The British Ramadan?

Is A Month Of Daytime Fasting In The West A Good Idea?

  • Yes - I think it's a good idea

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • No - not a good idea even if it was possible to enforce in reality

    Votes: 11 84.6%

  • Total voters


Bicho Voador & Bicho Sugador
Valued Senior Member
Would a month in harmony with with the muslim practice of daytime fasting benefit mankind? I was impressed with the idea when I was travelling with a friend in the Sinai peninsula. Why not have the ritual in your own country? It puts everybody in the same boat for a month, whether you're rich or poor. Is this a good idea or a bad idea in your opinion?
Actually there are millions of people around the world that are starving to death and dying because they don't have adequate food or water. Ask them about what they think and then you might be more undestanding of what the problems are.
Would a month in harmony with with the muslim practice of daytime fasting benefit mankind? I was impressed with the idea when I was travelling with a friend in the Sinai peninsula. Why not have the ritual in your own country? It puts everybody in the same boat for a month, whether you're rich or poor. Is this a good idea or a bad idea in your opinion?

I don't think it would work in the sense that delis, eateries and restaurants rely on customers to stay open... many of them would go out of business if everyone stopped eating during the daytime.

And as far as Ramadan in the Middle East, as I understand it, they feast every night from sundown till midnight which kind of goes against the original intent.
Actually there are millions of people around the world that are starving to death and dying because they don't have adequate food or water. Ask them about what they think and then you might be more undestanding of what the problems are.

I really don't see how this is relevant.
And as far as Ramadan in the Middle East, as I understand it, they feast every night from sundown till midnight which kind of goes against the original intent.

What do you think the original intent is?

1. Would a month in harmony with with the muslim practice of daytime fasting benefit mankind?

2. I was impressed with the idea when I was travelling with a friend in the Sinai peninsula.

3. Why not have the ritual in your own country?

4. It puts everybody in the same boat for a month, whether you're rich or poor.

5.Is this a good idea or a bad idea in your opinion?

1. Muslims fast as a religious observance. Its an opportunity for taqwa or consciousness of God. The fasting is not just restricted to food, but to all thoughts, speech and actions. The aim is to be closer to God. If you were not Muslim, what would be the purpose of empathy fasting?

2. What impressed you about it, exactly? I'd like to hear of your experience

3. I'm not sure what purpose would be served

4. Fasting for Muslims is not a penance or something they do as the great equaliser. In fact, one is not supposed to fast on an empty stomach or if it endangers your health.

5. I think its a choice that everyone should make for themselves rather than for everyone else as well
I really don't see how this is relevant.

He wants everyone to fast like Muslims do but for millions of people they can't because they are without food or water. To ask others to do what Muslims do just doesn't make much sense to those whohave nothing and Muslims could be trying to help those who are without food or water more than trying to get others to fast to help stop the problem. Telling others that by fasting they are somehow going to end the worlds starvation problem makes little or no sense at all. I hope I have addresses your question and if not then ask again what you need to be explained.
He wants everyone to fast like Muslims do but for millions of people they can't because they are without food or water. To ask others to do what Muslims do just doesn't make much sense to those whohave nothing and Muslims could be trying to help those who are without food or water more than trying to get others to fast to help stop the problem.

Fasting is not intended to solve or resolve world hunger. Its not even about hunger. One of the fundamental concepts in Islam is that it is a return to fitrah, i.e. a return to our natural constitution, to what we are intended to be. The purpose of fasting in Ramadan is to sort of remind ourselves of the instincts that rule our lives, hence the self restraint and discipline, in the face of hunger, thirst, sexual celibacy and controlled aggression during Ramadan. And since its not intended as a punishment, it has a very finite time limit of sun-up to sun-down. Its about getting control over oneself, of devoting oneself to focusing inward and towards God. It has nothing to do with poverty or starvation of millions. If you fast in Ramadan, you should do it for yourself and ONLY for yourself, not for anyone else or as a social obligation or community feeling.

I was addressing this question by the OP.

I understand, which is why I am explaining what it is about. I don't know about other Muslims, but except for the first two days, I don't feel hungry or thirsty while fasting in Ramadan - its actually much harder to control impatience and anger than it is to control hunger and thirst, mostly because of being deprived of all the mood altering substances we are used to - like caffeine for instance. The very first thing I need when I break fast is a giant cup of tea! Its no hardship to work without food, but its a mega pain to be without the tea or coffee
There used to be a term for a month-long form of self-denial in the West.

It was called: Lent.

