The Book of Vivifying the Soul Forever


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Osiris-Horus died was torn apart by set, and was resurrected. He became the way as well as the symbol for the resurrection from of all. The spells of resurrection in the book of the dead are therefor descriptive in some way of Osiris-Horus. In the “Book of Vivifying the Soul Forever”, the one Nisus doesn’t want to believe exists because it would topple his house of cards to look it up, one such section gives us the information that Osiris-Horus was born in Annu which corresponds to Jesus birth in Bethlehem, the place of bread Vs the house of bread. It seems to be a syncretism of Nu into Osiris-Horus. Nu gives the declaration, but is professing to be the one describing Osiris-Horus. Quoting from the "Book of Vivifying the Soul Forever" which is contained in the book of the dead:
The chapter of making the transformation into Ptah, of eating cakes ... and of becoming a living being in Annu--Heliopolis. ...
The birthplace.
I fly like a hawk, I cackle like the smen goose,
Very indicative of Horus.
... and I preach upon that abode of the underworld ...
Some have it that Jesus preached in the underworld the time between crucifixion and ressurection.
That which is an abomination unto me, I have not eaten; filth is an abomination unto me and I have not eaten thereof, and that which is an abomination unto my ka hath not entered into my belly. ...
Certain Essene have it that Jesus was a vegetarian. At the least people have it that he didn’t eat “unclean things”
let me have power over cakes; let me eat them before the gods ...
Egyptian initiation of Sacrament, the broken apart body of Osiris.
...My head is like unto that of Ra,...
Syncretism of Ra into Horus who became the sun god.
... and--when my members are--gathered together--I am--like unto Tem; the four--sides of the domain--of Ra, and the width of the earth four times. ...
It was Osiris parts that were broken and scattered across the earth. Osiris was at this time asserted as superior to Ra in light of those who wouldn’t accept the syncretism.
I am decreed to be the divine Heir of Seb, the lord of the earth, and to be the protector therein. ...
Horus could be viewed as the step son of Seb, Joseph.
The following is text from one of the translations of the “Book of Vivifying the Soul Forever” from the book of the dead that Nisus doesn’t want to believe exists:

