The difference between knowledge and information.

Jan Ardena said:
RTT, there was no debate, only you banging on about how rational you are compared to humans, as if you yourself are not human.

Jan Ardena.

I like that. The above statement is a measure of your defeat in the debate. Trying to nullify the debate itself, nice try. I feel so sorry for U humans.
i dont ssee any difference between information and knowledge

to know can mean to KNOW, like that clever-arsed dude in the boat, who couldn't swim. he knew it all. so there had been created a boundary to his was within the boundary of factual information...shit he had read from books. he had never actually travelled to the sun, he just took the knowledge from books. as most do...trusting what is said. never actually having doe the experiements reported, or read the authors the thers tha's one kind of 'knowing'

then there is knowing as in ' i know you'...this would mean i am becoming accustomed to you, your ways, moods, interests, to 'know' also means to have had sex with, so there's a deeper way of knowing
BUT, when we say we know someone, this also can mean we have created a boundary. that we have instead created a fixed image of what we think we know about a person...whereas the person is a changing living event, we may imag-ize that into safe image which we fell safe with

so know-ledge can build a boundary around itself is what i am current mainstram science is bounded by its dependence on its scientific method, and will not open up to inconsitences, and reports about stuff which contradicts is know-ledge...

in-form-ation.....this is also knowledge. that what in-forms forms us. if we believe a certain way. but it can also have a more vital meaning...for example, i am open to the idea of the aliveness of matter. that there is always matter-energy and consciousness, and that consciousness is the in-form-ation of matter-energy. that matter energy is active intelligence