The Continuous Theory of Black Holes and White Holes


1. I have explained that the universe can be explained as a pulastating object.

The whole scenrio of universes inside black holes CANNOT BE WRONG.

2. I did explain however, that there was the Hawking Paradox of Information, or radiation, which would either:

a. radiate all the energy from this universe
b. integrate an energy into the universe (a self-contained universe)*

3. A white Hole is time reversed property of a Black Hole, so let's extroplate this even further.

4. A black hole in a white hole, in a black hole into inifinity > (E/c- oo <> -oo -M^c)

Now, i will produce more math into all these asumptions, but please don;t jump down my throat as usual. I only wish to have an intelligent discussion.


1. The Hawking Radiation from the first point of spacetime (1.616 x 10^-33) radiated into the white hole - This is possible, because now we have to revert to retrocausal events.

2. The time required, must be the same, (5.88 x 10^-44) to allow superluminal radiation, which is allowed by Hawking in his explanation that by allowing a radiated particle of a black hole to move out of the Horizon, to move at superluminal speeds, for a short period, due to the Uncertainty Principle.


Now, use a little imagination here... if a black hole is in a white hole into infinity, given by my formula of:

(E/c- oo <> -oo -M^c)

Then we MUST assume that the radiation of both holes, that is, black and white are radiating into each other into infinity. If this is true, then we mught even assume also that this ''COULD'' explain a universal acceleration, which we are observing. I will provide more math, but you must allow me atleast four days to finish this, just to show it isn't a pseudoscientific theory.

** By this, i mean that the ZPEF which MUST BE NEGATIVE, (in this case), is providing this hypothetical theory of this universe with an infinite amount of energy, causing it to expand.

Best Wishes
Four days of this thread in Physics forum? You'd need to bribe Ben with poisonous cookies.

The whole scenrio of universes inside black holes CANNOT BE WRONG.
And i said ''if'' - later/// you really should try harder ''Oh great Eye'' to read my work more carefully.
You just showed yourself up to be the troll you so very very are... now leave me be... there is a lot of math to do, and you are intentionally trying to spam my time. I have several people talking to me at one, and you make a great deal of those.
'''''''IF''''''' a black hole is in a white hole into infinity, given by my formula of: ECT ECT

Now be quite please.
The whole scenrio of universes inside black holes CANNOT BE WRONG.

It also can't be tested, so it CANNOT BE RIGHT.

I will provide more math, but you must allow me atleast four days to finish this, just to show it isn't a pseudoscientific theory.

I have pretty strong reservations about this Reiku. But what the hell, I am in a good mood because I have just spent the weekend with my girlfriend after not seeing her for a month, so I will give you four days. And your work can stay in Physics and Math under the following conditions:
1.) I can't find any glaring mistakes.
2.) The math makes sense to me, or I can understand it after studying it (in depth if need be).
3.) All equations are set in LaTeX. Google it, or read JamesR's post on it. LaTeX is incredibly simple to actually learn, and you can download all of the programs to make beautiful pdf files on the internet. If you are a physicist, then you should learn LaTeX.

I have to warn you, I don't think that this will be easy for you. I have applied a fairly consistent judgement to all of your former work, and it would be dumped on all three of these points.

If you need an extra day to learn LaTeX, let me know. And never say that I have targeted you, or not given you a chance, because I haven't.

Please stop tormenting reiku., he at least gives responses and cares about physics and stuff/
It also can't be tested, so it CANNOT BE RIGHT.

I have pretty strong reservations about this Reiku. But what the hell, I am in a good mood because I have just spent the weekend with my girlfriend after not seeing her for a month, so I will give you four days. And your work can stay in Physics and Math under the following conditions:
1.) I can't find any glaring mistakes.
2.) The math makes sense to me, or I can understand it after studying it (in depth if need be).
3.) All equations are set in LaTeX. Google it, or read JamesR's post on it. LaTeX is incredibly simple to actually learn, and you can download all of the programs to make beautiful pdf files on the internet. If you are a physicist, then you should learn LaTeX.

I have to warn you, I don't think that this will be easy for you. I have applied a fairly consistent judgement to all of your former work, and it would be dumped on all three of these points.

If you need an extra day to learn LaTeX, let me know. And never say that I have targeted you, or not given you a chance, because I haven't.

I'm you have had a good time... and i'm not just saying this.

I can use LaTex, but for some reason, i'm not understanding how to do it... i'm sorry...

''It also can't be tested, so it CANNOT BE RIGHT.''