From the Papyrus of Ani, British Museum, No. 10,470, sheet 19)
"Praise unto thee, O Osiris, lord of eternity, Unnefer, Heru-khuti--Harmachis--, whose forms are manifold, and whose attributes are majestic, Ptah-Seker-Tern in Annu--Heliopolis--, the lord of the hidden place, and the creator of Het-ka-Ptah--Memphis--and of the gods--therein--, the guide of the underworld, who,--the gods--glorify when thou settest in Nut. Isis embraceth thee in peace, and she driveth away the fiends from the mouth of thy path. Thou turnest thy face upon Amentet, and thou makest the earth to shine as with refined copper. Those who have lain down, i.e., the dead--rise up to see thee, they breathe the air and they look upon thy face when the Disk riseth on its horizon; their hearts are at peace inasmuch as they behold thee, O thou who art Eternity and Everlastingness!"
From the Papyrus of Ani, British Museum, No. 10,470, sheet 17)
The chapter of Causing the Soul to be United to its Body in the Underworld. The Osiris Ani, triumphant, saith:
"Hail, thou god Anniu--i.e., Bringer!--Hail, thou god Pehrer--i.e., Runner--, who dwellest in thy hall!--Hail--, great God! Grant thou that my soul may come unto me from wheresoever it may be. If--it--would tarry, let then my soul be brought unto me from wherever it may be, for thou shalt find the Eye of Horns standing by thee like unto those beings who are like unto Osiris, and who
never lie down in death. Let not the Osiris Ani, triumphant, lie down in death among those who lie down in Annu, the land wherein souls are joined unto their bodies even in thousands. Let me have possession of my ba--soul--, and of my khu, and let me triumph therewith in every place wheresoever it may be.--Observe these things which--I--speak, for it hath staves with it;--observe then, O ye divine guardians of heaven, my soul-wheresoever it may be.--If it would tarry, do thou make my soul to look upon my body, for thou shalt find the Eye of Horus standing by thee like those--beings who are like unto Osiris--.
"Hail, ye gods, who tow along the boat of the lord of millions of years, who bring--it--above the underworld and who make it to travel over Nut, who make souls to enter into--their--spiritual bodies, whose hands are filled with your ropes and who clutch your weapons tight, destroy ye the Enemy; thus shall the boat of the sun be glad and the great God shall set out on his journey in peace. And behold, grant ye that the soul of Osiris Ani, triumphant, may come forth before the gods and that it may be triumphant along with you in the eastern part of the sky to follow unto the place where it was yesterday;--and that it may have--peace, peace in Amentet. May it look upon its material body, may it rest upon its spiritual body; and may its body neither perish nor suffer corruption forever."
(These words are to be said over a soul of gold inlaid with precious stones and placed on the breast of Osiris.)
From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheet 8)
The chapter of driving evil recollections from the mouth. The overseer of the palace, the chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, the son of the overseer of the palace, the chancellor-in-chief, Amen-hetep, triumphant, saith:
"Hail, thou that cuttest off heads, and slitteth brows, thou being who puttest away the memory of evil things from the mouth of the Khus by means of the incantations which they have within them, look not upon me with the--same--eyes with which thou lookest upon them. Go thou round about on thy legs, and let thy face be--turned--behind thee so that thou mayest be able to see the divine slaughterers of the god Shu who are coming up behind thee to cut off thy head, and to slit thy brow by reason of the message of violence--sent--by thy lord, and to see (?) that which thou sayest. Work thou for me so that the memory of evil things shall dart from my mouth; let not my head be cut off; let not my brow be slit; and let not my mouth be shut fast by reason of the incantations which thou hast within thee, according to that which thou doest for the Khus through the incantations which they have within themselves. Get thee back and depart at the--sound of--the two speeches which the goddess Isis uttered when thou didst come to cast the recollection of evil things unto the. mouth of Osiris by the will of Suti his enemy, saying, 'Let thy face be toward the privy parts, and look upon that face which cometh forth from the flame of the Eye of Horus against thee from within the Eye of Tem,' and the calamity of that night which shall consume thee. And Osiris went back, for the abomination of thee was in him; and thou didst go back, for the abomination of him is in thee. I have gone back, for the abomination of thee is in me; and thou shalt go back, for the abomination of me is in thee. Thou wouldst come unto me, but I say that thou shalt not advance to me so that I come to an end, and--I--say then to the divine slaughterers of the god Shu, 'Depart.'"
From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheet 6)
The chapter of not letting the soul of Nu, triumphant, be captive in the underworld. He saith:
"Hail, thou who art exalted!--Hail--thou who art adored! O thou mighty one of Souls, thou divine Soul, thou possessor of terrible power, who dost put the fear of thyself into the gods, thou who art crowned upon thy throne of majesty, I pray thee to make a way for the ba--soul--, and for the khu, and the khaibit--shade--of the overseer of the palace, the chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant--and let him be--provided therewith. I am a perfect khu, and I have made--my--way unto the place wherein dwell Ra and Hathor."
(If this chapter be known--by the deceased--he shall be able to transform himself into a khu provided--with his soul and with his shade--in the underworld, and he shall never be held captive at any door in Amentet, in entering in or in coming out.)
From the Papyrus of Nebseni, British Museum, No. 9,900, sheet 6)
The chapter of opening the tomb of the soul--and--to the shade of Osiris the scribe Nebseni, the lord of reverence, born of the lady of the house, Mut-restha, triumphant, so that he may come forth by day and have dominion over his fleet. He saith:
"That which was shut fast hath been opened, that is to say, he that lay down in death--hath been opened--. That which was open hath been shut to my soul through the command of the Eye of Horus, which hath strengthened me and which maketh to stand fast the beauties which are upon the forehead of Ra, whose strides are long as--he--lifteth up--his--legs--in journeying--. I have made for myself a way, my members are mighty and are strong. I am Horus the avenger of his divine father. I am he who bringeth along his divine father, and who bringeth along his mother by means of his sceptre (?), And the way shall be opened unto him who hath gotten dominion over his feet, and he shall see the Great God in the Boat of Ra,--when--souls are counted therein at the bows, and when the years are also counted up. Grant that the eye of Horus, which maketh the adornments of light to be firm upon the forehead of Ra, may deliver my soul for me, and let there be darkness upon your faces, O ye who would hold fast Osiris. Oh, keep not captive my soul, Oh, keep not ward over my shade, but let a way be opened for my soul--and--and for my shade, and let--them--see the Great God in the shrine on the day of the judgment of souls, and let--them--recite the utterances of Osiris, whose habitations are hidden, to those who guard the members of Osiris, and who keep ward over the Khus, and who hold captive the shades of the dead who would work evil against me, so that they shall--not--work evil against me. May a way for thy double--Ka--along with thee and along with--thy--soul be prepared by those who keep ward over the members of Osiris, and who bold captive the shades of the dead. Heaven shall--not--keep thee, the earth shall--not--hold thee captive, thou shalt not have they being with the divine beings who make slaughter, but thou shalt have dominion over thy legs, and thou shalt advance to thy body straightway in the earth--and to--those who belong to the shrine and guard the members of Osiris."
From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheet 6)
The chapter of not sailing to the east in the underworld. The chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, saith:
"Hail, phallus of Ra, who departest from thy calamity--which ariseth--through opposition (?), the cycles have been without movement for millions of years. I am stronger than the strong, I am mightier than the mighty. If I sail away or if I be snatched away to the east through the two horns," or--as others say--"if any evil and abominable thing be done unto me at the feast of the devils, the phallus of Ra shall be swallowed up,--along with--the head of Osiris. And behold me, for I journey along over the fields wherein the gods mow down those who make reply unto--their words--; now verily the two horns of the god Khepera shall be thrust aside, and verily pus shall spring into being in the eye of Tem along with corruption if I be kept in restraint, or if I have gone toward the east, or if the feast of devils be made in my presence, or if any malignant wound be inflicted upon me."
From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheet 7)
The chapter of being nigh unto Thoth. The chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, saith:
"I am he who sendeth forth terror into the powers of rain and thunder, and I ward off from the great divine lady the attacks of violence--I have smitten like the god Shat--i.e., the god of slaughter--, and I have out libations of cool water like the god Ashu, and I have worked for the great divine lady--to ward off--the attacks of violence--, I have made to flourish--my--knife along with the knife which is in the hand of Thoth in the powers of rain and thunder."
From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheets 19 and 20)
The chapter of being nigh unto Thoth and of giving glory unto a man in the underworld. The chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, saith:
"I am the god Her-ab-maat--i.e., 'he that is within his eye--, and I have come to give right and truth to Ra; I have made Suti to be at peace with me by means of offerings made to the god Aker, and to the Tesgeru deities, and by--making--reverence unto Seb."
The following--words are to be recited in the Sektet boat: "--Hail,--sceptre of Anubis, I have made the four Khus who are in the train of the lord of the universe to be at peace with me, and I am the lord of the fields through their decree. I am the divine father Bah--i.e., the god of the water flood--, and I do away with the thirst of him that keepeth ward over the Lakes. Behold ye me, then, O great gods of majesty who dwell among the Souls of Annu, for I am lifted up over you. I am the god Menkh--i.e., Gracious One--who dwelleth among you. Verily I have cleansed my soul, O great god of majesty, set not before me the evil obstacles which issue from thy mouth, and let not destruction come round about me, or upon me. I have made myself clean in the Lake of making to be at peace,--and in the Lake of--weighing in the balance, and I have bathed myself in Netert-utchat, which is under the holy sycamore tree of heaven. Behold--I am--bathed,--and I have--triumphed--over--all--mine enemies--straightway who come forth and rise up against right and truth. I am right and true in earth. I, even I, have spoken (?) with my mouth--which is--the power of the Lord, the Only one, Ra the mighty, who liveth upon right and truth. Let not injury be inflicted upon me,--but let me be--clothed on the day of those who go forward (?) to every--good--thing."
From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheet 9)
The chapter of bringing along a boat in heaven. The chancellor-in-chief, triumphant, saith:
"Hail to thee, O thou Thigh which dwelleth in the northern heaven in the Great Lake, which art seen and which dieth not. I have stood up over thee when thou didst rise like a god. I have seen thee, and I have not lain down in death; I have stood over thee, and I have risen like a god. I have cackled like a goose, and I have alighted like a hawk by the divine clouds and by the great dew. I have journeyed from the earth to heaven. The god Shu--made--me to stand up, the god of Light hath made me to be vigorous by the two sides of the ladder, and the stars which never rest set--me--on--my--way and bring--me--away from slaughter. I bring along with me the things which drive back calamities as I advance over the passage of the god Pen; thou comest, how great art thou, O god Pen! I have come from the Pool of Flame which is in the Sekhet-Sasa--i.e., the Field of Fire.--Thou livest in the Pool of Flame in Sekhet-Sasa, and I live upon the staff of the hold--god. Hail, thou god Kaa, who dost bring those things which are in the boats by the . . . I stand up in the boat and I guide myself--over--the water: I have stood up in the boat and the god hath guided me. I have stood up. I have spoken.--I am master of the--crops. I sail round about as I go forward, and the gates which are in Sekhem--Letopolis--are opened unto me, and fields are awarded unto me in the city of Unni--Hermopolis--, and laborers (?) are given unto me together with those of my own flesh and bone."
From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheet 97)
The chapter of protecting the boat of Ra. "O thou that cleavest the water as thou comest forth from the stream and dost sit upon thy place in thy boat, sit thou upon thy place in thy boat as thou goest forth to thy station of yesterday, and do thou join the Osiris, the overseer of the palace, the chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, the perfect Khu, unto thy mariners, and let thy strength be his strength.
"Hail, Ra, in thy name of Ra, if thou dost pass by the eye of seven cubits, which hath a pupil of three cubits, then verily do thou strengthen the Osiris, Nu, triumphant, the perfect Khu,--let him be among--thy mariners, and let thy strength be his strength. Hail, Ra, in thy name of Ra, if thou dost pass by those who are overturned in death, then verily do thou make the Osiris, Nu, triumphant, the perfect soul, to stand up upon his feet, and may thy strength be his strength. Hail, Ra, in thy name of Ra, if the hidden things of the underworld are opened unto thee and thou dost gratify (?) the heart of the cycle of thy gods, then verily do thou grant joy of heart unto the. chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, and let thy strength be his strength. Thy members, O Ra, are established by--this--Chapter (?)."
--This Chapter--shall be recited over a bandlet of the fine linen of kings--upon which--it hath been written with Anti, which shall be laid upon the neck of the perfect Khu on the way of the burial. If this amulet be laid upon his neck he shall do everything which he desireth to do even like the gods; and he shall join himself unto the followers of Horus; and he shall be established as a star face to face with Septet--Sothis--; and his corruptible body shall be as a god along with his kinsfolk forever; and the goddess Menqet shall make plants to germinate upon his body; and the Majesty of the God Thoth lovingly shall make the light to rest upon his corruptible body at will, even as he did for the majesty of the King of the North and of the South, the god Osiris, triumphant.
From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,177, sheet 28)
The chapter of going into the boat of Ra. The chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, saith:
"Hail, thou Great God who art in thy boat, bring thou me into thy boat.--I have come forward to thy steps--, let me be the director of thy journeyings and let me be among those who belong to thee and who are among the stars which never rest. The things which are an abomination unto thee and the things which are an abomination unto me I will not eat, that which is an abomination unto me, that which is an abomination unto me is filth and I will not eat thereof; but sepulchral offerings and holy food--will I eat--, and I shall not be overthrown thereby. I will not draw nigh unto filth with my hands, and I will not walk thereon with my sandals, because my bread--is made--of white barley, and my ale--is made--of red barley; and behold, the Sektet boat and the Atet boat have brought these things and have laid the gifts (?) of the lands upon the altar of the Souls of Annu. Hymns of praise be to thee. O Ur-arit-s, as thou travellest through heaven! Let there be food--for thee--, O dweller in the city of Teni--this--, and when the dogs gather together let me not suffer harm. I myself have come, and I have delivered the god from the things which have been inflicted upon him, and from the grievous sickness of the body of the arm, and of the leg. I have come and I have spit upon the body, I have bound up the arm, and I have made the leg to walk.--I have--entered--the boat--and--I--sail round about by the command of Ra."
