The Creation Museum


You have taken a nice defensive position for the underdog ( atheist ) The way as you a re pointing out The theist are the evil and the atheist are the good and benevolent.
Could you express the good that the atheist are bringing to mankind

Freedom from delusion and religious bigotry and the death it brings.
He never said you had to play by his rules, so spare us the histrionics. In fact, it's theists who have the longest history of murdering people who disagree with them.

Yep, but I think the body count is higher for atheism, in fact.

You've just shifted the goal posts which is common to most theists and is exhibit "a", in the evidence that most theists are liars and outrageous hypocrites.

Hey, easy man.
Freedom from delusion and religious bigotry and the death it brings.

If you are free now why do you have to fight so hard ? Bigotry I have been treated by atheist bigots were ever I mention about faith . That means you are no better then the religious bigots , just you carry a different name.
As I mentioned before . you atheist leader who took power in east Europa was the biggest murderer.
Yep, but I think the body count is higher for atheism, in fact.

possibly a higher body count for certain people who incidentally turned out to be atheists, but not for atheism.

unlike theists atheists don't kill in the name of their beleif / deity (or lack of in this case) - it would seem that other beleif systems were instrumental in guiding their actions - such as communism in the case of Pol Pot and Stalin - beleif systems that are often described as quasi-religious in nature.

It's no more pertinent to blame atheism for Stalin's atrocities than it would be to blame theism for the atrocities carried out under National Socialism
possibly a higher body count for certain people who incidentally turned out to be atheists, but not for atheism.

unlike theists atheists don't kill in the name of their beleif / deity (or lack of in this case) - it would seem that other beleif systems were instrumental in guiding their actions - such as communism in the case of Pol Pot and Stalin - beleif systems that are often described as quasi-religious in nature.

It's no more pertinent to blame atheism for Stalin's atrocities than it would be to blame theism for the atrocities carried out under National Socialism


For your understanding Nazi persecuted for political and social reason .Communist persecute specifically against believers of God.

For your understanding Nazi persecuted for political and social reason .Communist persecute specifically against believers of God.

I beleie you are probably wrong on this so cite or retract

however it is good to know you agree with my main point - you cite the religion of communism as responsible - not atheism
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cite or retract

Retract what . I lived in Germany during Nazi time I went to church , I have witnessed people from our barrack been send to jail , I have seen Gipsy been incarcerated.

My grandparents have been send to to Archangels woods they never come back, many of the believers were sent to Siberia, Many practicing Jews ended up in Siberia

You want me to retract , You probably were in your fathers testicle at that time
possibly a higher body count for certain people who incidentally turned out to be atheists, but not for atheism.

unlike theists atheists don't kill in the name of their beleif / deity (or lack of in this case) - it would seem that other beleif systems were instrumental in guiding their actions - such as communism in the case of Pol Pot and Stalin - beleif systems that are often described as quasi-religious in nature.

It's no more pertinent to blame atheism for Stalin's atrocities than it would be to blame theism for the atrocities carried out under National Socialism

Well, I apologize for my loose language here - although I'm not alone. It would be as pertinent to blame Christianity or Judaism or Islam in toto for the atrocities of those who turned out to be theists as for those who turned out to be atheists. But while those atheists didn't kill in the name of atheism, they did do so in pursuit of a higher dialectic that demanded the abandoning of faith as a form of liberation. I think you could argue that the deviation of Pol Pot and Stalin from true Communism was equivalent to that of theists committing their own atrocities, and it would be far worse given only opportunity.

In short, there's really no point comparing body counts. It doesn't help.
Well, I apologize for my loose language here - although I'm not alone. It would be as pertinent to blame Christianity or Judaism or Islam in toto for the atrocities of those who turned out to be theists as for those who turned out to be atheists. But while those atheists didn't kill in the name of atheism, they did do so in pursuit of a higher dialectic that demanded the abandoning of faith as a form of liberation. I think you could argue that the deviation of Pol Pot and Stalin from true Communism was equivalent to that of theists committing their own atrocities, and it would be far worse given only opportunity.

In short, there's really no point comparing body counts. It doesn't help.

Apology accepted Geoff - you are a mere tracer afterall ;)

I'm in agreement with some of what you said - but in my view people like Stalin merely replaced religion with communism to use as an excuse to do whatever the hell they wanted - had be been brought up as a fundie christian or muslim, or exposed to their ideologies as a means to an end later in life, I suspect the end result would have been much the same.

So the problem isn't religion or rigidly dogmatic ideology per-se, it's that certain personality types will use them to justify anything in their name.

which takes us neatly back to the original topic - it illustrates how the owners of the creation museum feel entirely justified to be deliberately socially divisive and to knowingly lie to, deceive, and defraud, the dupes who walk through their doors.
In other words they twist their religion so much that it becomes ok to behave in a non-christian manner in the name of christianity
But if we look at how many were killed by dinosaurs....per the Creation Museum....

Dinosaurs were the agents of Satan, clearly. Pointy teeth, horns, long tails. Need I say more?

(Arthur C. Clarke, whither have you gone?)
Dinosaurs were the agents of Satan, clearly. Pointy teeth, horns, long tails. Need I say more?

(Arthur C. Clarke, whither have you gone?)


Now you are really becoming an ahole and you can shove it into you know were.
You have taken a nice defensive position

You have just posted nothing other than bullshit, and in so doing, haven't addressed a single point that I made (or that anybody has made).