How can i argue with that... i was only trying to ahow you that i am actually moving towards the whole idea of string theory... but this needs to be seen in light of the Aether Field as well.

Best Wishes
I can use LaTex, but for some reason, i'm not understanding how to do it... i'm sorry...

Well...either you can or you can or you can't. PM me if you need help.

Please stop tormenting reiku., he at least gives responses and cares about physics and stuff/


I'm not picking on anybody. I have a standard in place and most of Reiku's previous work has fallen short of that standard. It is up to reiku to take this personally.
Right... I was going to give myself four days, but i've bent over backwards to get this finished this early morning... trust me... it wasn't easy... But it is the best i can mathematically explain this theory.

Continuous Theory of Black Holes and White Holes

Λ- R_uv- 1/2 Rg_uv + G^uv(8 π G_N/c^4) T^uv ~ G^uv(-8 π G/c^2)T^uv since:
G^uv(8 π G_N/c^4) T^uv...

We must raise G^uv(-8 π G/c^2)T^uv to the power of four, through the Casimir predictions that are directly proportional to ZPE. This is because H.B.G. Casimir proved that not only was a negative energy embedded within the memory of the vacuum, but also explained why Van der Waals Forces decreased at longer ranges. These are given through the equations:

F=K/d^4 where K=phc/480

(Where k=8πG/c2
All of this work in General Relativity would have crumbled through if it hadn’t abided by the solutions of geometrized units, but it seemed to predict them correctly:

GN = 1 = c.)

Describing two plates becoming strong at closer distances and lesser at shorter distances. If this universe is a black hole in a white hole in a black hole in a white hole, into infinity, given by the equation:

(E/c- oo <> -oo -M^c)

Then a balance in h~122 magnitudes are but a fantasy, and that rather everything is balanced… but why? First let us be forthcoming in some imagination… If we have an infinite amount of white holes and an infinite amount of black holes, then renormalization theory must work… only if the CC is negative.

Now, using a little math, we can see how two reversed, yet paradoxically-similar products can push and pull on each other, allowing the forces to renormalize…

Black holes are predicted to form from the collapsed states of certain large stars, about several times larger than our star. They do so, because of gravitational acceleration, given by the formula;


Remember, a free falling object will have the force of gravity totally cancelled out as it’s that weak. We know that from Newton’s Force Equation is derived as f= ma, where this also shows an inertial system to derive the acceleration due to gravity. So the gravitational acceleration is the mass of a gravitationally warped object M, and the distance d from it. Also, instead of working out the mass of a black hole you can work out its mass against the gravitational acceleration formula, by;


And the Planck Mass given as:

(hc/2piG) ½ >

It’s like a tug of war… or in other words… a pulsating universe theory, contained within another reversed universe, upon another.

Because of this, we can now say that the design has a set of values Λ and -Λ to allow one black hole to generate radiation into a white hole, and the other to absorb the radiation...
Because the following equation is proportional (~) to the variables G^uv(8 π G_N/c^4) - notic however, ''c'' is raised to the power of four? This is what was predicted and still is today, through the casimir effect... The reason why the power is raised to four, is through the value of k=8πG, because of gravitational attraction.... Hence, the laws of Newton extrapolated the use of a same law for magnetism and we find it even on very small scales.

G^uv(-8 π G/c^2)T^uv


Because we find that ''c^2'' is only a variable that is a simplification of > G^uv(8 π G_N/c^4) which describes the casimir effect in a whole, because of the change ''c^4''.

As i explained, ''We must raise G^uv(-8 π G/c^2)T^uv to the power of four, through the Casimir predictions that are directly proportional to ZPE. This is because H.B.G. Casimir proved that not only was a negative energy embedded within the memory of the vacuum, but also explained why Van der Waals Forces decreased at longer ranges. These are given through the equations:

F=K/d^4 where K=phc/480''

Does this help?
Because the following equation is proportional (~) to the variables G^uv(8 π G_N/c^4) - notic however, ''c'' is raised to the power of four? This is what was predicted and still is today, through the casimir effect...

No, I don't think so---the c is raised to the power 4 to get the units right. Einstein didn't know anything about the Casimir effect. The Casimir effect is a quantum effect, due to modes in the vacuum, whereas Einstein's field equations are classical.

And I'm confused pretty terribly---Einstein's equations are

$$G_{\mu\nu} = \frac{8 \pi G_N}{c^4}T_{\mu\nu}$$

Why do you write $$G_{\mu\nu}\left( \frac{8 \pi G_N}{c^4}\right)$$? The two things are not the same.