From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheet 19)
The chapter of knowing the souls of the east. The chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, saith:
"I, even I, know the eastern gate of heaven--now its southern part is at the Lake of Kharu and its northern part is at the canal of the geese--whereout Ra cometh with the winds which make him to advance. I am he who is concerned with the tackle (?)--which is--in the divine bark, I am the sailor who ceaseth not on the boat of Ra. I, even I, know the two sycamores of turquoise between which Ra showed himself when he strideth forward over the supports of Shu 1 toward the gate of the lord of the East through which Ra cometh forth. I, even I, know the Sektet-Aarru of Ra, the walls of which are of iron. The height of the wheat therein is five cubits, of the cars thereof two cubits, and the stalks thereof three cubits. The barley therein is--in height--seven cubits, the ears thereof are three cubits, and the stalks thereof are four cubits. And behold, the Khus, each one of whom therein is nine cubits in height, reap is near the divine Souls of the East. I, even I, know the divine Souls of the East, that is to say, Heru-khuti--Harmachis--, and the Calf of the goddess Khera, and the Morning Star--daily. A divine city hath been built for me, I know it, and I know the name thereof; 'Sekhet-Aarru' is its name."
From the Papyrus, of Nebseni, British Museum, No. 9,900, sheet 17)
Here begin the chapters of Sekhet-Hetepet, and the chapters Of Coming Forth By Day; of going into and of coming out from the underworld; of coming to Sekhet-Aaru; of being in Sekhet, the mighty land, the lady of winds; of having power there; of becoming a Khu there; of ploughing there; of eating there; of drinking there; of making love there; and of doing everything even as a man doeth upon earth. Behold the scribe and artist of the Temple of Ptah, Nebseni, who saith:
"Set hath taken possession of Horus, who looked with the two eyes upon the building (?) round Sekhet-Hetepet, but I have unfettered Horus--and taken him from--Set, and Set hath opened the ways of the two eyes--which are--in heaven. Set hath cast (?) his moisture to the winds upon the soul--that hath--his day--or his eye--and who dwelleth in the city of Mert, and he hath delivered the interior of the body of Horus from the gods of Akert. Behold me now, for I make this mighty boat to travel over the Lake of Hetep, and I brought it away with might from the palace of Shu; the domain of his stars groweth young and reneweth its former strength. I have brought the boat into the lakes thereof so that I may come forth into the cities thereof, and I have sailed into their divine city Hetep. And behold, it is because I, even I, am at Peace with his seasons, and with his guidance, and with his territory, and with the company of gods who are his first born. He maketh the two divine fighters--i.e., Horus and Set--to be at peace with those who watch over the living ones whom he hath created in fair form, and he bringeth peace--with him--; he maketh the two divine fighters to be at peace with those who watch over them. He cutteth off the hair from the divine fighters, be driveth away storm from the helpless, and he keepeth harm from the Khus. Let me gain dominion within that Field, for I know it, and I have sailed among its lakes so that I might come into the cities. My mouth is strong; and I am equipped--with weapons to use--against the Khus; let them not have dominion over me. Let me be rewarded with thy fields, O thou a god Hetep; that which is thy wish, shalt thou do, O lord of the winds. May I become a khu therein, may I eat therein, may I drink therein, may I plough therein, may I reap therein, may I fight therein, may I make love therein, may my words be mighty therein, may I never be in a state of servitude therein, but may I be in authority therein. Thou hast made strong (?) the mouth and the throat (?) of the god Hetep; Qetetbu is its (?) name. He is established upon the watery supports (?) of the god Shu, and is linked unto the pleasant things of Ra. He is the divider of years, he is hidden of mouth, his mouth is silent, that which he uttereth is secret, he fulfilleth eternity and taketh possession of everlastingness of existence as Hetep, the lord Hetep. The god Horus maketh himself to be strong like unto the Hawk which is one thousand cubits in length and two thousand--cubits in width--in life; he hath equipments with him, and he journeyeth on and cometh where the seat of his heart wisheth in the Pools thereof and in the cities thereof. He was begotten in the birth-chamber of the god of the city, he hath offerings--made unto him--of the food of the god of the city, he performeth that which is meet to do therein, and the union thereof, in the matter of everything of the birth-chamber of the divine city. When--he--setteth in life like crystal he performeth everything therein, and these things are like unto the things which are done in the Lake of double Fire, wherein there is none that rejoiceth, and wherein are all manner of evil things. The god Hetep goeth in, and cometh out, and goeth backward--in--that, Field that gathereth together all manner of things for the birth-chamber of the god of the city. When he setteth in life like crystal he performeth all manner of things therein which are like unto the things which are done in the Lake of double Fire, wherein there is none that rejoiceth, and wherein are no evil things whatsoever. --Let me--live with the god Hetep, clothed and not despoiled by the lords of the north (?) and may the lords of divine things bring food unto me; may he make me to go forward and may I come forth, and may he bring my power to me there, and may I receive it, and may my equipment be from the god Hetep. May I gain the mastery over the great and mighty word which is in my body in this my place, and by it I will remember and I will forget. Let me go forward in my journey, and let me plough. I am at peace in the divine city 2
, and I know the waters, cities, nomes, and lakes which are in Sekhet-hetep. I exist therein, I am strong therein, I become a khu therein, I eat therein, I sow seed therein, I reap the harvest therein, I plough therein, I make love therein, I am at peace with the god Hetep therein. Behold I scatter seed therein, I sail about among its lakes and I come forward to the cities thereof, O divine Hetep. Behold my mouth is equipped with thy horns--for teeth--, grant me an overflowing supply of the food whereon the kas and khus--live--. I have passed the judgment of Shu upon him that knoweth him, so that I may go forth to the cities thereof, and may sail about among its lakes and may walk about in Sekhet-hetep; and behold, Ra is in heaven, and behold, the god Hetep is its double offering. I have come onward to its land, I have put on my girdle (?), I have come forth so that the gifts which are about to be given unto me may be given, I have made gladness for myself. I have laid hold upon my strength which the god Hetep hath greatly increased for me. O Unen-em-hetep, 3 I have entered into thee and my soul followeth after me, and my divine food is upon both my hands, O Lady of the two lands, 4 who establishest my word whereby I remember and forget; I would live without injury, without any injury--being done--unto me, oh, grant to me, oh, do thou grant to me, joy of heart. Make thou me to be at peace, bind thou up my sinews and muscles, and make me to receive the air. O Un (en)-em-hetep, thou Lady of the winds, I have entered into thee and I have opened--i.e., shown--my head. Ra falleth asleep, but I am awake, and there is the goddess Hast at the gate of heaven by night. Obstacles have been set before me, but I have gathered together what he hath emitted. I am in my city. O Nut-urt, 5 I have entered into thee and I have counted my harvest, and I go forward to Uakh. 6 I am the bull enveloped in turquoise, the lord of the Field of the Bull, the lord of the divine speech of the goddess Septer--Sothis--at her hours. O Uakh, I have entered into thee, I have eaten my bread, I have gotten the mastery over choice pieces of the flesh of oxen and of feathered fowl, and the birds of Shu have been given unto me; I follow after the gods and--I come after--the divine kas. O Tchefet, 7 I have entered in to thee. I array myself in apparel, and I gird myself with the sa garment of Ra; now behold,--he is--in heaven and those who dwell therein follow Ra, and--I--follow Ra in heaven. O Unen-em-hetep, lord of the two lands, I have entered into thee, and I