The creation of man.


Enmos, you believe that God does not exist, as much as a fat kid loves cake.
What do you hope to achieve from this thread?


I want all the literal believers to curl up in a corner and cry their eyes out :bugeye:

It's obvious that the section I quoted doesn't correspond too well with how the creation story is taught in schools and churches.
I want an explanation.
No, because God said it wasn't good situation, that Adam was a loner. Obviously something God never thought of. God should have known and it appears Jan, that women were an afterthought. Geez, do you think the Bible was written by men?:rolleyes:

Not only that, it appears women were created solely as helpers.
I want all the literal believers to curl up in a corner and cry their eyes out :bugeye:

It's obvious that the section I quoted doesn't correspond too well with how the creation story is taught in schools and churches.
I want an explanation.

26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

27 So God created man in his own image....

28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

1) Now, what was Gods initial intention for man ?

Read the bold.

Apparently, it wasn't to be fruitful and multiply, as you need both males and females for that.

Read the bold in verse 28.

Apparently, God only created man to work His garden.

Read v.28.
Only then, God created a woman to help the man work His garden.

And to take care of the tingles. ;)

Enki Lord of the Earth and Water. Confuser of Languages. Champion of Mankind, warning them of the flood caused by Enlil (the angry greater god). Hebrews(and thus Jews/Christians) merge these two characters and their Lord Anu into One God. Sounds familiar? "Ea" his Akkadian name is phonetically very similar to his (religulous?) descendant Yahweh.

He creates the first man and later women for the purpose of alleviating the labours of the lesser gods(number unknown).

From Akkadian Atra-Hasis

(artificially created wombs in this version)

That's about 2000 years older than the original Sumerian story, Not bad huh? That's at least as good as the Hebrews before the Christian Cult started up.

Original Sumerian Creation Myth:

The Babylonian Version:ûma_Eliš

There are a few slightly different translations of the Enuma Elish, but pretty much the same...

So the idea of taking a rib from a man to create a female counterpart did not come from the sumerian creation story?
So why give the impression that it did?

26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

27 So God created man in his own image....

28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

Read the bold.

Read the bold in verse 28.

Read v.28.

No, that is only after the fact.
He first created man with no intention of ever creating a woman.
His initial intention was for man to work His garden.

And to take care of the tingles. ;)

No, God created woman solely to help man work the garden.
No, that is only after the fact.
He first created man with no intention of ever creating a woman.
His initial intention was for man to work His garden.

No, God created woman solely to help man work the garden.

So why ask the question if you've already concocted an answer? :D

That is what the bible says. I want to know why religion doesn't teach this.

The bible says what it says.
I have shown the answers to your questions from the biblical perpective, and you disagree. Where do you intend to take it from here?

The bible says what it says.
I have shown the answers to your questions from the biblical perpective, and you disagree. Where do you intend to take it from here?


Hehe.. no you didn't do that. Have you read the OP ?
Enmos, please make your point clearly.


This is what I directly got from the bible:

Now, what was Gods initial intention for man ?
Apparently, it wasn't to be fruitful and multiply, as you need both males and females for that.
Apparently, God only created man to work His garden.
When man couldn't handle all the work on his own God looked for a suitable helper amongst the animals; none was found.
Only then, God created a woman to help the man work His garden.

Do you agree that that's what the bible says ?
If so, why isn't it taught by religion, and do you agree with it ?
This is what I directly got from the bible:

Now, what was Gods initial intention for man ?
Apparently, it wasn't to be fruitful and multiply, as you need both males and females for that.
Apparently, God only created man to work His garden.
When man couldn't handle all the work on his own God looked for a suitable helper amongst the animals; none was found.
Only then, God created a woman to help the man work His garden.

Do you agree that that's what the bible says ?
If so, why isn't it taught by religion, and do you agree with it ?

I've explained to you what the bible said (without bias).
Your question have been easily answered.
If you think my explanations are faulty, then you are free to contradict them.

I've explained to you what the bible said (without bias).
Your question have been easily answered.
If you think my explanations are faulty, then you are free to contradict them.


Your answer disagrees with the verses I quoted in the OP.
God's initial intentions with man...
Apparently, God only created man to work His garden.
When man couldn't handle all the work on his own God looked for a suitable helper amongst the animals; none was found.
Only then, God created a woman to help the man work His garden.

The question of God's initial intentions with man...
Was it to multiply? Was it to lead the animals? Was it to work the soil?
There is something that can answer both your questions...Jan Ardena and Enmos.

It's hidden in scriptures all through the Bible, but is not meant for all to see.
God had something to work in the garden. It was the serpent.
The closest animal to Adam was not a snake.
It was a beast. An animal like man that God created before Adam.
Adam wasn't created just to be another animal, or a host for an angelic spirit.
He was created to be a son of God, an attribute of God's own Spirit housed in flesh to reign over this world.
Above the angels in authority.
Eve was made to be a help to this cause.
She being only a part of God, could fall. God can't fall, that's not in His character.

When Eve fell she was seduced by the devil in this beast.
Cain was that offspring.
-He tilled the soil like his father the serpent.
-Railed against God in anger like the devil.
-Murdered his brother Abel.
Cain was of his father the wicked one. Adam was not "the wicked one"
Look at Abel, the first true son of Adam and Eve.
He was a shepherd. He led the animals, as his father Adam was to do.
Abel naturaly received revelation from God, and obeyed the instructions.
Cain was like his father the serpent. He naturally tilled the soil. God spoke to him also, but he did not obey. They had two different fathers.
Adam only had to work the ground by the sweat of his brow, after the fall when the serpent was turned over to the curse.
This had a compound natural/spiritual meaning also.

This all happened so God could mold character through adversity in His sons and daughters.
Before they receive authority to reign.
All things happen for the good of them that love the Lord.
Remember, God was making Adam into His image.
This required the fall, to mold the character into His "attributes" from a mortal experience that could come no other way.
The fiery trials more precious than gold...
This is the process that God has used to make sons into His image.
God Himself came to finish the work in us.
Jesus is called the "beginning of the creation of God", the "firstborn of many brethren"
The creation of Adam wasn't just about the creation of mortal man.
It was about the creation of God.
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Enmos I have read the OP.
If there is something I have missed then please be straightforward, and explain .
I am not a mind reader. :D


I have already explained it and you don't seem to get it. I don't know what else to do.. :shrug:

One final effort then:

- God created man to work his garden. (Genesis 2:15)

- God saw that man needed a helper. (Genesis 2:18)

- God tried to find a suitable helper for man amongst the animals of the world. Genesis 2:19-20)

- ONLY THEN God made a woman to help man work the garden. (Genesis 2:21-22)

All the be-fruitful-and-multiply bits come after this. And so have no bearing on the question what Gods initial intentions with man were.