The Death penalty in the UK

Jason Chapman

Registered Senior Member
I briefly watched a debate this morning on whether or not they should bring back the death penalty in the UK.
In a society where innocent members of the public have been murdered by mindless yobs high on alcohol and drugs, the subject of reintroducing the death penalty is back in the public eye.
I’m of the opinion that bringing back the death penalty won’t solve the current social problems that plague our streets. In America they have the death penalty, however this still isn’t enough to deter people from going out and committing the most horrid murders.
There is growing call for tougher sentences which I fully agree with. The trouble is with sentencing in the UK is that when someone is sentenced to life it isn’t nearly enough years that it used to be. The last time there was a murder in my home town of Abergavenny was in 1987 and the three men convicted of the murder got twenty years. They have all been released from prison now, but none of them have come back to town, there is still bad feeling by the victim’s family.
The only time when someone gets imprisoned for life in the UK is if they are a serial killer such as Rose West or when it’s a very nasty murder case such as the Soham murders committed by Ian Huntley, although it could be said that he only received two life sentences and could well be released when he’s and old man.
Life should mean life, if you murder someone you should be locked up until you die, no question about it. However the law has gone soft, and there is too much red tape concerning the proper sentencing of people who commit murder. There the point of wrongful sentencing, there have been cases where people have been locked up for decades for committing crimes they didn’t do. British history is also riddled with cases of people wrongly convicted of a crime and put to death.
I wonder have there been similar cases in the USA, where people have been wrongly put to death? Even in the modern age of DNA evidence i feel that nothing is certain.
So the question is, Death Penalty in the UK ‘Yes or No?’
I vote yes. But we already have a zillion threads on this so I'm thinking you or a mod may want to move it over to one of them?
I vote No.
Strange Sandy that you vote yes (since I thought you are pro-life), although I have heard it said that Jesus supported capital punishment...?

I vote no simply because it doesn't work as a punishment or a deterrent, and there are other ways of protecting the public from people that commit these crimes.
Yes, but only for Christian terrorist, like those who illegally occupy other countries...

In America they have the death penalty, however this still isn’t enough to deter people from going out and committing the most horrid murders.

To be a deterrent:

1. It has to be used for a crime that is premeditated. Sudden act of anger or similar crimes won't be deterred.

2. When the murder rate is 18K annually with 50-60 executions, that is a .3% execution rate for murder.

I have a proposal: For a year let's make that rate 50%, thus at least every other murderer would be executed and we will see if the murder rate drops or not? My guess is that it would drop....
I vote yes. But we already have a zillion threads on this so I'm thinking you or a mod may want to move it over to one of them?
The last one got shut down because the pro-death people got too emotional. It's difficult for them to argue their case rationally.
The last one got shut down because the pro-death people got too emotional. It's difficult for them to argue their case rationally.

The last one got shot down because anti-CP people stayed too dumb. It is difficult for them to present their case using a logical argument... :)
So the question is, Death Penalty in the UK ‘Yes or No?’

I would say yes but using it on a case by case. Sometimes a death penalty might not be applicable for certain extenuating circumstances but others should be dealt with by execution.
I briefly watched a debate this morning on whether or not they should bring back the death penalty in the UK.
In a society where innocent members of the public have been murdered by mindless yobs high on alcohol and drugs, the subject of reintroducing the death penalty is back in the public eye.
I’m of the opinion that bringing back the death penalty won’t solve the current social problems that plague our streets. In America they have the death penalty, however this still isn’t enough to deter people from going out and committing the most horrid murders.
There is growing call for tougher sentences which I fully agree with. The trouble is with sentencing in the UK is that when someone is sentenced to life it isn’t nearly enough years that it used to be. The last time there was a murder in my home town of Abergavenny was in 1987 and the three men convicted of the murder got twenty years. They have all been released from prison now, but none of them have come back to town, there is still bad feeling by the victim’s family.
The only time when someone gets imprisoned for life in the UK is if they are a serial killer such as Rose West or when it’s a very nasty murder case such as the Soham murders committed by Ian Huntley, although it could be said that he only received two life sentences and could well be released when he’s and old man.
Life should mean life, if you murder someone you should be locked up until you die, no question about it. However the law has gone soft, and there is too much red tape concerning the proper sentencing of people who commit murder. There the point of wrongful sentencing, there have been cases where people have been locked up for decades for committing crimes they didn’t do. British history is also riddled with cases of people wrongly convicted of a crime and put to death.
I wonder have there been similar cases in the USA, where people have been wrongly put to death? Even in the modern age of DNA evidence i feel that nothing is certain.
So the question is, Death Penalty in the UK ‘Yes or No?’

absolutly no way should the death penalty be reinstated to the UK, it is known that there are to many mistakes made, and anyway if its wrong to kill shouldn't it be wrong to kill?
I briefly watched a debate this morning on whether or not they should bring back the death penalty in the UK.

What do you mean, 'bring it back'? In the UK you can be executed on the street for being a suspected terrorist;

or shot and nearly killed because they mistake you for a wanted cop killer;

OK, so we don't kill people after they have been tried. The death penalty is counter productive, juries are less likely to convict if the possible penalty is death. Justice isn't perfect, to the appeals process can take a decade, and innocent people can get still executed. Also, ever heared of the phrase 'might as well get hung for a sheep, as a lamb'? When stealing livestock was a capital offense, desperate perpetrators realised the crime might as well be a large one, if the penalty is the same, they can only kill you once. So if you introduce a death penalty, I think you are going to see a lot more dead cops as people resist arrest, jail breaks and riots.
I vote yes. But we already have a zillion threads on this so I'm thinking you or a mod may want to move it over to one of them?

That's bit Old Testament, 'Sandy', have you heared of this guy called Jesus? He preached love and understanding, turning the other cheek, and asked for those without sin to cast the first stone. Check him out!