have plunged into the lakes of Tchesert; behold me, for all filth hath departed from me. The Great God groweth therein, and behold, I have found--food therein--; I have snared feathered fowl and I feed upon the finest--of them--. O Qenqentet, 8 I have entered into thee, and I have seen the Osiris--my father--, and I have gazed upon my mother, and I have made love. I have caught the worms and serpents, and I am delivered. And I know the name of the god who is opposite to the goddess Tchesert, and who hath straight hair and is equipped with two horns; he reapeth, and I both plough and reap. O Hast, I have entered in to thee, I have driven back those who would come to the turquoise--sky--, and I have followed the winds of the company of the gods. The Great God hath given my head unto me, and he who hath bound on me my head is the Mighty one who hath turquoise (?) eyes, namely, Ari-en-ab-f--i.e., he doeth as he pleaseth--. O Usert, 9 I have come into thee at the head of the house wherein divine food is brought for me. O Smam, 10 I have come into thee. My heart watcheth, my head is equipped with the white crown, I am led into celestial regions, and I make to flourish terrestrial objects, and there is joy of heart for the Bull, and for celestial beings, and for the company of the gods. I am the god who is the Bull, the lord of the gods, as he goeth forth from the turquoise--sky---. O divine nome of wheat and barley, I have come into thee, I have come forward to thee and I have taken up that which followeth me, namely the best of the libations of the company of the gods. I have tied up my boat in the celestial lakes, I have lifted up the post at which to anchor, I have recited the prescribed words with my voice, and I have ascribed praise unto the gods who dwell in Sekhet-hetep."
From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheet 18)
Another chapter of knowing the souls of Pe. The overseer of the palace, the chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, saith:
"--Hail, --Khat, who dwellest in Khat, in Anpet, 11 and in the nome of Khat! --Hail,--ye goddesses of the class who dwell in the city of Pe, ye celestial lands (?), ye stars, and ye divine beings, who give cakes and ale (?), do ye know for what reason the city of Pe hath been given unto Horus? I, even I, know though ye knoweth it not. Behold Ra gave the city unto him in return for the injury in his eye, for which cause Ra said to Horus, 'Let me see what is coming to pass in thine eye,' and forthwith he looked thereat. Then Ra said to Horus, 'Look at that black pig,' and he looked, and straightway an injury was done unto his eye,--namely--, a mighty storm--took place--. Then said Horus unto Ra, 'Verily, my eye seems as if it were an eye upon which Suti had inflicted a blow';--and thus saying--he ate his heart. 12 Then said Ra to those gods, 'Place ye him in his chamber, and he shall do well.' Now the black pig was Suti who had transformed himself into a black pig, and it was he who had aimed the blow of fire which was in the eye of Horus. Then said Ra unto those gods, 'The pig is an abominable thing unto Horus; oh, but he shall do well although the pig is an abomination unto him.' Then the company of the gods, who were among the divine followers of Horus when he existed in the form of his own child, said, 'Let sacrifice be made--to the gods--of his bulls, and of his goats, and of his pigs.' Now the father of Mesthi, Hapi, Tuamautef and Qebhsennuf is Horus, and their mother is Isis. Then said Horus to Ra, 'Give me two divine brethren in the city of Pe and two divine brethren in the city of Nekhen, who--have sprung--from my body and who shall be with me in the guise of everlasting judges, then shall the earth blossom and thunderclouds and rain be blotted out.' And the name of Horus became 'Her-uatch-f'--i.e., Prince of his emerald stone.--I, even I, know the Souls of Pe, namely, Horus, Mesthi, and Hapi."
From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheet 10)
The chapter of making the transformation into a swallow. The chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, saith:
"I am a swallow, I am a swallow. I am the scorpion, the daughter of Ra. Hail, ye gods, whose scent is sweet; hail, ye gods, whose scent is sweet I --Hail--, Flame, which cometh forth from the horizon! Hail, thou who art in the city, I have brought the Warden of his Bight therein. Oh, stretch out unto me thy hand so that I may be able to pass my days in the Pool of Double Fire, and let me advance with my message, for I have come with words to tell. Oh, open--thou--the doors to me and I will declare the things which have been seen by me. Horus hath become the divine Prince of the Boat of the Sun, and unto him hath been given the throne of his divine father Osiris, and Set, that son of Nut,--lieth--under the fetters which he had made for me. I have made a computation of what is in the city of Sekhem, I have stretched out both my hands and arms at the word (?) of Osiris, I have passed on to judgment, and I have come that--I--may speak, grant that I may pass on and declare my tidings. I enter in,--I--am-judged, and--I--come forth worthy at the gate of Neb-er-tcher. I am pure at the great place of the passage of souls, I have done away with my sins, I have put away mine offences, and I have destroyed the evil which appertained unto my members upon earth. Hail, ye divine beings who guard the doors, make ye for me a way, for, behold, I am like unto you. I have come forth by day, I have journeyed on, on my legs, and I have gained the mastery over my footsteps--before--the God of Light, I know the hidden ways and the doors of the Sekhet-Aaru, verily I, even I, have come. I have overthrown mine enemies upon earth, and yet my perishable body is in the gravel"
If this chapter be known--by the deceased--he shall come forth by day, he shall not be turned back at any gate in the underworld, and he shall make his transformation into a swallow regularly and continually.
From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheet 11)
The chapter of making the transformation into a lotus. The overseer of the palace, the chancellor-in-chief, Nu, saith:
"I am the pure Lotus which springeth up from the divine splendor that belongeth to the nostrils of Ra. I have made--my way--, and I follow on seeking for him who is Horus. I am the pure one who cometh forth out of the Field."
From the Papyrus of Paqrer--see Naville, op. cit., Bd. I, Bl. 93)
The chapter of making the transformation into a lotus. Saith Osiris Paqrer:
"Hail, thou lotus, thou type of the god Nefer-Temu! I am the man that knoweth you, and I know your names among--those of--the gods, the lords of the underworld, and I am one of you. Grant ye that--I--may see the gods who are the divine guides in the Tuat--underworld,--and grant ye unto me a place in the underworld near unto the lords of Amentet. Let me arrive at a habitation in the land of Tchesert, and receive me, O all ye gods, in the presence of the lords of eternity. Grant that my soul may come forth whithersoever it pleaseth, and let it not be driven away from the presence of the great company of Gods."
From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheets 9 and 10)
The chapter of making the transformation into Ptah, of eating cakes, and of drinking ale, and of unfettering the steps, and of becoming a living being in Annu--Heliopolis. The chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, saith:
"I fly like a hawk, I cackle like the smen goose, and I preach upon that abode of the underworld--aat--on the festival of the great Being. That which is an abomination unto me, I have not eaten; filth is an abomination unto me and I have not eaten thereof, and that which is an abomination unto my ka hath not entered into my belly. Let me, then, live upon that which the gods and the Khus decree for me; let me live and let me have power over cakes; let me eat them before the gods and the Khus--who have a favor--unto me; let me have power over--these cakes--and let me eat of them under the--shade of the--leaves of the palm tree of the goddess Hathor, who is my divine Lady. Let the offering of the sacrifice, and the offering of cakes, and vessels of libations be made in Annu; let me clothe myself in the taau garment--which I shall receive--from the hand of the goddess Tait; let me stand up and let me sit down wheresoever I please. My head is like unto that of Ra, and--when my members are--gathered together--I am--like unto Tem; the four--sides of the domain--of Ra, and the width of the earth four times. I come forth. My tongue is like unto that of Ptah and my throne is like unto that of the goddess Hathor, and I make mention of the words of Tem, my father, with my mouth. He it is who constraineth the handmaid, the wife of Seb, and before him are bowed--all--heads, and there is fear of him. Hymns of praise are repeated for--me--by reason of--my--mighty acts, and I am decreed to be the divine Heir of Seb, the lord of the earth, and to be the protector therein. The god Seb refresheth me, and he maketh his risings to be mine. Those who dwell in Annu bow down their heads unto me, for I am their lord and I am their bull. I am more powerful than the lord of time, and I shall enjoy the pleasures of love, and shall gain the mastery over millions of years.
