The Book of Vivifying the Soul Forever

VitalOne said:
Give it up man, the fact remains, almost every unbiased historian agrees that Jesus existed

"the sources for Jesus are better, however, than those that deal with Alexander" and "the superiority of evidence for Jesus is seen when we ask what he thought" (1993:3) E.P. Sanders

Experts clearly see a major difference in what Jesus says. Jesus didn't speak the way the writers of the Gospels did, experts in literature clearly see similarities in all of Jesus's sayings.

There is almost no similarity between Jesus's sayings and what Horus says.

Medicine Woman:
You seem to denounce Jesus and Christianity, but anyone who actually reads what Jesus says (not the Church or rest of the Bible) can clearly see that he did not believe in a Heaven nor a God like most Christians do.

In fact, I find nothing wrong with Jesus's teachings. They're very philosophical and encourage peace. Jesus's teachings are very different from the rest of the Bible. However, the Church does not really preach Jesus's teachings, and the majority of "Christians" do not follow Christ in any manner.

Jesus struggled to explain to his disciples that God was not a physical human:

"His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?"

"It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said, 'Look, here!' or 'Look, there!' Rather, the Father's kingdom is spread out upon the earth, and people don't see it." " - Gospel of Thomas, Verse 113

" Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the (Father's) kingdom is within you and it is outside you. " - Gospel of Thomas, Verse 3

" Jesus said, "I am the light that is over all things. I am all: from me all came forth, and to me all attained.

Split a piece of wood; I am there.

Lift up the stone, and you will find me there." " - Gospel of Thomas, Verse 77

"And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation, Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you" - Luke 17:20-21

This is pretty similar to Hindu philosophy. Ironically, this is similar to what you (Medicine Woman) says, " Your mind is the closest thing you have to a god. Nurture it. Read. Write. Cogitate. Dream."
M*W: No, most scholars do not agree that Jesus existed. There is much more evidence that he didn't exist.

Jesus virtually said nothing. Everything that Jesus is quoted to have said is not factual. It was allegedly stated by Paul, but Paul was nothing more than a figment of Saul, or Sol, the sun god.

Jesus claims to be the "light" as does "Satan." They both claim to be the "Morningstar." Neither one actually exists.

Jesus is just another version of Horus, Mithras and other pagan gods. He was no savior, and there is no need for any savior. For those who fear they need a savior are misled. There is no need for any savior. There is no hell and no heaven.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: No, most scholars do not agree that Jesus existed. There is much more evidence that he didn't exist.

Jesus virtually said nothing. Everything that Jesus is quoted to have said is not factual. It was allegedly stated by Paul, but Paul was nothing more than a figment of Saul, or Sol, the sun god.

Jesus claims to be the "light" as does "Satan." They both claim to be the "Morningstar." Neither one actually exists.

Jesus is just another version of Horus, Mithras and other pagan gods. He was no savior, and there is no need for any savior. For those who fear they need a savior are misled. There is no need for any savior. There is no hell and no heaven.
I've already given sources that state that most scholars believe Jesus historically existed.

You make many claims, yet there is little evidence to support them. According to wikipedia, only very few radicals support your claim.

I ask athiests what possible experiment could I conduct to verify the existence of Jesus's God (not the Bible's), yet none of them answer. They ask for evidence, yet they refuse to accept any evidence, the irony.

It seems as if atheists and theists alike have already surrendered to ignorantly upholding their biased claims.
VitalOne said:
I've already given sources that state that most scholars believe Jesus historically existed.

You make many claims, yet there is little evidence to support them. According to wikipedia, only very few radicals support your claim.

I ask athiests what possible experiment could I conduct to verify the existence of Jesus's God (not the Bible's), yet none of them answer. They ask for evidence, yet they refuse to accept any evidence, the irony.

It seems as if atheists and theists alike have already surrendered to ignorantly upholding their biased claims.
M*W: The sources you gave were not for scholarly research. Dictionaries are not considered to be reliable sources. OTOH, there are many scholarly reference to the fact that Jesus did not exist. Check your local library or bookstore. Forgeries were rampant in the early historical accounts. If Jesus had existed, there would by far be more factual documents confirming his existence. The bible of all books doesn't even confirm his existence. Every word that Jesus was supposed to have said was said by Paul, and it's quite possible that every word Paul was to have said was said by one or more emperors or scribes of the HRE.

The "radicals" you mention are not necessarily atheists. Take for example, Laurence Gardner, Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince, Ahmed Osman, Ellesborg, Dominic Crossan, Karen King and Elaine Pagels.

You have asked atheists how to prove god's existence, but there is no way to prove it and you know it. And why would you ask atheists to prove something they don't believe in the first place? You could ask satanists to prove the existence of Satan, but they couldn't do it either. You can even ask devout christians to prove the existence of Jesus, and they couldn't do it. So what is your point?

