The Disclosure Project Revisited


~^~You First~^~
Registered Senior Member
Let me just start by saying.....this shit is real.
I have seen these mettalic crafts myself in broad daylight with a freind.
No if and or buts. Not lighting tricks, airplanes, or hot air balloons.

This is a thread to discuss THE leading disclosure project in existence today.

Skeptics, if you are truly serious about discerning the truth for yourself, please feel free to go over one of the most thorough breifings on this matter.
The breifing is quite thorough and in depth.
This is what happens when a matter of importance is taken seriously.
And remember that the mark of an intelligent man is to be able to entertain an idea, without having to beleive it.
So if you are to embark on this particular threads discussion please read the breifing thoroughly. It is long and in depth, this is productive as it will keep out any of the half assed skeptics only looking to pass the time.
As for others who already know, this will be of use to you as well.

As I am learning more and more of how dis-information, ridicule, threats, dissapearances and how the general public has been persuaded to look the other way through mass media in the face of all that has come forth,
it is no longer a secret, it is only a self secret.
Choosing to over see any admission towards this matter that does not currently fit within your paradigm.
If you have the capability for abstraction, and give an honest 10 minutes of consideration to the implications of what the full disclosure of this matter would mean to you, and the direction of human dvelopmant, then please continue.

Any skeptic who is true to himself,stands on integrity, and a man who when intent upon discovering for himself the truth, when confronted with an issue he deems of at least significant importance to himself, will go to those ends within his own power and discover the truth for himself.
So I will do my part and provide the link to this breifing.

I have always been one to speak his mind on matters, only to a point of not wanting to stir the pot or intrude on anothers sense of security.
However, it has come to a point where this matter has become more than just an issue of whether or not there are little green men visiting us, it has of the UPMOST IMPORTANCE FOR THE SURVIVAL OF MANKIND ON THIS PLANET.

A forwarning to any skeptic who thinks it is my job to change your mind.
I am not that stupid, short sighted, arrogant or ignorant to beleive so.
Feelings and conditioning of social politeness to not step on any toes on this matter is over. So forgive me in advance to any straight forward bluntness I may imply to any one expecting ME to change his/her mind on this matter.

I have come to a cross roads on this matter where I am no longer able to just sit on the sidelines taking it up the ass from our so called leaders in government.
This matter deserves the upmost in scientific research and collaboration of intelligent minds to bring this phenomena to a full and total disclosure.

So just how easy would it be to finally come to terms with THE BIGGEST COVER UP AND SECRET in human history.
Not easy, and I definitely understand that. I 'm still fucking awesome :D

P.S. In the balance of productive effort in the process of thought, it is of utmost importance that one remain proactive, and emphasis always to remain on keeping your focus on the search for the truth in a matter, and not to rest simply on what has been proven false.

President Jimmy Carter
"If I become President, I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public, and the scientists. I am convinced that UFOs exist because I’ve seen one..."

President Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Beware the military-industrial complex."
His last anouncement to the public while president, knowing full well of black operations related to UFO/ET.

J. Edgar Hoover
"I would do it [study UFOs], but before agreeing to do it, we must insist upon full access to discs recovered. For instance in the L.A. case, the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination."

President Gerald Ford
"In the firm belief that the American public deserves a better explanation than that thus far given by the Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment on this subject."
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The disclosure project is truly great, however i think it should have another press conference, the project doesnt seem to do much at the moment accept for the papers Mr.Greer releases.

It's gonna take something BIG to get the attention of the press and humanity, and to be honest, im getting quite fed up with the ignorence the press is showing to the matter of ufo's.