From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheet 10)
The chapter of performing the transformation into a hawk of gold. The chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, saith:
"I have risen, I have risen like a mighty hawk--of gold--that cometh forth from his egg; I fly and I alight like the hawk which hath a back four cubits wide, and the wings of which are Eke unto the mother-of-emerald of the south. I have come forth from the interior of the Sektet boat, and my heart hath been brought unto me from the mountain of the east. I have alighted upon the Atet boat, and those who were dwelling in their companies have been brought unto me, and they bowed low in paying homage unto me and in saluting me with cries of joy. I have risen, I have gathered myself together like the beautiful hawk of gold, which hath the head of a Bennu bird, and Ra entereth in day by day to hearken unto my words; I have taken my seat among those first-born gods of Nut. I am established, and the divine Sekhet-hetep is before me, I have eaten therein, I have become a khu therein, I have an abundance therein--as much as I desire--the god Nepra hath given to me my throat, and I have gained the mastery over that which guardeth--or belongeth to--my head."
From the Papyrus of Mes-em-neter, Naville, op. cit., Bd. I, Bl. 81)
Another chapter:
"I am the Fire-god, the divine brother of the Fire-god, and--I am--Osiris the brother of Isis. My divine son, together with his mother Isis, hath avenged me on mine enemies. My enemies have wrought every--kind of--evil, therefore their arms, and hands, and feet, have been fettered by reason of their wickedness which they have wrought upon me. I am Osiris, the first-born of the divine womb, the first-born of the gods, and the heir of my father Osiris-Seb (?). I am Osiris, the lord of the heads that live, mighty of breast and powerful of back, with a phallus which goeth to the remotest limits--where---men and women--live--. I am Sah--Orion--who travelleth over his domain and who journeyeth along before the stars of heaven,--which is--the belly of my mother Nut; she conceived me through her love, and she gave birth to me because it was her will to do so. I am Anpu--Anubis--on the day of the god Sepa. I am the Bull at the head of the meadow. I, even I, am Osiris who imprisoned his father together with his mother on the day of making the great slaughter; now--his--father is Seb, and--his--mother is Nut. I am Horus, the first-born of Ra of the risings. I am Anpu--Anubis--on the day of--the god Sepa. I, even I, am the lord Tem. I am Osiris. Hail, thou divine first-born, who dost enter and dost speak before the divine Scribe and Doorkeeper of Osiris, grant that I may come. I have become a khu, I have been judged, I have become a divine being, I have come, and I have avenged mine own body. I have taken up my seat by the divine birth-chamber of Osiris, and I have destroyed the sickness and suffering which were there. I have become mighty, and I have become a divine being by the side of the birth-chamber of Osiris, I am brought forth with him, I renew my youth, I take possession of my two thighs which are in the place where is Osiris, and I open the mouth of the gods therewith, I take my seat by his side, and Thoth cometh forth, and--I am--strengthened in heart with thousands of cakes upon the altars of my divine father, and with my beasts, and with my cattle, and with my red feathered fowl, and with my oxen, and with my geese, and with my ducks, for Horus my Chieftain, and with the offerings which I make to Thoth, and with the sacrifices which I offer up to An-heri-ertaitsa."
From the Papyrus of Ani, British Museum, No. 10,470, sheet 15)
The chapter of bringing charms unto Osiris Ani--in the underworld. He saith:
"I am Tem-Khepera, who brought himself into being upon the thigh of his divine mother. Those who are in Nu--i.e., the sky--are made wolves, and those who are among the sovereign princes are become hyenas. Behold, I gather together the charm--from every place where--it is, and from every man with whom it is, swifter than greyhounds and quicker than light. Hail, thou who towest along the Makhent boat of Ra, the stays of thy sails and of thy rudder are taut in the wind as thou sailest up the Pool of Fire in the underworld. Behold, thou gatherest together the charm from every place where it is, and from every man with whom it is, swifter than greyhounds and quicker than light,--the charm--which created the forms of being from the . . . mother, and which either created the gods or maketh them silent, and which giveth the heat of fire unto the gods. Behold, the charm is given unto me, from wherever it is--and from him with whom it is--, swifter than greyhounds and quicker than light," or--as others say--"quicker than a shadow."
From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheet 5)
The chapter of making a man to possess memory in the underworld. The chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, the overseer of the palace, the son of the chief chancellor Amen-hetep, saith:
"May my name be given to me in the Great House, and may I remember my name in the House of Fire on the night of counting the years and of telling the number of the months. I am with the Divine One, and I sit on the eastern side of heaven. If any god whatsoever should advance unto me, let me be able to proclaim his name forthwith."
From the Papyrus of Ani, British Museum, No. 10,470, sheet 15)
The chapter of giving a heart to Osiris Ani in the underworld. He saith:
"May my heart--ah--be with me in the House of Hearts! May my heart--hat--be with me in the House of Hearts! May my heart be with me, and may it rest there,--or--I shall not eat of the cakes of Osiris on the eastern side of the Lake of Flowers, neither shall I have a boat wherein to go down the Nile, nor another wherein to go up, nor shall I be able to sail down the Nile with thee. May my mouth--be given--to me that I may speak therewith, and my two legs to walk therewith, and my two hands and arms to overthrow my foe. May the doors of heaven be opened unto me; may Seb, the Prince of the gods, open wide his two jaws unto me, may he open my two eyes which are blindfolded; may he cause me to stretch apart my two legs which are bound together; and may Anpu-Anubis--make my thighs firm so that I may stand upon them. May the goddess Sekhet make me to rise so that I may ascend unto heaven, and may that be done which I command in the House of ka--double--of Ptah--i.e., Memphis--. I understand with my heart. I have gained the mastery over my heart, I have gained the mastery over my two hands, I have gained the mastery over my legs, I have gained the power to do whatsoever my ka--double--pleaseth. My soul shall not be fettered to my body at the gates of the underworld; but I shall enter in peace and I shall come forth in peace."
From the Papyrus of Ani, British Museum, No. 10,470, sheet 20)
A hymn of praise to Ra when he riseth in the eastern part of heaven. Those who are in his train rejoice, and lo! Osiris Ani, victorious saith:
"Hail thou Disk, thou lord of rays, who risest on the horizon day by day! Shine thou with thy beams of light upon the face of Osiris Ani, who is victorious; for he singeth hymns of praise unto thee at dawn, and he maketh thee to set at eventide with words of adoration. May the soul of Osiris Ani, the triumphant one, come forth with thee into heaven, may he go forth in the Mater boat. May he come into port in the Sekter boat, and may he cleave his path among the never-resting stars in the heavens."
Now Nisus are you going to keep pretending that I'm making this all up, that the text I quoted above doesn't exist? I must have a lot of time on my hands to have written such a detailed book!
This is nice propaganda

