The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

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The brain works on a few milliamps, provided by the electrochemical energy of the body. I would think you'd be talking at least mains voltage/amerage to project anything from the brain, which would fry it.

With particles, often there is a right and left, with one being a spin for a particle and one being a spin for an anti-particle. However, put them together and BANG!
Dear Santa,

I really was good this year.

"Could you get me a Wikipedia page for this topic by Christmas?"

Thank you,
I could sure use anybody help on keeping this topic on a wikipedia page, if you don't mind.

Thank you,
Tim es

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The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities
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The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities is a topic written by Tim Brewer of Dayton, Ohio.

This topic talks about how Tim Brewer has an idea on how we can communicate with future out of body afterlife in a way that can be measured, and then placed on the Internet.

He plans on getting permission from Cyberkinetics,to ask the patients of BrainGate, if they would be interested in trying his idea for free.,
Thank you for reading my thoughts,

Giants 17

Patriots 14

Never under estimate the unexpected when it comes to the power of your own energy to make something happen that has never happened before.

People might think and feel that they know how things will turn out, but Plaxico Burress was using the energy of something that was bigger than him self to make it happen this time, and you can do it as well.

Listen to your inner thoughts, not what other people try and tell you can't be done,
and you too can make a difference when it comes to your future communication needs.

My topic might not have the power of all hose expensive commercials that were shown through that game, but the message is still important when you compare it to what your options are right now.

Some will tell you that it is not possible, they will lead you to believe that it sounds complicated at best, but so was trying to beat the best football team in history, and all they can say after the smoke clears is this. We are disappointed.

Don't make the same mistake that they did, and be disappointed with your communication options for your future.

Everything in life happens for a reason, and this idea is no different.

Thank you for reading my thoughts,

"The brain works on a few milliamps, provided by the electrochemical energy of the body. I would think you'd be talking at least mains voltage/amerage to project anything from the brain, which would fry it.

With particles, often there is a right and left, with one being a spin for a particle and one being a spin for an anti-particle. However, put them together and BANG!?

Imagine you are connected to a BrainGate machine.

I am sorry, because in the future, the process will be real easy and more focused, based on research with machines like BrainGate, the first one to make this leap in 2005.

Imagine you are palying a game of chess on the internet, maybe a place like "Pogo", and we are moving the pieces on the chess game with our inner thoughts. this is a reality, they do it almost everyday now.

My goal is to take it to the nextlevel, giving the patient the best chance to make it happen, because of the math. Energy can not be destroyed. That statement alone gives it to my possibility, because if the same question was asked the other way, the results would go your way naturally.

Think about life natural laws

If energy could be destroyed, i would have nothing, and for me to argue that, would be a waste of time, and on that same note, the other side, science could claim that it was not possible, and that would be natural, but if you look real close, you will see that they are trying to hide my idea, becasuse they lose control, and that is hard to do, when you have had it for so long. I feel they are looking at it wrong. They still have control, they just have to use it differently.

They have the control of making it happen or not. Placing the people and tools in the same direction with other things they are doing as well.

Afterlife is not dust, and yes it will be in energy, because we have always been in energy, and that is the moment of truth, that science knows I am right.

Murphy law saids if it can happen once, it can happen.

Murphy law saids, if you can think it up, it probally can be done, because the opportunity is now their to cause opportunity.

You don't want a coo car, until you see a cool car, until you can see how it fits with you, you will neverunderstand it correctly.

Thank youfor reading my thoughts,
I think I had an OBE trying to read through the OP.

Seriously for a change.....My father, before he died, told me of an OBE he experienced while pinned under a truck for 3 hours in a deep ravine during a winter storm. My uncle, who was the passenger that day, was thrown out of the vehicle and suffered two broken arms but managed to climb up to the highway to wave down traffic. My father swore to his grave that he was with his brother (my uncle) at that point, remembering the event in detail.

Of course I am skeptical, it's my nature. When I think of my father pinned under the truck, I can't help but think he was unconscious. During his rescue it may have been possible for him to hear a detailed account of his brother's exploits despite being comatose. I have to believe his brain formed an image at that time and his whole experience was nothing more than a dream with many of the correct facts. No OBE, just a very different form of dreaming or perhaps his memory downloaded the details while unconscious. I think it would be fair to discount my father's OBE as false. Do you agree?
I wonder if the "virtual reality" theory doesn't strain credulity more than the idea of a genuine OBE.
Murphy law saids if it can happen once, it can happen.

Murphy law saids, if you can think it up, it probally can be done, because the opportunity is now their to cause opportunity.
If you're under the impression that that's what Murphy's Law states then there's little surprise you're as confused as you are about other things.
In other words, to make a long story short.

