The Devil and Jesus.

Hitler helped pull Germany out of financial crisis, but later turned to world war and genocide.
Hitler's goal all along was conquest and war.
If you see Trump marching us in the same direction, please explain how.
Trump is a wannabe. He uses the same methods but without any of the ability.
He was in collusion with a foreign entity, but part of us was evil all along.
Part of us is always evil. When you have rule of law, a reasonably fair political process and civil discourse in a social unit, the individual evils are kept in check. When the social fabric begins to break down, for whatever reason, an unexpected faction or personality comes to fore, takes on a leadership role and determines the direction in which the society proceeds.
If that personality is a fomenter of conflict and hate, a sower of discord and chaos, then his political base consists of those who have been kept in check. He gives them permission to express their worst impulses; encourages the worst among them to assume control.
Collusion with a foreign entity is certainly not a prerequisite, but there is plenty of precedent.
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What Nazi method is he using?
Not specifically Nazi method; universal demagogue methods: stirring up and exploiting the frustration of powerless people with baseless promises to redress their grievances. But all that he actually gives them is empowerment to vent their hostility on people weaker than themselves.
stirring up and exploiting the frustration of powerless people with baseless promises to redress their grievances. But all that he actually gives them is empowerment to vent their hostility on people weaker than themselves.
He appears to be keeping his promises, or trying to (with total obstruction from the Democratic Party). It is common practice for politicians to stir up the frustrations of the people, but quite rare for them keep a promise.
To protect your Mexican border from Mexicans. But why do you need protecting from Mexicans specifically?
If people are crossing the border illegally at the Mexican border, would you make an effort to protect it. Why do you have locks on your doors?
If people are crossing the border illegally at the Mexican border, would you make an effort to protect it. Why do you have locks on your doors?
False analogy. I don't lock the Mexican door and leave the Canadian door open. Why does Trump discriminate?
and then
we have the Cathars
who would have Jesus becoming part of the devil
(if i understand what i've read)
He appears to be keeping his promises,
He appears to be carrying out his threats. Most of which are made on the spur of the moment, without any understanding of the consequences.
What promise has been kept, so far?
Where, is the resurgent industry?
Where are the new good-paying jobs?
Where is the infrastructure?
How has the swamp of corruption been drained?
When can we expect the new and much better health care plan?

or trying to (with total obstruction from the Democratic Party).
What specific bills has he introduced on any of those five major issues that the Democrats have obstructed?

It is common practice for politicians to stir up the frustrations of the people, but quite rare for them keep a promise.
Both of those statements are true of right-wing parties.
Who is he blaming that isn't actually to blame?
in no particular order: 1. Obama 2. progressives in general 3. Muslims 4. Hispanics 5. Iran 6. Mueller 7. the news media 8. Clinton 9. climate scientists 10. China 11. the mayor of London 12. his own staff 13. etc. etc. etc.
To protect our border.
Nobody was threatening your border. People whose countries you have rendered unliveable are trying to escape conditions your helped create and give their children a chance at life. They pose no danger to anyone; taking care of them would cost a fraction of the price of all the border-securing measures, walls and prisons.
Trump also said he didn't want immigrants from "shithole" countries. Who's border was he protecting in that case?
see the reaction of the papacy to the
albagensian heresy/ cathar heresy
darned bloody
I know the reaction of the papacy: they had every man, woman and child slaughtered.
What I was asking for is the actual Cathar literature that sets out a doctrine or proposition wherein Jesus and Satan merge in some way. That's why I specified a source not originating from the papacy.
Trump also said he didn't want immigrants from "shithole" countries. Who's border was he protecting in that case?
The Norwegians won't come.
Only the people whose countries the USA, by military invasions, clandestine political meddling, arms sales, resource pillage, industrial waste and economic disruption has turned into shitholes - like all of central and South America. Well, where else would you dig the latrine, if not your "back yard" (per Munroe et al)? The Mid-east, Africa, Asia... ? Yep, latrines with big ol' glories painted on them, everywhere.
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