"Some have it that Jesus preached in the underworld the time between crucifixion and ressurection."

"Horus could be viewed as the step son of Seb, Joseph."

"Certain Essene have it that Jesus was a vegetarian."

According to your logic, if two different people in history have vague similarities, one must be a myth rooted from the other. This doesn't make sense.

Still in denial that Jesus and Horus are separate????
U had all that time to copy/paste--- but you still had no time to link or reference a SOURCE? I'm not taking your word for anything. #1 you have no links. #2 Your just repeating the same stuff we already beat into the ground.

Trilairian said:
You still have no valid argument.
You have no valid claims. Most importanly no valid source.

Trilairian said:
After all this time you still haven't done any research.
There is a link to the Book of the Dead, you've never read a thing from the Book of Vivifying the Soul---EVER, lol.
info on horus
oh this blows you out of the water. Hitler-Horus

I've done more research than everyone combined--while you've managed to keep talking out your :confused:

Trilairian said:
I do the research.

No you don't obviously because you can't provide any information on where one can find these Books you claim have all this info on horus. You did however manage to link us and spam us with all the contents of this page;
Which also has no sources for their information.

So that's not any of your own research, that's you copy/pasting the info.

Trilairian said:
I present the results to you.
You Copy/paste = Lazy
Facts/history = Results

You presented another website's views. Results of what?

Trilairian said:
You claim I'm lieing without even looking it up.

Did you overlook this post of mine??
Nisus said:
Book of Vivifying the Soul Forever can't be found anywhere not even, or ebay.

I googled it. I went to Ebay, I went to Amazon, I went to Wikipedia, I went and searched the Book of the Dead.

Trilairian said:
Saying the book doesn't exist really doesn't even make sence.
It's the results of my research. Maybe if you had actually done some research yourself and not copy/paste someone elses, you would find yourself in the same boat, unable to locate information on The book of Vivifying the Dead Forever.

Trilairian said:
Do you really want to make the crackpot claim that the book of the dead doesn't exist, or just that section, the book of vivifying the soul forever?
Wrong. I never said the Book of the Dead doesn't exist. To refresh your memory these are the words I said..

Nisus said:
Book of Vivifying the Soul Forever---
Ok so first of all, it's nowhere to be found and it is only spoken of.
(Everyone go look for it, first to find it and reference it gets a cookie)

Nisus said:
Interesting that the bible is so easlily and readily at hand for reference but your sources are ..................nowhere to be found.

Nisus said:
Book of Vivifying the Soul Forever can't be found anywhere not even, or ebay.

Nisus said:
You can't provide a link or reference to a book you say exists...

Nisus said:
And I feel like I'm surrounded by RETARDS because I'm the only one that is pointing out there is no BOOK OF VIVIFYING THE SOUL FOREVER, available. And i'm the only one actually looking into your claims.

Nisus said:
I tell you it's nowhere to be found for research, not on amazon or on Ebay, or google books. And you respond with--- your typical manurer. You're utterly pathetic and anyone that believes you is blind as well. Blind leading the blind, congratulations because you're all retarded. The way people accept your posts without looking into them is worse that people blindly believing in the bible, because at least the bible is a record.

Trilairian said:
Do you even have any idea what you are claiming?
yea, you're dumb. And your posting privileges should be revoked.

You should question what you're "claiming".
VitalOne said:
This is nice propaganda

"Some have it that Jesus preached in the underworld the time between crucifixion and ressurection."

"Horus could be viewed as the step son of Seb, Joseph."

"Certain Essene have it that Jesus was a vegetarian."

According to your logic, if two different people in history have vague similarities, one must be a myth rooted from the other. This doesn't make sense.

Still in denial that Jesus and Horus are separate????
You still in denial that they aren't. The similarities aren't vage and aren't few.
Nisus said:
U had all that time to copy/paste--- but you still had no time to link or reference a SOURCE? I'm not taking your word for anything. #1 you have no links. #2 Your just repeating the same stuff we already beat into the ground.
I did give you the source. I didn't give you a web link because I want you to do some research and look up the reference I gave you for yourself. Stop being a coward and look it up. I cut the rest of your irrelevent drivel.

Maybe if you stop being so rude and ask nice I won't respond rude as well and give you a link. As for now, I don't mind if you're having a hard time finding it because if you are actually looking for it of which I am not convinced, at least you are doing some actual reading along the way.

