The Christmas Happiness Poll.

On Christmases, do you normally feel...

  • happier than normal

    Votes: 16 43.2%
  • about the same as normal

    Votes: 17 45.9%
  • less happy than normal

    Votes: 4 10.8%

  • Total voters
About the same these days, it's great to have timne of work (2 weeks in my case) and spend more time with family and friends. But, it's damn expensive and it brings me down when I see how shit a time other people are having this time of year.
It's not perfect but I'm glad we have it.
Normally, Christmas is a happy time. Even though my wife and I are not religious and we don't have any family, we put up a tree and other decorations, prowl the stores, buy presents, eat a fabulous home-cooked meal, go see a fun movie, put funny hats on the dogs, etc. But this is the third Christmas we haven't been together because of my work schedule, and it's a little melancholy.

New Year's Eve will be more fun. My friends' band is playing that night and a lot of people I know will be there.
Fraggle Rocker, a wife? I always assumed you were a woman!

Never the same as usual - either very happy indeed or upset at some family argument.
little down this year, i agreed to visit my family for christmas but that ment leaving my partner behind and even being gone for the 10 days i miss her like crasy. I just cant wait to be home:(
I feel the same, a little excited about my presents but my destiny is till the same so there really isn't any change.
My sister has come to visit and she has her two kids with her. I am enjoying being with them. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Being with family, eating good food, watching good movies, and most importantly celebrating Christmas. I get happier during designated fun times!

His son,

I define happiness as being able to do something for someone and not expect something in return.
Dianne Gow, Ontario, Canada

I define happiness as the feeling of what the continual effort in bettering myself gives.
Damon Abbott, Japan

I define happiness as ... sitting quietly on my front porch, watching a rainstorm dance by, observing all of nature joyously celebrating it's abundance.
Carrie Houseman, Ohio, USA

I define happiness as ... that sense of warmth that begins at the core of the soul, spreads to the heart, and radiates outward from the eyes and lips of those who know it. The gift of happiness is elusive, but tangible. You cannot seek to find that which makes you happy for happiness comes from within and by your own choice.
Dale Reddish, Maryland, USA

I define happiness as ... walking through the dewy summer grass barefoot, the smile on a person's face upon seeing you, the warm sun shining on your face, the feeling of being completely loved faults and all.
Noel Collins, Connecticut, USA

I define happiness as ... having the freedom, health and opportunity to do great things for myself and others.
David Cress, Wisconsin, USA

I define happiness as ... the fresh scent of a soft Spring rain, the kiss of morning sunshine, and the embrace of a crisp Autumn breeze.
Yolanda Anderson, Alabama, USA

I define happiness as being at peace with myself and those around me and being able to give and receive love unconditionally.
Luke Sebastian, Malasia

I define happiness as ... a true joy that springs from the heart and does not depend upon the circumstances.
J. David Kumar, India

I define happiness as ... waking up with a smile, jumping over every obstacle that you encounter each day, thanking God for all he has created and for all we have...then going to bed and having totally awesome dreams!!!!!!
Marty Marshall, Tennessee, USA

I define happiness as ... the ultimate state of conscious feeling where all the five senses integrate into a purest form of dreamless love. Happiness flows out of 'FORGIVE'ness and not 'FORGET'ness.
Asesh Datta, India

I define happiness as ... a seed that God had planted in our heart, and we have to learn during the whole life to make it grow and flourish in a splendid flower, by learning to love each other
Adina Militaru, Romania

I define happiness as ... standing in the rain and really feeling every single rain drop that touches you, and knowing that each drop is a not a tear from God above but a drop of his everlasting love falling sown on us.
April Kinabrew, Mississippi

I define happiness as ... that reassuring sound of the other guy's fax machine kicking in. "It's going's really going through!"
Patricia Gomes, Massachusetts, USA

I define happiness as ... The smile on my son's face when he wakes up and the sun is shining after 4 days of rain, and he says 'mom, I can do my running today!'
Helene Nicol, South Africa

I define happiness as being able to sit in the hammock on a spring evening and know I am valuable--even after having two story submissions rejected by editors, one book proposal rejected and hearing my cousin just got a book deal with a major publisher. The crickets and bullfrogs harmonize in the nearby pond and instead of thinking how far I have to go, I relish the successes I have on the smaller scale and know I can continue to pursue the mountains.
Alice J. Wisler, North Carolina, USA

I define happiness as ... comfortable shoes.
Sarah White, Arkansas, USA

I define happiness as ... not having your name show up in the obit. column.
Ed Scull, Georgia, USA

I define happiness as ... the smile you see when you give away the 'biggest' shark's tooth you just found!
Kim Lang, Florida, USA

I define happiness as ... knowing who you are and being at peace with yourself
Carolyn Richardson, Maryland, USA
I had to put less happy than normal. I lost my job back in January and was out of work for five weeks. Since then I've been trying frantically to play financial catch up. It's kinda hard to be happy during the holidays when you have that to worry about.
I'm always happy this time of year. The cool/cold weather, snow (when I visit relatives in Ohio), Santa Claus motifs, candy canes, hot coffee & cocoa, and family to enjoy it all with. Family is the reason for the season.

