The Christian Party

So, it's back in the news again. More conservative republicans talking about splitting with the Repub. party and creating their own "Christian Party".

Seems to me that the more exposure religious nutters get, the less people are inclined to show interest in them.

There are already Christian parties in existence that have yet to gain a foothold in government. Even in Christian dominated areas, they don't seem to get a whole lot of support.
So, it's back in the news again. More conservative republicans talking about splitting with the Repub. party and creating their own "Christian Party".

I think it's anti-American, especially since there is this little thing in the constitution called separation of church and state.

Just imagine what would come of this if in the unlikely event that they did form a powerful party and actually took office. Homosexuality would be banned outright, and not just gay marraige. The 10 Commandments would be on every school and federal building. There would be a mandatory "Bible class" in our educational system. There would be mandatory praying. There would be segregation between Christians and non-christians. The constitution would be amended to ban abortions. It would be the reign of Bush Jr. only ten times worse.

What do you all think about this idea of creating a Christian party????

I think the Republican's who are considering this schism are. . . well. . . they're just brilliant. One wonders if they are intentionally consigning the nation over to permanent rule by the Democrats.

Not that I think it will happen. Somehow, some way, the Republican party will stay together. The USA is very much a two party system. I don't see it changing anytime soon.

I think the Republican's who are considering this schism are. . . well. . . they're just brilliant. One wonders if they are intentionally consigning the nation over to permanent rule by the Democrats.

Not that I think it will happen. Somehow, some way, the Republican party will stay together. The USA is very much a two party system. I don't see it changing anytime soon.


String in the event that a scism did happen you'd quite likely see a similar scism within the Dems too - with fiscally conservative dems jumping ship to the republican party that was now more palateble for them and reinforcing them - or perhaps with the left wing of the dems splintering off to form a Social Democrat party and weakening the mainstream dems.
You might get a few terms of pure democrat rule while the dust settles but no more than that.
So, it's back in the news again. More conservative republicans talking about splitting with the Repub. party and creating their own "Christian Party".

I think it's anti-American, especially since there is this little thing in the constitution called separation of church and state.

Just imagine what would come of this if in the unlikely event that they did form a powerful party and actually took office. Homosexuality would be banned outright, and not just gay marraige. The 10 Commandments would be on every school and federal building. There would be a mandatory "Bible class" in our educational system. There would be mandatory praying. There would be segregation between Christians and non-christians. The constitution would be amended to ban abortions. It would be the reign of Bush Jr. only ten times worse.

What do you all think about this idea of creating a Christian party????

Personally, I don't think it would work. They would have to classify who is exactly Christian, just Protestants? Catholics? There's too many groups of Christians to make one unified party.
Well, either way, divorce would become illegal (unless one person committed adultery, and even then, neither person could marry again).

And seeing as how 50% of Christian marriages end in divorce, I don't see Christians banding up for this one.

Unless, of course, this was a pick and choose your own laws to follow -type of Christian gig. But, an American pick-and-choose Christian culture? Unheard of.
In Germany, there is a Christian party and I believe it is the largest political party in Germany.

I could see this happening in the US, but then again, the Constitution forbids it.
Neither party Rep or Dem give a damn about the Constitution...

Peace be unto you ;)
Where in the Constitution is it illegal for a group of people to form political parties, even if they are religious?

Any reference because frankly I don't know if it exists. The only one I remember is about Congress writing no law based upon religion beliefs... But you know what? They can get the majority in all branches... Amend the Constitution and Hooray!

Peace be unto you ;)