For instance ive not seen this mexican incident on any british news program accept one, although i have heard CNN is making a BIG deal about it, calling it a historic moment etc....????
Hi Star_One.
If you are only refering to what you have seen on the video, you must view the breifing documents which go into much greater detail.
It explains why media and such is at its arrested development.
It is worth your time Star_One.
just one question: how will it benefit me if I know your truth?
suppose it's all real, the shadow government exists, aliens on earth exist, etc etc
so what? let them do their business. what? I do not get my hands on some fancy technology? It's by no right my, but of those who acquired it.
People die in Africa because of poverty? I'm not in Africa. let 'em africans fight for it
Exactly Avatar.
I'm not your mom so I don't care about you either.
I'm not here to baby sit your intellect or awnser your questions.
If your seriously interested in any of your questions, read the breifing.
my intellect is sharp enough to see no change in my life wheather I know or don't know the truth
I'll read the paper sometime though
In other words, there will be no discussion in this discussion forum, m7?
Why not point Avatar in the direction of the answers by at least referencing
the approriate area of the document. That is more likely to have a positive
effect than your back-handed insults.
Your so sensitive Goofyfish.
Any debate or discussion on this issue will be done with those who take the matter seriously enough to read the document.
And not until then.Not with myself anyways.
To many discussions on this subject are undercut by those who are allowed to just mosey on in without any effort but that of a click of a mouse.
If on the other hand some effort is required to actually think and proceed in this discussion, many no-minds will be less likely to get involved.
Clearing up much useless space along the way in a serious discussion.

I see no insults that I implied to Avatar.
I have seen him around and enjoy his personality and responses.
I am being very honest and straight forward.
If it insults you that I do not care for you or choose not to take any responsibility for your own intellectual development, there is nothing I can do about that.
However, I made it quite clear that I am not here to change anybodies mind.
If after one has taken the time and effort neccessary to go over the breifing in full, I will be of the upmost of hosts in this thread and respect whatever conclusion you rest upon. Rock on!

There is a link provided.
While I'm reading the document (damn that sh** is long!) I have a few questions
the ever-present quantum vacuum energy state – the baseline energy from which all energy and matter is fluxing. All matter and energy is supported by this baseline energy state and it can be tapped through unique electromagnetic circuits and configurations to generate huge amounts of energy from space/time all around us
why hasn't this "ever-present quantum vacuum energy state" been shown up in the science community, even though we don't have the technology to use it? does this disclosure group has any scientifical knowledge on this energy, or it's just a name?
I'm asking this- that even thoug we don't have the technology to use this energy, we can develop it - so why not give the scientists around the world some basic facts on it, so they can work on it and develop smthing? if such a "ever-present quantum vacuum energy state" exists, why would it be so hard to detect it?
second logical question:
If this government/s has the technology (so says the paper) then why doesn't it use it openly?
USA has F-177A but it isn't going to give the plans of it to russians or chinise or africans
why would zero point energy be any different
USA has the stealth tech, it uses it, but it has no legal obligations to give or sell it to others
same goes for that alien tech
I am not sure how far the disclosure project has gone in bringing this reality to the fore, I don't think they've hade much penetration, and if my fears are correct, they are going to fizzle out. The truth be told, the only way people are going to believe, is when they see it themselves. Which is when their government lets them. Come on it's obvious now, people are sheep. I say give up.
There is ONE other way that everyone will KNOW about them.
Supposedly there are THOUSANDS of craft coming to earth.
When they appear in our clouds and sky ALL will KNOW.
When WAR CRATER CHAINS appear on earth it will be TO LATE.
I know about the UFO's, I just don't see why there's all this toss about it
besides, crater, you lack logic. Even if everyone now knew that there are coming Terrible Aliens (and I think they are not aliens at all) with craterchain weapons - what about that? would it make any difference? if what you all say and government indeed knows that TA are coming, they have all the resources they need to prepare for it. General Population would have no benefit of knowing it.
chill out, relax and enjoy the life while you're still alive
Avatars philosophy is clear: go with the flow, just don't think ;)
He's right in some ways though, we are going to die anyway one day, so what if we do die tomorrow at the hands of the NWO or aliens?

Then again, if we accept this non-action, highly selfish approach, what meaning does life have, if we just let billions die and perish for no due cause?
whispers: life has but one meaning - to take maximum delight from the pleasures of life while you're still here and die with no regrets when you must, because you had taken all that there was to take. die proud and tall above your enemy
Yeah, Avatar, a meaning that you create. Yet, it does not seem to matter to you, that if billions of people suffer, because as long as you're taking delight in life, there is no problem right? Rather meaningless actually.
no, why should I care of those billions?
morals make walls, not set you free.
they are inventions of those, who can't cope with reality
can someone here p l e a s e answer my question entitled second logical question
No, I am just underlining how meaningless your life is. If it's just about enjoying life till you have it, then you could just die today, because how long you live is irrelavant, because the moment you die, you have no memory of life. The only purpose you serve, is your own. I think that's rather sad, but heck, it's you.