The Death Penalty

And now your tax dollars are hard at work supporting this killer.
All the while there are starving people, on the streets.
A person who has forgiven someone that killed a loved one, would have to be a truly rightous person. That or he has a huge amount of faith in his religion and therefore feels that he must forgive. I am neither so I couldnt do it. I try my hardest to forgive others who have hurt me. For I know that there must be some real hatred or agony going on inside the person to drive him to do very bad things. But Im a firm believer, that regardless of what is going on inside you there are certain things that you just simply cant do, and if you do, you have to pay.

Does anyone that opposes the death penalty have any reasons on why it would be good to abolish it? I mean what would be the benifits to keeping a person sitting in a cell for 60 years? For society, what benefit does this serve?

Take care:)
respect for life, maybe?
(or, if you will: respect for God's creation)

Don't worry *StrGirl*, I am not going to insult you again. :) even though you've got it all wring. hahaha.

also: hahaha murder is unlawful killing? so, if I were to change the law to state that any jew does not have the right to live, killing jews is no longer murdering them????
Get real.

There is no such thing as penalty as a deterrant: in fact penalties tell eople it's okay to retribute. Hence the higher murder rates in places with capital punishment.

Of course, serious offenders must be taken off the streets. Do they prefer death over life imprisonment, so be it. Then euthenasea it is!

... aah I have to stop now. I am starting to get angry again.
There are always exceptions...there are some deranged killers out there, who are not insane but twisted talk because you've not been affected. But how would you feel if someone came in and raped and stabbed and killed your mother, wife, etc? Would you forgive him with the faith of your god?
hahaha murder is unlawful killing?
Umm...yes! That is the defination of murder smart guy: unlawful killing.
There is no such thing as penalty as a deterrant: in fact penalties tell eople it's okay to retribute. Hence the higher murder rates in places with capital punishment.
Of course, you have evidence to back up this claim?? Or maybe you are just spewing nonsense to make your argument seem more credible..
respect for life, maybe?
You could have just said this and I would have repected your position, but instead you go on with dumb examples and empty claims.
well, look up the earlier thread on the same subject. I have no intention to rewrite it all again.

certainly not if one realises that everybody sticks to their original position. It's quite useless on a forum. *stRgrl* and I even hated eachother for a while because of this subject.
It does more harm than good.
Sorry Asguard, I can't make it to that site...firewall :(

If i remember & have time I'll check it out at home...
I for one are in favour of the death penalty. I wish we still had it in Canada. If someone is proven beyond a reasonable doubt that someone murdered someone else, then they deserve to die too. A bullet to the head, hey i'll supply the bullet. These jerks do not deserve to live and be fed in prison for the rest of their lives. They ought to be dead just like their victim(s).

so there is no such thing as exstuation circmstances?

ok then kill me because if i could get my hands on 3 people i would kill them in cold blood

torcher them for as many months as i could in fact

then give myself up to the cops but i would still do it first

i was thinking about flaying to finish it

do you know WHY i would do this to these 3 inderviduals?

and does that even matter?

edit to add: i can GARENTIE they deserve it tho i wont and can't tell you why they do
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Originally posted by Asguard

ok then kill me because if i could get my hands on 3 people i would kill them in cold blood

torcher them for as many months as i could in fact

then give myself up to the cops but i would still do it first

i was thinking about flaying to finish it

do you know WHY i would do this to these 3 inderviduals?

and does that even matter?

edit to add: i can GARENTIE they deserve it tho i wont and can't tell you why they do

Asguard, I understand Brutha!
Sometimes, some people just need KILLIN'!