the christian soul...

if something can be constructed out of its base properties, you have eveything you need - similarly to say that life is material begs the q why life does not form when every material requirement for its existence is met and why life ceases in the presenceof such a fully equipped environment

what is the chemical difference?

well for starters, the heart stopped working. or there's been an issue in the brain. or perhaps a disease, virus, etc., totally messed up a bodily process that lead to death.

cells are not chemicals

to be specific, an example of the red blood cell...
it is 97% hemoglobin without water.
meaning that the RBC has lots of iron (Fe), a heme portion, and a globin portion.
the globin are grouped up amino acids, while the heme portion will attach to albumin when the red blood cell dies and turn into bile.
or the fact that we carbon-based.

then the question is "why" since you advocate that life is essentially dull matter to begin with - what chemicals does a living person have that a dead person doesn't? Why can't dead persons be revived or persons expectant of death be saved by applying these chemicals?

dead persons can be revived, depending on how far into clinical death they're in. 4 minutes of oxygen-deprivation before the brain starts dying!

so since everyone knows they will die, why don't they keep a stock pile of living person chemicals on hand to avoid this scenario?

that's a question of the ability to attach the nerves to every part of the body properly, without a scratch, and ever-so-perfectly.. to be blunt.
the point is that a rock doesn't have consciousness - have you ever heard of anyone exploiting rocks by treating them in inhumane ways?

well, rocks are mere forms of geography.
they don't feel pain, because they aren't living.

plants may not feel pain, but they're living, and can certainly sense a harmful touch.
so one can see that some ferns, for example, retract (as if in pain) when hit.

and to add to information processes...
that was for the brain.
we are living, and we want to live as a biological being.
i still can't really grasp how the soul has to do with filtering information processes.
filtering information processes helps to keep us sane.
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it's a partial driver.
just like the engine is the partial driver of a car, but the actual driver is the pilot
there's no doubt behind that.
i mean, the simple case of a reflex to pain is a clear and concise example of that.
it just indicates an information system
in addition, the nature of dna is biological evidence.
stem cells in the bone marrow?
there's another one.
again just the chemical information life utilizes - dna is not life
what else, blood...
the leukocytes are the the full-blown eukaryotes of blood's buffy coat layer.
they attack foreign objects. and the type of leukocytes vary depending on the foreign material. much of their actions have nothing to do with our personality, but they act on their own terms.
and the brake fluid of a car also has its application - as does the oil, the radiator and the water pump etc etc

in terms of personality-driving properties... an error in the dna, that creates an issue with the body, which leads to properties of our personality, behaviour, and everything that may seem to be the soul, but in reality is the effect on our brain to adapt.
the soul is more than just a mere personality - it is the 'amness" of "I think therefore I am"

of course, a theist may argue that the soul is adapting itself, as it's the pilot of the body, but can't quite control what happens, hence adapation.
but i think the biology of us is far too mechanical.
at last I wouldn't argue like that - seems you are confusing the conceived self (how we awarded a greater or lesser mode of life according to environment) as the same as teh self as context (the nature of being alive, distinct from being dead)

maybe i wasn't too clear on what you meant though. but the body certainly does have a drive for the us.
thats why I used the car analogy - it also has its system of locomotion - bu tthe most integral element is the driver himself, without which, even the most perfectly mainatined vehicle will remain motionless
well, rocks are mere forms of geography.
they don't feel pain, because they aren't living.

plants may not feel pain, but they're living, and can certainly sense a harmful touch.
so one can see that some ferns, for example, retract (as if in pain) when hit.
therefore plants have life and rocks do not - it also explains why the bodies of dead people are just like rocks
When a battery runs out of "juice" or shorts out, what's the functional difference between the good battery vs the "dead" battery?
When a battery runs out of "juice" or shorts out, what's the functional difference between the good battery vs the "dead" battery?
the dead battery requires re-juicing, which can be applied at any stage of the process of becoming juiceless
If life could be rejuiced in a similar fashion, the argument that life is a material phenomena would be evidential as opposed to theoretical
the dead battery requires re-juicing, which can be applied at any stage of the process of becoming juiceless
If life could be rejuiced in a similar fashion, the argument that life is a material phenomena would be evidential as opposed to theoretical
It can. People have been dead for many minutes and "re-juiced". A lithium battery can not be "re-juiced". It's born, it serves a useful purpose, then it dies. Does it have a soul? If not, by what measure do you determine this to be the case?
the reason why i went so specific, is because
there are so many processes and issues that happen in the body,
that it goes with adaptation.

everything we do, everything that happens to us influences our mind, which creates our personality. how we behave, etc.
being schizophrenic is a multifactorial trait, for example.
it's in your genes. it can change you.
you have all the factors for it, but you need this extra process to make it happen... to change your personality.
so you smoke too much weed one day,
and voila you're schizophrenic and thinking delusionally, being ridiculously happy, and at times thinking just thinking radically.


when you talk to someone, say a friend.
you're talking to him in a manner in which you believe you're being completely yourself.
and you are.

