The Disclosure Project Revisited

Blame it all on politics.
We don’t use hydrogen fired boilers because they are too dangerous.
Like gasoline, propane, natural gas et all isn’t dangerous?
We don’t use energy transmission of power for control.
It all boils down to CONTROL people.

The mark of all great conspiracies is the corruption of common knowledge.
If this government/s has the technology (so says the paper) then why doesn't it use it openly?

because they have quite a tight grip on the oil business buddy.
open your eyes.
where are are troops fighting and killing? oh, shit, what a coincidence, the richest oil part of the world.
holy shit! we are running out of OILs? what a nother shit shaking coincidence !

.i dont believe in coincidences.
The government doesn't release technology unless they're still ahead of the public. Only "old" technology is released. So if one day they do release some alternate form of energy, just imagine what they DO have in place of that. It's not a conspiracy theory, it's just plain common sense actions for one to remain in control.

- N
No one has read the breifing have they.
I know I know, its a hundred pages long.
Oh well.
Life goes on.
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I will be reading it, but i shall print it out first because i hate reading long text off the computer screen.

Thanks for posting it btw
There are serious problems with the Disclosure Project, and Dr. Greer in particular. I have little hope for this effort.

The witnesses are stellar for sure, but the effort is not.
Damn cool, you really know how to mess up an evenings reading. (grins)
I too have a problem with the whole disclosure thing. And I think I know why this is so damned difficult. If indeed there was an “Alien War” in our solar system and the governments have known about it since about 1956, I see their dilemma.
craterchains (Norval said:
Damn cool, you really know how to mess up an evenings reading. (grins)

Just trying to keep people from deluding themselves.

Greer has completely fouled up any chance he had by including far out fringe stuff like claiming the Gov. already had some kind of super clean energy source, something he has presented zero evidence in support of.

Then there is the space weapons thing. This is a highly controversial political issue. He has made politicians feel like they must support his views on this if they are going to support disclosure.

There is a mountain of credible evidence that proves beyond reasonable doubt the existence of UFOs/ETs. Unfortunately he has put that on the backburner in favor of this other unrelated stuff.

Let's focus on getting disclosure first, then we'll have plenty of time to worry about all the consequences relating to it.

Greer has bitten off WAY more than he can chew. In a process that has made so little progress over so long a period, this is a fatal mistake.
Unfortunately, I agree with you on your views.
Not thoroughly, but cautiously.
He definitely has put himself out on a limb with zero point energy.
That is not just a needle in a hastack, but at this early on in a development of disclosure, its the needle in a hay feild.
The integrity of this man to go as far as he did, is nothing short of incredible.
But I guess if your gonna go for it,...go for it.
A key issue to his dilemma and ours is TIME.
We are running critically short of reaching a point of no return.
Social etiquite is becoming less and less of an asset.
Even though, if the principle in all of this is in fact that we have indeed come in contact with an advanced technological race, then this technology indeed exists.
It may have become an issue of "Now or Never".

An issue I am not quite clear upon is the "Star Wars" system we are supposedly setting up in space. This would be one of the more accessible areas the ET's would be able to shut down themselves before it is even reached near completion.
"Then there is the space weapons thing. This is a highly controversial political issue. He has made politicians feel like they must support his views on this if they are going to support disclosure."
Can you share with me where you have gotten information leading you to this conclusion?
His site is littered with claims that space weapns need to be stopped. Some of his witnesses ONLY testify on this point. If you look at his list of goals (or maybe he called it a summary), several of the items revolve around this point.
moementum7 said:
"Then there is the space weapons thing. This is a highly controversial political issue. He has made politicians feel like they must support his views on this if they are going to support disclosure."
Can you share with me where you have gotten information leading you to this conclusion?

He has stated that his project will continue until all goals are met, including banning space weapons. So in his view even if a government official stood up tomorrow and declared ET was a reality, he would not have accomplished his mission.

He has made no effort to approach people on disclosure alone, only on the grand scheme of things as he sees it. He claims he already knows the aliens' motives and attitudes toward us. This is an outrageous claim. When there is disagreement over whether there is enough evidence to prove their existence, determining their disposition toward us is certainly not feasible at this time.

There are other problems. He is a deluded visionary. He basically says that once the alien presence is known and this remarkable energy source made available, all the worlds problems will go away and mankind will live in peace and harmony. This makes him sound even less credible.

He claims the aliens are totally benevolent and have no hostile intentions. Abductions and cattle mutilations (if they are related to UFOs/ETs) certainly suggest a different picture. Ignoring that though, there are his past claims.

He said years ago that he had already made contact with ET by flashing lights into the sky. He offered people the chance to experience this "privilege" with him for only the modest sum of $400. Many people took him up on it and he organized groups where people stood around and pointed flashlights into the sky. There is disagreement among them over whether they saw anything of consequence, but not over what the cumulative effect on Greer's bank account was.