You people are the ones who believe god and jesus to be scientifically factual. The burden of proof is upon you!

I have posted an entire bibliography refuting the existence of Jesus and god and Egyptian chariot wheels at the bottom of the Red Sea, and I'm not going to post it again. You need to do your own research of which I know you are incapable of doing, because you think you already have the answers. Truth is, you don't even have the questions, and you are a sorry representative of your faith.

~ Medicine*Woman
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: The sources you gave were not for scholarly research. Dictionaries are not considered to be reliable sources. OTOH, there are many scholarly reference to the fact that Jesus did not exist. Check your local library or bookstore. Forgeries were rampant in the early historical accounts. If Jesus had existed, there would by far be more factual documents confirming his existence. The bible of all books doesn't even confirm his existence. Every word that Jesus was supposed to have said was said by Paul, and it's quite possible that every word Paul was to have said was said by one or more emperors or scribes of the HRE.

The "radicals" you mention are not necessarily atheists. Take for example, Laurence Gardner, Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince, Ahmed Osman, Ellesborg, Dominic Crossan, Karen King and Elaine Pagels.

You have asked atheists how to prove god's existence, but there is no way to prove it and you know it. And why would you ask atheists to prove something they don't believe in the first place? You could ask satanists to prove the existence of Satan, but they couldn't do it either. You can even ask devout christians to prove the existence of Jesus, and they couldn't do it. So what is your point?

You people are the ones who believe god and jesus to be scientifically factual. The burden of proof is upon you!

I have posted an entire bibliography refuting the existence of Jesus and god and Egyptian chariot wheels at the bottom of the Red Sea, and I'm not going to post it again. You need to do your own research of which I know you are incapable of doing, because you think you already have the answers. Truth is, you don't even have the questions, and you are a sorry representative of your faith.

~ Medicine*Woman

Check the Horus post, I've listed many many sources. I haven't used dictionaries you fool, I've used Encyclopedias which are considered great sources. Ofcourse, if the Encyclopedia had stated that historians think Jesus did not exist, you would commend it and praise it.

Where did I say that the Bible confirms Jesus's existence?

The reason that not more historians had written about Jesus is very very simple. There were many people like Jesus at the time who claimed to be the messiah. Jesus was just another one of them. At the time of Jesus's death, he was not an important person at all, not a king, not a political leader, not anyone really worthy of being mentioned.

You're mistaken, I haven't asked athiests to prove the existence of God, I've asked them to help me design a experiment that would verify if Jesus's God exists or not. Nothing. You would think that atheists who are usually of a scientific calibur would be glad to create an experiment like that.

I cannot find your so called Bibliography, why not re-post it? I'm sure if I had said, I've posted many sources, but I'm not going to post it again, you would say that I have no sources and I'm a liar.

Snap out of it man. The majority of all historians agree that some type of Jesus historically exist. They may not agree with the Christian mythology, but they still agree that he had some type of existence.
VitalOne said:
Check the Horus post, I've listed many many sources. I haven't used dictionaries you fool, I've used Encyclopedias which are considered great sources. Ofcourse, if the Encyclopedia had stated that historians think Jesus did not exist, you would commend it and praise it.

Where did I say that the Bible confirms Jesus's existence?

The reason that not more historians had written about Jesus is very very simple. There were many people like Jesus at the time who claimed to be the messiah. Jesus was just another one of them. At the time of Jesus's death, he was not an important person at all, not a king, not a political leader, not anyone really worthy of being mentioned.

You're mistaken, I haven't asked athiests to prove the existence of God, I've asked them to help me design a experiment that would verify if Jesus's God exists or not. Nothing. You would think that atheists who are usually of a scientific calibur would be glad to create an experiment like that.

I cannot find your so called Bibliography, why not re-post it? I'm sure if I had said, I've posted many sources, but I'm not going to post it again, you would say that I have no sources and I'm a liar.

Snap out of it man. The majority of all historians agree that some type of Jesus historically exist. They may not agree with the Christian mythology, but they still agree that he had some type of existence.
You are the one who is a fool for being fooled. You have quoted zero sources. No, not one single poll. Opinions on what the numbers are don't matter where they come from no matter whether it be from your god, wikipedia, or any other place. It is irrelevent without a source, a poll.
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Trilairian said:
ou are the one who is a fool for being fooled. You have quoted zero sources. No, not one single pole. Opinions on what the numbers are come from no matter whether it be from your god wikipedia or any other place is irrelevent without a source, a pole.

I have quoted many sources. Where is your pole? Is it this site ? I've already debunked that site as being biased, it uses such basic comparisons that really points out few if any true similarities.
VitalOne said:
I have quoted many sources. Where is your pole? Is it this site ? I've already debunked that site as being biased, it uses such basic comparisons that really points out few if any true similarities.
I don't need a poll. You are the one claiming that the majority is with you, the onus is on you. Don't come back without one. You haven't debunked it, it debunked you.
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