but you find yourself talking to another friend talking in a totally different manner, but you're believing you're being completely yourself.
and you are.

and you do this when you're by yourself. you're being yourself, and you really are.

and then look into it, you find that you really ARE yourself the whole time with yourself, and the two very good friends you have.

and you find that, wow i'm a good adapter.
you look at the conscience, and notice, man it must shift though.
you're behaving in matters of adaptation in order to survive,
you're learning how to survive.
the gift of the easy, unnoticeable shifts of mind, doesn't happen to everyone,
not because of the soul, but your biological make up.
how were you raised? how are you genes?


monozygotic twins... 100% similar dna.
separated with different adopting parents.
the twins have many of the same gestures, movements, behaviours to each other.
in essence, at this point of young age, before they hit more influential stages in their life, they're very similar in personality.
it's as if they're the same soul!

but you know, they live their environment (one is popular and wealthy, another is the opposite), and their personalities separate.
they're totally different.

from the odd occurence of meeting each other every few years.
they find they used to love each other, but in the end despise each other.

genes and the environment developing the personalities here.
the idea of a soul here is awkard, whereas
the personality seems to make much more sense when it comes to discussing multifactorial questions aka genes and environment.
It can. People have been dead for many minutes and "re-juiced". A lithium battery can not be "re-juiced". It's born, it serves a useful purpose, then it dies. Does it have a soul? If not, by what measure do you determine this to be the case?
the battery thing is not an argument for the soul - it is an argument about the soul's non -existence - as for humans being rejuiced, its more an issue of medical practioners and the like being totally bewildered and being delivered an unexpected result, rather than the process of applying a process to get a result (which is what science is) - in other words when a dead person comes back to life it is an issue of undetermined variables coming into play as opposed to scientific proceedure (sometimes people wake up in the morgue)
good debate, i'll be back tomorrow or later tonight.
i gotta get back to my studies. a;sdlkfj
the battery thing is not an argument for the soul - it is an argument about the soul's non -existence - as for humans being rejuiced, its more an issue of medical practioners and the like being totally bewildered and being delivered an unexpected result, rather than the process of applying a process to get a result (which is what science is) - in other words when a dead person comes back to life it is an issue of undetermined variables coming into play as opposed to scientific proceedure (sometimes people wake up in the morgue)
When someone has cardiac arrest, doctors use a well established process to restart the heart.
It's funny. Every time I "debate" with LG it proves that he is a selfish coward. He will never pursue a logical line of questioning to it's conclusion. He always dismisses the questions when they start to lead somewhere he dosen't want to go. Poor, intellectually fraudulent LG.
It's funny. Every time I "debate" with LG it proves that he is a selfish coward. He will never pursue a logical line of questioning to it's conclusion. He always dismisses the questions when they start to lead somewhere he dosen't want to go. Poor, intellectually fraudulent LG.
therefore I assert that logic has its limitations - if it didn't there would be no need for prac
I dont think you even need to invoke a soul to supose that the human mind is part of something larger than itself.
The universe work's in a series of systems and sub-systems, theres no reason to believe that humans and human society isnt part of something bigger.
We're all essentially part of the huge fuck off entity that is 'the universe' and if you can forget youre human for long enough it will become apparent.
Shit, if a human cell could reason it would most likely argue reason that it was a singular individual and argue with anyone who dared to suggest that it was actually a small cog in much larger sentient whole.
just like the engine is the partial driver of a car, but the actual driver is the pilot
yesh, the brain!
i suppose yours is the soul!

it just indicates an information system

yes, indeed, but nevertheless it shows it has a drive of its own.
pain reflex in that the spine reacts before the brain does.

again just the chemical information life utilizes - dna is not life
dna is a huge factor in influencing life!
that's how we evolve!
from metazoan worms to crawling beings to humans!
that's how we die of cancer!
how's there to say it isn't life?
it pretty much structures our life.

and the brake fluid of a car also has its application - as does the oil, the radiator and the water pump etc etc

:) i was being annoyingly specific. cells are chemicals! which makes everything about us chemicals, and products of their reactions!

the soul is more than just a mere personality - it is the 'amness" of "I think therefore I am"

i realise that, to me that's the brain.
and as said before, the "amness" being the information filtration process to keep us at at a good adaptive stance in nature.

at last I wouldn't argue like that - seems you are confusing the conceived self (how we awarded a greater or lesser mode of life according to environment) as the same as teh self as context (the nature of being alive, distinct from being dead)

nature of being alive, is a reflection of what i'm saying.

thats why I used the car analogy - it also has its system of locomotion - bu tthe most integral element is the driver himself, without which, even the most perfectly mainatined vehicle will remain motionless

i used to think that, with the whole I, amness, and whatnot.
but i there is a better explanation for it, and it is straightforward to me.
the driver itself is a working machine, not the soul.
the driver this the driver that.
what are the mechanics of the driver?
that's our brain!
the brain drives the body!
but the brain needs the body to survive!
i mean, the brain takes up most of our glucose intake anyway. :p
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