The Devil: no atheists please!


One Raven

In the scriptures "Babylon" has always been synonymous with evil. Satan is the King of evil thus the King of Babylon. Babylon got its name from the Tower of Babel that men built in a cynical attempt to prove they were higher than God. Men to this day are still trying to claim themselves to be higher than God.

All the writings of Isaiah are very symbolic. His versus were not written to be taken literally. You have to really study them to glean their meaning, and even then they are subject to interpretation just like the Book of Revelations.
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one_raven said:
Lucifer was a man, not Satan.
I very well could be mistaken, but from what I can see the two are not one and the same.
The Lucifer mentioned in Isaiah 14 (the single time Lucifer is mentioned by name in the Bible) was a king that had the audacity to place the power of his throne on a pedestal looking down upon God...
Not quite true. The "Lucifer" is simply an ironic honorific applied to the King as might have been done by one of his flattering courtiers. The name Lucifer ("light bringer") specifically refers to Venus as the Morning Star. It is possibly the influence of this verse that caused the transfer of the name to that of a leading Devil. Another leading Devil is Beelzebub, "Lord of the Flies". Originally Baal-zebub (where Baal means "Lord" but became associated exclusively with false gods), which reveals the wonderfully onomatopoeic Hebrew word for fly or flies: zebub.
Hell, Isaiah 14 could be interpreted as a prophecy about G W Bush's administration.
It will come to pass that he will split the house of Jacob in the Holy land..
Make kingdoms tremble
They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee
Destroyed citites
I will be like the most high
Destroyed thy land and slain thy people the seed ov evildoers shall never be renowned
Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers

Where, though, is the direct link and supporting scripture that says that Lucifer is Satan?
Is it only the incredibly thin reference to a fallen star in Rev 8?
10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;

That seems like quite a leap to make to me.
What else, if anything, support this?
I am not trying to be beligerant and closed-minded, I would honestly like to understand what bridge crosses that gap.
One Raven

I can understand were you are coming from. The words of Isaiah are very simbolic so they can be taken different ways. By reading other verses in the Bible it does imply a connection.

Rev 12

7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Isaiah 14:12 as:

How thou art fallen from heaven O day-star, son of the morning!

How art thou cut down to the ground, that didst cast lots over the nations.

Ezekiel 28:13-15
"Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God . . . Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; . . . Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee."

Other supporting scriptures taken from

A. Satan is a created being.

Ezekiel 28:13, 15

1. He was created perfect and beautiful.

Ezekiel 28:15, 17

2. He was once in heaven, "upon the holy mountain of God."

Isaiah 14:12; Ezekiel 28:13, 14; Luke 10:18; Revelation 12:8

3. He had free choice, and sinned.

Ezekiel 28:15-16 ("... till iniquity was found in thee .... thou hast sinned ...")

B. Many angels joined Satan in his rebellion against God, and a war in heaven resulted.

2 Peter 2:4; 1 John 3:8; Jude 6, 7; Revelation 12:7-9

1. Satan and his angels were cast out of heaven and to the earth.

Isaiah 14:15; Ezekiel 28:16; Luke 10:18; Revelation 12:7-12

2. This spiritual warfare is still taking place between the powers of darkness and light.

Daniel 10:13, 21; Ephesians 6:11-17
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The Devil Inside said:
i am only concerned with the opinions of folks that actually BELIEVE in god and the devil here....
tell do you define him/her/it?

The Devil
Making the evil seem the good

In all he did, in all he taught,
He kept this aim in sight.
To get the deeds of darkness done,
Disguised as works of light.

He spread his poison, slow and sure,
Through many a specious sect,
And made the evil seem the good,
Bamboozling God's elect.

Satan and his devils are disembodied spirits, that float around in the air and live in a spiritual dimension. They have telepathic contact to the minds of men. They are totally evil and want men to burn in hell with them. They compel men to disbelieve or disobey the New Testament to try to destroy those men in hell. They also compel men to hurt each other and cause some diseases. God is using Satan and his devils by allowing them to test men to see if they will choose good or evil, to determine if they are worthy to become angels in the next life or not worthy.
itopal said:
There is no such thing as the devil . . lucifer . . . satan . . . etc.

The demonizing of alternate views of reality; are all to common; and all to human; nothing divine in this process.


I would like to ask you a question. Please answer this.
Did Jesus Christ come in the flesh?
ghost7584 said:
Satan and his devils are disembodied spirits, that float around in the air and live in a spiritual dimension. They have telepathic contact to the minds of men. They are totally evil and want men to burn in hell with them.
could you provide some EVIDENCE for these silly ideas
and NO
the bible doesnt count
God is using Satan and his devils by allowing them to test men to see if they will choose good or evil,
to determine if they are worthy to become angels in the next life or not worthy.
why would god do that,
he is supposedly All knowing.
He knows what will happen in the future,you know "The Divine Plan" so you do exactly what God programed you to do,no free will
that is If your bible god exists ;)
scorpius said:
could you provide some EVIDENCE for these silly ideas
and NO
the bible doesnt count

why would god do that,
he is supposedly All knowing.
He knows what will happen in the future,you know "The Divine Plan" so you do exactly what God programed you to do,no free will
that is If your bible god exists ;)

Only those that are called and proven faithful will be allowed to become angels in heaven. This will ensure that there will be no more rebellions in heaven like what happened with Satan and the fallen angels that followed him.