Of the 6 billion people that walks this Earth, I am the only one who knows how we can communicate with future out of body afterlife people in a way that can be measured and placed on the Internet.

How did we miss this wonderful gem?

Right direction, wrong direction

Pain, or pleasure

You are either going forward, or you are going back wards.

There is no in between.

Focused, or not

Your body goal is to take you out of pain, and into pleasure!

It does it every moment you are alive, as we know it. and prob ally after we are dead as well.

What can you do with more options?

Help me make mine come true, for anybody you like.

I have fallen and I can not get up. I need your help.

We need to go into these holidays. Informing as many relatives, you never see anyway. You need to talk to them about this topic.

A good way to do it. Is pretending you are me, and see if you can hold your own with your relatives on this topic.

When they say you are crazy. Just tell them that it was Edison who said we could communicate with the dead. Not you!

My sales at work are up 30% over last year, and we are in a recession right now.

Up 30%

I did not stutter!

30% positive

No negative going on around me anywhere, that has any value, unless for somebody personal gain.

I'm just being me, and even though I am moving up the rankings in the Internet. I still have not been interviewed by a media outlet yet, of any kind. that I am aware of.

I do get kicked off of sites a lot, though, because that is the type of Homeland security we have now.

I live in an at will state.

You can decide to do anything at will, at least once. On a daily basis, if things are going your way, but letting go is hard for some to do, because their thoughts in that field is based off of something, that is bringing comfort to them in some way.

How will people have to behave in this new type of communication?

They will be focused on the monitor, and what options they will have with that time share option.

What options do you follow in your life everyday?

Have you decided like that one song. when things get bad. You are just going to throw your arms up in the air.

We are going through some bad times, but it don't have to be that way.

We have so many good options out there, and we are doing nothing to tap into it.

Opportunity seekers should be figuring out why. My pizza business is up 30%, during a recession.

Opportunity seekers should be able to see what opportunities my topic can bring them in the future.

Please fill to search for tim484848, and get more places where this topic is talked about.

I will be back!

Right direction, wrong direction
Pain, or pleasure
You are either going forward, or you are going back wards.
There is no in between.
S[ecious unsupportable crap.

Your body goal is to take you out of pain, and into pleasure!
According to whom?

A good way to do it. Is pretending you are me
I have difficulty pretending I'm you: for a start I'm rational.

When they say you are crazy. Just tell them that it was Edison who said we could communicate with the dead. Not you!
Which does not stop you being crazy.

My sales at work are up 30% over last year, and we are in a recession right now.

I do get kicked off of sites a lot, though, because that is the type of Homeland security we have now.
Or because you're a fruitcake...
Attack me all you like about my topic, but you are just waisting your time.

You offer nothing new.

We have seen denial before. It is nothing new.

You must be one constructive person in ever meeting through life.

Always seeing the upside to any topic, and doing your best to help.

You have all the intent. to try and down play my topic, and me. You know what type of feedback you are offering.

Nothing supported, wit mor eof a stop what you are doing, and don't even try attitude, just like you know something we don't, but you really don't.

Just another time bandit.

At least I hope you know that you are intentionally trying to make me look bad.

Why is that?

What do you have to hide?

Why are you in such a hurry that we don't have this big brother option, because every lame excuse you have used so far, are way out dated.

There is a new toaster in town for this option, and if you have such a problem with it, then go out of your way to ignore it, after it happens.

I guess when you feel you know it all, then we should just allow you the opportunity, to tell us how it is, according to you.

I offer you, your own options, not just mine.

What do you offer?
Tim, the main reason your thread which you've added to over the years has been left was to allow you the chance to come to terms that your way of thinking is not adorned by others.

Obviously I'm sure you've probably watched a few "self-help" seminar's or bought a few books that go on about various Beliefs. I can suggest that a positive attitude, Charisma and the ability to work well with others is more likely the reason for any positive outcome in business. That's the best self help you'll ever get or need in honesty, however others in the world can't appreciate such positivity because they don't have control of their lives like you do as your own boss, of your own business.

One thing that they do pick up on here however is Communication or in this instance Miscommunication. You have to remember that the audience you are planning on subjecting your thoughts to are not you and would probably prefer some standardised ways of writing. Jumping to belief systems or spouting stuff about positivity just loses most readers (Along with a wall of text)

Treat all criticism as Constructive, learn from what people complain about and you can turn a negative into a positive. (No more philosophy from me now ;) )

As for what you write here, well the forum itself is meant for discussion, it's not really meant as a blog, although there are a lot of people that don't seem to understand the differences. So with that in mind I'm going to close this thread because it's a fair way off Parapsychology and more in the realms of an adapted belief system (either Philosophy or Religion)
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