The Death penalty in the UK

aah Mob justice, works every time, now, we just need an extremist in power.. How about it sandy, feel for a trip in the white house ?
No, not ever in any circumstance, no exceptions. State sanctioned executions - there's no excuse for such degenerate inhumanity. It brings no justice or restitution, is bad jurisprudence and morally repugnant.
No, not ever in any circumstance, no exceptions. State sanctioned executions - there's no excuse for such degenerate inhumanity. It brings no justice or restitution, is bad jurisprudence and morally repugnant.

What about the victim(s)? Their lives are snuffed out/destroyed by some POS who gets a free pass? Oh hell no. I think we should bring back "eye for an eye". Someone shoots you? You get to shoot them back. Televise it. Make the POS criminals pay. I still support the death penalty. We have been too lenient too long and it has turned part of our society into immoral morons.
What about the victim(s)? Their lives are snuffed out/destroyed by some POS who gets a free pass? Oh hell no. I think we should bring back "eye for an eye". Someone shoots you? You get to shoot them back. Televise it. Make the POS criminals pay. I still support the death penalty. We have been too lenient too long and it has turned part of our society into immoral morons.

Hey 'Sandy', maybe you'd like to hear about this guy called Jesus? He spoke about love, understanding and forgiveness. If you want to learn more, PM me!
We have been too lenient too long and it has turned part of our society into immoral morons.
Sandy: This is a place of science. You cannot continue to toss out emotional statements like that without a shred of supporting evidence, especially concerning such a controversial topic.

You are hereby challenged to provide the substantiation for that extraordinary assertion, or in accordance with the scientific method you must immediately cease pursuing this particular argument on this thread and all future threads.

My wife and I between us have about sixty years of experience in civil service, much of it working with police and social services. Our friends are the typical cross section to be expected from that life, ranging from police detectives on the right to psychotherapists on the left. We have never been shown evidence supporting the thesis that capital punishment improves the behavior of the populace.

As I have noted before, the vast majority of murders are crimes of passion performed on the spur of the moment with absolutely no thought of consequences. Some people hypothesize that someone who has already committed a murder is less likely to commit another one than you or I are to commit our first. Because unlike us, he knows what it's like to live the rest of his life with the knowledge that he actually did that. Statistically, you might be safer living next door to a man who killed the guy who seduced his wife, rather than a man who regrets having let a guy get away with it.
Mod Hat - FYI

Mod Hat — FYI

Fraggle Rocker: The last one got shut down because the pro-death people got too emotional. It's difficult for them to argue their case rationally.

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Syzygys: The last one got shot down because anti-CP people stayed too dumb. It is difficult for them to present their case using a logical argument.

Hell, I probably did shut (at least) one down, but the big one that ran over 350 posts is, in fact, still open. It simply tapered off because one side got sick of repeating itself while the other side figured they could win the argument by making emotional appeals over and over and over and over again while never bothering to give their opponents' arguments any decent consideration.

Really, once the pro-homicide crowd made it unquestionably clear that they did not wish to be taken seriously, the others seem to have obliged.

Sandy said:

But we already have a zillion threads on this so I'm thinking you or a mod may want to move it over to one of them?

I figured it was obvious: I keep hoping one of them will grow into a useful discussion.

And, hey, why pile the particular onto the general?

You must have been thinking too hard.