Men do have free will to choose. God just knows what the choices will be. The way that I look at it is that God must allow it to happen in the future, in order to know that it will happen in the future. So free will really exists, and God really knows what choices you will make.
The testing of men is a real test, God just knows the outcome before it happens.
ghost7584 said:
Only those that are called and proven faithful will be allowed to become angels in heaven.
theres no heaven for the simple reason there arent any SOULS,SPIRITS

its all a wishfull thinking,a fantasy
Men do have free will to choose. God just knows what the choices will be. The way that I look at it is that God must allow it to happen in the future, in order to know that it will happen in the future. So free will really exists, and God really knows what choices you will make.
The testing of men is a real test, God just knows the outcome before it happens.
if god knows all and created all=predestination,
then He created you the way you are;
good, bad, gay,whatever, you are what God made you,or knew what you will become(ALL knowing again)
ie no choice no free will.
just like He created Adam and Eve,He knew what will happen and still created it that way,
so He is to blame for everything,yes evil too since He made it posible for some to be evil.
so God cannot be good,
or perfect,
perfect God wouldnt create anything imperfect(man)so when He created people who dont believe in Him or believe in different gods He assured they will go to hell,
which means God is evil sadistic bastard,
and not All good like the book says.

imo xian GOD is too contradictory to exist
ghost7584 said:
Did Jesus Christ come in the flesh?
how the fuck can anyone here today answer that?
JC was living 2000 years ago,(if at all)so unless you have time travel machine you can only wonder
Satan seems to be running the world. Earth actually seems to be, at essence, sculpted around his ideals.
I'd be more inclined to believe satan created the universe.
I think god is a liar, and not a very good one. He's diabolically evil, and he's tricked humans into thinking satan and everything he stands for is evil. While the real world is constantly showing us all those things are ok and natural.
I think god is the "new" thing. He's just popped up to lie to us and scam us into destroying satan's planet. He's done this by exploiting our already present attributes like empathy and love etc and manipulated them to unify us as an unnatural force against nature.

I suspect god is actually a hostile alien race. And satan is the personification/villification of the mother earth which they used to trick us into attacking her.

That's my non-atheist view on the matter, if I believed in god that would be my take on god and satan.
It would require faith, but it doesn't consistently contradict reality like the view of most theists.
i heard 'did Jesus come in the flesh?'....yes--as the hallucinogenic sacrament that was 'flesh' (vegetation), the mushroom. Ansient people didn't have microsopes so didn't know that mushrooms spawn spores to progenate. It was assumed by the mystics that they were 'virgin born' appearing after thunderstorms, and further elaborated that their sky-god was the major source. UNlike prepatriarchal Goddess people who understood the magic mushrooms to come from the BODY of the Goddess, the very EARTH. please understand this important distinction.

'Jesus' and 'satan' have been split. so we have 'good' Jesus and 'bad' Satan, but REALLY in the Old Religion they were TWO, or twins. Birth of the S(o)n and Death of the S(o)n Solstices....the dark and light as complimentarity. So 'Satan' is to be understood in this context to be a remnant--appropriated by the Hebrew patriarchs--of The Horned God. And extremely ancient god, representing wild Nature and male fertility "The male fertile power of nature, physically and spiritually...."'Celtic London: evidence of worship of the Horned God

so what IS shit about this world is the male ideal and power cut OFf from the understanding of his own deeper stratum. His connection with Nature. He has thus created similar divisive myths, due to his own cut-off reasoning
itopal said:
I believe yes - but I can never know for certain.

I did not write the O.T., I did not write any N.T., I did not translate, transcribe any of it - other men did; and there are too many mistakes for me to ignore; they are not my mistakes; I shall not lay claim to them - but those (devilish-type details) do not sway me away from a smaller core belief - which is in god and a life subscribed a name Jesus. My up-bringing as a Christian - is not the end of my journey - it was the beginning. The bible is not the last book - to me anyway.

Glad you said yes.
A famous preacher in the beginning of the 20th century would use that test to see if someone was possessed by any devils. According to him, a devil possesed person will never say that Jesus Christ came in the flesh.
I was just testing to see who is worth debating with and who is not worth debating with. I don't debate with devils, I don't care who's mind they control.
Here is the scriptural basis for the test:
1 John 4:2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
1 John 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

You can research Smith Wigglesworth on the metacrawler search engine. He raised several people from the dead, like Peter and Paul did, seen by witnesses. He was called the apostle of faith. He had a large healing ministry in which cancers just came out of people, and other diseases were cured and devils were cast out of people.
The Devil?

itopal: > "I have rejected them entirely"

battig1370: > Are you saying that Devils existed before you rejected them?

Peace be with you, Paul
You ask for atheists not to post, yet you are posting on a forum for people interested / involved with / educated about science.

As a humanist, my personal definition of a devil is someone willing to kill / hurt others, or lie, under the excuse that they belief in some absurd religion.
The devil in your mind is mearly a manifestation of your own ignorant fear.