Christmas is my favorite atheist holiday!
I voted happier than normal.
I think most people are in a good mood on Christmas, it's stressful for a lot of people (Mums especially having to cook and clean).

Oh everyone, MERRY CHRISTMAS, it's now been Christmas for 13 minutes in England :D

And on that note I'm going to go to bed.
Christmas for me was nice years ago, when it based around the idea of the birth of Christ. As the years pass by, it seems to have become cold as if it is dead. The only thing that has any relation to how it used to be, for me, is the excitement of the children.
Otherwise its just another good thing gone bad. :(

I think SkinWalker is right when he says that this is an athiest holiday. :bawl:

I define happiness as being able to do something for someone and not expect something in return.
Dianne Gow, Ontario, Canada

I define happiness as the feeling of what the continual effort in bettering myself gives.
Damon Abbott, Japan

I define happiness as ... sitting quietly on my front porch, watching a rainstorm dance by, observing all of nature joyously celebrating it's abundance.
Carrie Houseman, Ohio, USA

I define happiness as ... that sense of warmth that begins at the core of the soul, spreads to the heart, and radiates outward from the eyes and lips of those who know it. The gift of happiness is elusive, but tangible. You cannot seek to find that which makes you happy for happiness comes from within and by your own choice.
Dale Reddish, Maryland, USA

I define happiness as ... walking through the dewy summer grass barefoot, the smile on a person's face upon seeing you, the warm sun shining on your face, the feeling of being completely loved faults and all.
Noel Collins, Connecticut, USA

I define happiness as ... having the freedom, health and opportunity to do great things for myself and others.
David Cress, Wisconsin, USA

I define happiness as ... the fresh scent of a soft Spring rain, the kiss of morning sunshine, and the embrace of a crisp Autumn breeze.
Yolanda Anderson, Alabama, USA

I define happiness as being at peace with myself and those around me and being able to give and receive love unconditionally.
Luke Sebastian, Malasia

I define happiness as ... a true joy that springs from the heart and does not depend upon the circumstances.
J. David Kumar, India

I define happiness as ... waking up with a smile, jumping over every obstacle that you encounter each day, thanking God for all he has created and for all we have...then going to bed and having totally awesome dreams!!!!!!
Marty Marshall, Tennessee, USA

I define happiness as ... the ultimate state of conscious feeling where all the five senses integrate into a purest form of dreamless love. Happiness flows out of 'FORGIVE'ness and not 'FORGET'ness.
Asesh Datta, India

I define happiness as ... a seed that God had planted in our heart, and we have to learn during the whole life to make it grow and flourish in a splendid flower, by learning to love each other
Adina Militaru, Romania

I define happiness as ... standing in the rain and really feeling every single rain drop that touches you, and knowing that each drop is a not a tear from God above but a drop of his everlasting love falling sown on us.
April Kinabrew, Mississippi

I define happiness as ... that reassuring sound of the other guy's fax machine kicking in. "It's going's really going through!"
Patricia Gomes, Massachusetts, USA

I define happiness as ... The smile on my son's face when he wakes up and the sun is shining after 4 days of rain, and he says 'mom, I can do my running today!'
Helene Nicol, South Africa

I define happiness as being able to sit in the hammock on a spring evening and know I am valuable--even after having two story submissions rejected by editors, one book proposal rejected and hearing my cousin just got a book deal with a major publisher. The crickets and bullfrogs harmonize in the nearby pond and instead of thinking how far I have to go, I relish the successes I have on the smaller scale and know I can continue to pursue the mountains.
Alice J. Wisler, North Carolina, USA

I define happiness as ... comfortable shoes.
Sarah White, Arkansas, USA

I define happiness as ... not having your name show up in the obit. column.
Ed Scull, Georgia, USA

I define happiness as ... the smile you see when you give away the 'biggest' shark's tooth you just found!
Kim Lang, Florida, USA

I define happiness as ... knowing who you are and being at peace with yourself
Carolyn Richardson, Maryland, USA

Happiness = having your adrenals actually react to that 355ml can of Red Bull after you've been sick for a week. Visceral Instinct, Ireland.

I regret voting happier than normal. I'm just really bored. Hyperactive, and bored. I think it would be cool if I suddenly vomited massive amounts of blood or something. At least that wouldn't be boring.

I guess I'll just sit and appreciate the luxury of being bored...Poor kids in deprived countries don't get to sit around and be bored, after all. XD
Christmas = Christ Mass

If you deny that, you are an IDIOT without a clue. That's where the term came from and without the character that is the Christ child, there would be no Christmas celebration.

This meaning only exists in the minds of those whose gullible nature and deluded perspectives allow it to be. For modern rationalists, "christmas" is no more a religious celebration than Halloween. Nor is the word "christmas" any more religious than "goodbye" or even "good," which both have their etymologies with religious superstition as do many words, terms, labels and concepts that now have entirely secular meanings.

Therefore, I am neither clueless nor an idiot, your overuse of capitalization notwithstanding, for denying that 'Christmas' continues to have a religious significance for me or my family. Further, please accept my xmas gift of a warning you'll see in your inbox for referring to myself and other members as "idiot."

Merry xmas.