesus so that they could benefit thereof. That is spiritually sick. It set a precedent for the Protestant attitude for exploiting the suffering of everybody and everything else. If they can Kill Christ for their salvation and so they can enjoy an unrestrained Sinful Lifestyle without worrying about guilt, then why not exploit workers, destroy the environment, and commit genocide against the Developing World. Protestantism, by its emphasis on Forgiveness rather than Righteousness, proves to be the Anti-Religion. Today's Protestantism is The BEAST.

We know this from Prophecy. Simeon the last Prophet of the Jewish Tradition, before the Dispensation of the Abraham was brought to a close, prophecized that we would know what was in peoples' secret hearts by their attitude toward Mary. Have you ever noticed that no Protestant can ever let any opportunity pass to insult Mary. Thereby we know they are headed for a certain damnation. They kill the Son and never tire of hating the Mother. It is amazing they do not recognize themselves as the Minions of Satan.
Christ had already established the Bloodless Sacrifice of the Eucharist – the Bread and the Wine as the Real Body and Blood.
Didn't that happen at the last supper? ...which wouldn't have taken place if it wasn't the last. I think it was a lesson. We are literally what we eat, the world is our body. Everything is interconnected, that is why it is natural to treat your neighbor as yourself.
@ spidergoat

"We are literally what we eat, the world is our body."

What would that say about cannibalism? :D
I hear cannibalism used to be more widespread. That could have been how the neanderthals dissapeared.
Leo Volont said:

We know this from Prophecy. Simeon the last Prophet of the Jewish Tradition, before the Dispensation of the Abraham was brought to a close, prophecized that we would know what was in peoples' secret hearts by their attitude toward Mary. Have you ever noticed that no Protestant can ever let any opportunity pass to insult Mary. Thereby we know they are headed for a certain damnation. They kill the Son and never tire of hating the Mother. It is amazing they do not recognize themselves as the Minions of Satan.

Protestants are the minions of Satan.


When I stop laughing in just a moment... :D

Well there are those who discard the Bible as our source of Divine revelation and then there are Protestants.. Learn.
spidergoat said:
I hear cannibalism used to be more widespread. That could have been how the neanderthals dissapeared.

i can see it now, visting two neaderthals who just had a baby, "hi, we had a boy! wanna bite?".......and slowly they died away.

sorry, just the first thing that came to mind when i read that. :D

leo, interesting reading, who wrote it?

Leo Volont said:
Now, to reiterate my problem with Protestants -- they believe that it was a wonderful thing to murder Jesus so that they could benefit thereof. That is spiritually sick.
Hmmm interesting. So every Good Friday they're throwing a party during mass?

It set a precedent for the Protestant attitude for exploiting the suffering of everybody and everything else.
It did? Where's your proof? Ah yes here it is...

If they can Kill Christ for their salvation and so they can enjoy an unrestrained Sinful Lifestyle without worrying about guilt, then why not exploit workers, destroy the environment, and commit genocide against the Developing World.
Oh so now it's the Protestants who killed Christ? And for their salvation no less? And pray tell, what 'unrestrained sinful lifestyle' do they lead? I'm amused by the fact that you fail to point out how the Catholic Church is also guilty of the exploitation of workers, the destruction of the environment and also for the committing of genocide and their turning a blind eye to the happenings of genocide around them in the developing world. Ah but yes, you would probably equate the Catholic Churches role in such situation as being 'ok' because they believe in the Virgin Mary. :rolleyes:

Protestantism, by its emphasis on Forgiveness rather than Righteousness, proves to be the Anti-Religion. Today's Protestantism is The BEAST.
And what is The Religion in your view? You who spouts such things as saying that sex is a sin as is the sanctity of marriage and that's just for starters. Oh that's right, that's you claiming to be righteous and not forgiving so that you get an express ticket to heaven. You who has put himself above others and judging the religions of others to be 'The Beast'.

Have you ever noticed that no Protestant can ever let any opportunity pass to insult Mary.
I know many protestants and I have never once heard them insult her in any way.

Thereby we know they are headed for a certain damnation.
No, thereby you ASSUME that they are headed for certain damnation. It would be amusing if you were wrong and it is you who spends some time roasting in damnation for passing such judgements on others.

They kill the Son and never tire of hating the Mother. It is amazing they do not recognize themselves as the Minions of Satan.
Who killed the 'Son' again? Couldn't have been protestants since their religion, same as catholicism, did not exist when Christ was killed.

And what does amaze me is that you have taken it upon yourself to judge them as the 'minions of satan'. Who made you God to pass such judgements?