Hakuna matata. ;)
Would a month in harmony with with the muslim practice of daytime fasting benefit mankind? I was impressed with the idea when I was travelling with a friend in the Sinai peninsula. Why not have the ritual in your own country? It puts everybody in the same boat for a month, whether you're rich or poor. Is this a good idea or a bad idea in your opinion?
We need less influence from religion in the modern part of the world, not more.

Fuck this bullshit!
Starving yourself is a drugless form of inebriation used to feel closer to God or to achieve an alteration in consciousness. Throughout history, people have used dance, drumming, meditation, repetitive movements, self-injury, ritual and various ordeals to do the same thing. I happen to think the Muslim form is rather injurious to the body, but they don't have much of an option, having outlawed most other things (they do the self-cutting thing too). We in the west have more options.
We need less influence from religion in the modern part of the world, not more.

Fuck this bullshit!

Eh: what if it was spiritually rewarding, though? I could sweat my perfectly-shaped behind in a lodge, or beat myself with sticks, or not eat. If it makes you happy and you know it, slap your face, if I may paraphrase. What's the harm? Aside from physiological incidentals, that is.
Starving yourself is a drugless form of inebriation used to feel closer to God or to achieve an alteration in consciousness. Throughout history, people have used dance, drumming, meditation, repetitive movements, self-injury, ritual and various ordeals to do the same thing. I happen to think the Muslim form is rather injurious to the body, but they don't have much of an option, having outlawed most other things (they do the self-cutting thing too). We in the west have more options.

We do put up with the works of Pauly Shore every so often. Surely this would count.
Starving yourself is a drugless form of inebriation

Eh who is starving themselves? We don't pass a single day without eating, and eating really well! Its more along the lines of what Sherlock Holmes said, digestion requires energy and diverts it from the brain. So Ramadan is more about focusing. There is plenty to eat, just not during the day.
Would a month in harmony with with the muslim practice of daytime fasting benefit mankind? I was impressed with the idea when I was travelling with a friend in the Sinai peninsula. Why not have the ritual in your own country? It puts everybody in the same boat for a month, whether you're rich or poor. Is this a good idea or a bad idea in your opinion?

Idea is good.

We celebrate and hold Eid and fast on Ramadaan in London, thousands and thousands of us.

I am heading out to mount sinai in 2 months ^_^ hope you had a good experience on your visit to the land.

Idea is good.

We celebrate and hold Eid and fast on Ramadaan in London, thousands and thousands of us.

I am heading out to mount sinai in 2 months ^_^ hope you had a good experience on your visit to the land.

Thanks for the vote of confidence! Yes, we had a great time experiencing new cultures. Most fascinating. We realised you don't need all the trappings of modern luxury to be content.
Fasting is not intended to solve or resolve world hunger. Its not even about hunger. One of the fundamental concepts in Islam is that it is a return to fitrah, i.e. a return to our natural constitution, to what we are intended to be. The purpose of fasting in Ramadan is to sort of remind ourselves of the instincts that rule our lives, hence the self restraint and discipline, in the face of hunger, thirst, sexual celibacy and controlled aggression during Ramadan. And since its not intended as a punishment, it has a very finite time limit of sun-up to sun-down. Its about getting control over oneself, of devoting oneself to focusing inward and towards God. It has nothing to do with poverty or starvation of millions. If you fast in Ramadan, you should do it for yourself and ONLY for yourself, not for anyone else or as a social obligation or community feeling.
My original contact with people fasting was a group from the Sudan. They seemed extremely spiritual and worldy-wise. Looking back, we must have looked like greedy westerners, oblivious to our wanten needs.

The reason why the idea popped back into my head just recently, is the apparent smug attitudes of the UK leading politicians on TV who are financially immune to the suffering caused by the economic downfall. To be honest, I just want the satisfaction in seeing them experience some of the visceral discomfort the masses have to endure. They would be better leaders for it imo.

Also note that I can't help but think that effectively people would have been forced to adopt this practice as part of the community. I doubt whether anyone could simply abstain and continue eating all the village consumables during the day!
Thanks for the vote of confidence! Yes, we had a great time experiencing new cultures. Most fascinating. We realised you don't need all the trappings of modern luxury to be content.

All praise be to the most high, i cant accept your gratitude for that which is written in the book. But may the most high be pleased with you for your intentions of politeness.

You indeed do not need all of these western "Mc lifestyle things" infact life is much better without them and time moves slowly and you get to enjoy your blessings more instead of work, buy, work, buy, work, buy, retire, die.

Only take what you need try not to be greedy, moderation. Also evenjust giving your digestive system a break is good for it. your metabolism will love you for fasting ^_^ Also it is one of the keys to being spiritualy pure.
