The Christian Party


Valued Senior Member
So, it's back in the news again. More conservative republicans talking about splitting with the Repub. party and creating their own "Christian Party".

I think it's anti-American, especially since there is this little thing in the constitution called separation of church and state.

Just imagine what would come of this if in the unlikely event that they did form a powerful party and actually took office. Homosexuality would be banned outright, and not just gay marraige. The 10 Commandments would be on every school and federal building. There would be a mandatory "Bible class" in our educational system. There would be mandatory praying. There would be segregation between Christians and non-christians. The constitution would be amended to ban abortions. It would be the reign of Bush Jr. only ten times worse.

What do you all think about this idea of creating a Christian party????
well it seems the republican party wants to do that as well. its supporters really don't care about or understand the constitution.
OMG, this would be awesome! I really hope they do it. If they split the cons, that's a win for the good guys.
I see nothing wrong with a religious, political party because the last word is for the voters . If they want to push a religious agenda it is in their rights to do so .
I see nothing wrong with a religious, political party because the last word is for the voters . If they want to push a religious agenda it is in their rights to do so .

Not if they wish to abide by our constitution.
Not if they wish to abide by our constitution.

Which is why it would be so awesome. Nothing they do would get past the supreme court. Of course, they would never get elected in the first place, but they would be a draw to the crazies.
There's actually a christian political party here in the UK. Don't think they've ever received a vote.

Having said that, in America it would be extremely damaging.
No, because the Republican party does it now. It's not illegal to work towards making laws that are compatible with your particular point of view, such as outlawing abortion. Having an agenda is not illegal.
No, because the Republican party does it now. It's not illegal to work towards making laws that are compatible with your particular point of view, such as outlawing abortion.

By doing so they are arguably undermining the constitution. IMO anyway. :shrug:
They want to destroy the separation between church and state, no doubt about that, but it's not illegal to want. As horrible as it sounds, I would love such a party. The Republicans couldn't use religion any more as a wedge issue.
Agree'd. I don't care what party, what religion, what background, no one should ever be allowed to pass laws respecting any one religious belief.

Whatever laws they passed would still be subject to supreme court review.
So, it's back in the news again. More conservative republicans talking about splitting with the Repub. party and creating their own "Christian Party".

I think it's anti-American, especially since there is this little thing in the constitution called separation of church and state.

Just imagine what would come of this if in the unlikely event that they did form a powerful party and actually took office. Homosexuality would be banned outright, and not just gay marraige. The 10 Commandments would be on every school and federal building. There would be a mandatory "Bible class" in our educational system. There would be mandatory praying. There would be segregation between Christians and non-christians. The constitution would be amended to ban abortions. It would be the reign of Bush Jr. only ten times worse.

What do you all think about this idea of creating a Christian party????

Well. If they ever established that then it wouldn't really matter because the people who put the there are ultimately the ones who will decide what they're going to be doing. Also gay marriage is an oximoron considering you need the opposite sex for this "holy union" . I believe gays should be together but to be married is unrealistic and not possible due to the definition of marriage. Also the only way a Christian party would be able to change anything that radically would be to appoint all new office members and Judiciary members so that their laws would be passed. Other than that, it's just strike a better balance for the independent (and that's saying that they'll even get into office).
Which is why it would be so awesome. Nothing they do would get past the supreme court. Of course, they would never get elected in the first place, but they would be a draw to the crazies.

The downside would be that in the event that the Republicans see a major voter block out to defect, they then try to out-crazy the crazies in order to woo the woo woos (see what I did there) back, and end up lurching to an even more whacked out fundy position than they are right now (if thats even possible)
It would be good news for the dems of course - but only in the short term - political parties need a robust opposition to keep them on track.

More than likely though the whole thing is just a tactic in the current in-fighting within the republicans between the whacked out fundies and the real conservatives.
The split will never really happen - the real conservatives want to dissassociate with the fundies, and the fundies want to let the real cons know that they will take a whole bunch of voters with them - but at the end of the day the fundies know election is impoissible without the real cons, and the real cons know that election is that much more difficult without the fundies to rely on for easy votes.
It will probably just end up as an exercise in horsetrading between the two internal factions.
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