The theist are the evil and the atheist are the good and benevolent.

I never said that "atheists were good". I said religion is evil. Any ideology which places the state, a god, a religious institution above human value and forces individuals to subjugate themselves to a hierarchy will always be evil. There are plenty of evil atheists, there just aren't any evil secular humanists that I've ever known. I'd invite you to show me one.

Could you express the good that the atheist are bringing to mankind

Ahhh, no, brainiac. That's your job, not mine. Religion is evil and I've pointed that out, so I feel no desire to lie to you and say otherwise. There is none that outweighs all the evil religion has done.

You have just posted nothing other than bullshit, and in so doing, haven't addressed a single point that I made (or that anybody has made).

I never said that "atheists were good". I said religion is evil. Any ideology which places the state, a god, a religious institution above human value and forces individuals to subjugate themselves to a hierarchy will always be evil. There are plenty of evil atheists, there just aren't any evil secular humanists that I've ever known. I'd invite you to show me one.

I'd invite you to show me one.

Ahhh, no, brainiac. That's your job, not mine. Religion is evil and I've pointed that out, so I feel no desire to lie to you and say otherwise. There is none that outweighs all the evil religion has done.


Lets do one step at the time

1 point out my B.S
2 show me specifically in a few words what do I have to answer,

Dies that imply that people who are involved in religion are evil ? ( since religion is evil )
Many or religious organization who provide charity and medical care for free to undeveloped nation is that evil ?
Any ideology which places the state, a god, a religious institution above human value and forces individuals to subjugate themselves to a hierarchy will always be evil.

Can you name any religious state in the western civilization who practice such action .
I'd invite you to show me one.
To show you what ?

There is none that outweighs all the evil religion has done. [/I]

In what period in time ?

Secular society are some thing new in this last century (Communism ) There were secular society before but they hid themselves under the religious umbrella,
Lets do one step at the time

1 point out my B.S

Every word you've uttered thus far.

Dies that imply that people who are involved in religion are evil ? ( since religion is evil )

No. It makes them ignorant, misguided and weak.

Many or religious organization who provide charity and medical care for free to undeveloped nation is that evil ?

As do many secular organizations, but they do it without all the war, genocide, homophobia, sexism and oppression.

Any ideology which places the state, a god, a religious institution above human value and forces individuals to subjugate themselves to a hierarchy will always be evil.

Can you name any religious state in the western civilization who practice such action .

In the industrialized, free world? No, yaracuy, because THEY HAVE BECOME SECULAR and have cast off religion as a guiding force. Duh.

But, before that, there were many. In the rest of the world, where people are still figuring out that religion is worthless and evil (especially when combined with the state), you see it all the time.
I'd invite you to show me one.
To show you what ?

. . . a singular secular humanist individual or secular humanist society that has done evil things.

There is none that outweighs all the evil religion has done. [/I]

In what period in time ?

From approximately 10,000 years ago until today. You don't get to cherry pick a specific moment in time and say, "LOOK, A BAPTIST CHURCH CLEANED THE LITTER OFF THE SIDE OF THE HIGHWAY!!!" And call it good. We're talking from the beginning of human history until today.

Secular society are some thing new in this last century (Communism ) There were secular society before but they hid themselves under the religious umbrella,

You're ignorant. It is impossible to be "secular" and "religious" at the same time. So either you're lying or really, REALLY dumb.

But, in case I'm wrong, please show me a single secular society that existed in the past that hid itself under the cloak of religion.

No. It makes them ignorant, misguided and weak.

No more so than being an atheist means that someone has no concept of spirituality or morality.

As do many secular organizations, but they do it without all the war, genocide, homophobia, sexism and oppression.

Hmm. The Tamil Tigers are a secular terrorist organization. They basically invented suicide bombing.

. . . a singular secular humanist individual or secular humanist society that has done evil things.

Cho Seung-Hui. Tamil Tigers. Japan and the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The US; we killed 350,000 innocent civilians with nuclear weapons.

What does that mean? Does it mean all atheists are cold blooded killers with no morality? Nope. It just means that murderers, warmongers and terrorists come in all flavors.
Every word you've uttered thus far.

As do many secular organizations, but they do it without all the war, genocide, homophobia, sexism and oppression.


From approximately 10,000 years ago until today. You don't get to cherry pick a specific moment in time and say, "LOOK, A BAPTIST CHURCH CLEANED THE LITTER OFF THE SIDE OF THE HIGHWAY!!!" And call it good. We're talking from the beginning of human history until today.

With this two statements you identified your self . I feel sorry for your self, have a beautiful day.:)
I never said that "atheists were good". I said religion is evil. Any ideology which places the state, a god, a religious institution above human value and forces individuals to subjugate themselves to a hierarchy will always be evil. There are plenty of evil atheists, there just aren't any evil secular humanists that I've ever known. I'd invite you to show me one.

At the same time, you could argue that there aren't any 'evil good theists', either, secular humanism being given as a good in this discussion. If I may - it's unfair to judge religion, any religion, as inherently evil; you attached the value of placing itself above human value, which is (all aesthetic and ethical division being presumably equal) badness, true. But does religion necessarily do so? All religion? Mine doesn't, whatever it's supposed to be. And nor are all atheists secular humanists; or was that the comparison from the start?