Plus I just pasted virtually the entire book with a reference to each chapter, so what on earth do you want a link for?
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?? Don't post your source I don't care. The lack of source = your negligence, not my nesecity to pamper you.

None of the readers no where that information is from. Very few/no one will take time to read it without source.
Trilairian said:
You still in denial that they aren't. The similarities aren't vage and aren't few.

If they're not vague or biased, why are there the words "some view it", and "could be viewed", etc... in your explanations. That's clearly biased propaganda.
Look at these similarities between Kennedy and Lincoln.

Source -

Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846

Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946

He was elected President in 1860

He was elected President in 1960

His wife lost a child while living in the White House

His wife lost a child while living in the White House

He was directly concerned with Civil Rights

He was directly concerned with Civil Rights

Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy who told him not to go to the theater *1

Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln who told him not to go to Dallas **2

Lincoln was shot in the back of the head in the presence of his wife

Kennedy was shot in the back of the head in the presence of his wife

Lincoln shot in the Ford Theatre

Kennedy shot in a Lincoln, made by Ford

He died on a Friday

He died on a Friday

The assassin, John Wilkes Booth, was known by three names, comprised of fifteen letters

The assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, was known by three names, comprised of fifteen letters

Booth shot Lincoln in a theater and fled to a warehouse

Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and fled to a theater

Booth was killed before being brought to trial

Oswald was killed before being brought to trial

Lincoln's successor was Andrew Johnson, born in 1808

Kennedy's successor was Lyndon Johnson, born in 1908

Therefore through your logical deduction, Kennedy must be a mythological figure who is based on Lincoln.

These similarities aren't vague as yours, and there are many specific similarities, therefore this must conclusively prove that Kennedy is a myth based on Lincoln or vice-versa. :rolleyes:
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Nisus said:
?? Don't post your source I don't care. The lack of source = your negligence, not my nesecity to pamper you.

None of the readers no where that information is from. Very few/no one will take time to read it without source.
I listed the source for each chapter liar.
Trilairian said:
No. You look at the hundreds of traits in common I listed.
I have looked, and they seem very vague, and not all of the similarities are even agreed upon by Scholars.

You're so trapped in denial you refuse to look at my arguments, now that's ignorance. I clearly demonstrated that there are many similarities between lots of people in history, but that doesn't mean anything.
He doesn't see the Hitler Horus either.


1 Horus is the father seen in the son
Hitler’s superior qualities reflected in many sons of Germany

2 Horus claimed to be the light of the world
Hitler claimed to enlighten Germany politically

5 Horus says “It is I who traverse the heavens… Eternity has been assigned to me without end
Hitler traversed the skies by aeroplane and offered to make Germany forever powerful

8 Horus baptized with water
Hitler baptized as an infant in water

9 Horus had a divine scribe
Hitler had scribes

10 Horus born in Annu, the place of bread
Hitler born in a town with a bakery

16 Horus of 12 years
Hitler at 12 years in highschool

17 Horus A man of 30 years
Hitler joined Nazi Party at 30

18-19 Horus the KRST and manifesting son of God.
Hitler seen as a saviour

20 Horus the Trinity
Hitler, Goebels and Himler

21 Horus Child of a virgin
Hitler’s mother a virgin prior to being mistress of H’s father

23-24 Horus taken by Set to the summit of Mount Hetep
Hitler’s retreat at Berchtesgarten

26 Horus the avenger
Hitler avenger of Versaille Treaty

27 Horus comes with peace
Hitler repeatedly promised peace

28 Horus the afflicted one
Hitler the afflicted one

32 Horus has 12 followers
Hitler had 12

33 Horus Revelation written down by divine scribe Aan
Hitler’s secretary wrote down his Will and Testament in 1945

34 Horus—Aani bears witness
Hitler—Goebels his propaganda minister

35 Horus—The secret mysteries revealed by That-Aan
Hitler—Albert Speer wrote a book “Inside the Third Reich”

36 Horus The morning star
Hitler comforted by astrology

39 Horus The paradise of the Pole star
Hitler had a model of how Berlin would be rebuilt

40 Servants of Horus
Servants of Hitler
VitalOne said:
I have looked, and they seem very vague, and not all of the similarities are even agreed upon by Scholars.

You're so trapped in denial you refuse to look at my arguments, now that's ignorance. I clearly demonstrated that there are many similarities between lots of people in history, but that doesn't mean anything.
M*W: Name your scholars. YOU and Nisus are the ones in denial. Of course there will be many similarities among the human race, but that's not the point. Jesus was patterned after earlier pagan gods. The Messiah Jesus didn't exist, and there is no valid proof that he did. Paul's existence is equally questionable. You need to do some reading about the Sumerians, Egyptians and Greeks, and their cultures. The bible is nothing but sequels of the same myths. MYTHS!
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Name your scholars. YOU and Nisus are the ones in denial. Of course there will be many similarities among the human race, but that's not the point. Jesus was patterned after earlier pagan gods. The Messiah Jesus didn't exist, and there is no valid proof that he did. Paul's existence is equally questionable. You need to do some reading about the Sumerians, Egyptians and Greeks, and their cultures. The bible is nothing but sequels of the same myths. MYTHS!

Doesn't sound like you've ever read the Bible. There is a lot more that occurs in the Bible than the Birth of the Messiah. If you were to take all the words that were claimed to be actual miracles you would have a lot less than what is in the Bible now. There are many occurences, historical sites, and just regular things that go on in the Bible.

Babylonian Captivity *known event*
Jeruslalem, Jericho, Egypt, etc. *known places*
Many actual wars

If you summarized the Bible into just the "spectacular mind blowing miracles" You would lose an actual good huge portion of simple judaic history. Much of which coincides with secular history.

It's not the people that Real Scholars have a fact with accepting. It's the Divine Attributes, they can't explain or hold as fact. Once you learn to discern between these things, you will graduate from noob, to Closer to Academic.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Name your scholars. YOU and Nisus are the ones in denial. Of course there will be many similarities among the human race, but that's not the point. Jesus was patterned after earlier pagan gods. The Messiah Jesus didn't exist, and there is no valid proof that he did. Paul's existence is equally questionable. You need to do some reading about the Sumerians, Egyptians and Greeks, and their cultures. The bible is nothing but sequels of the same myths. MYTHS!

Firstly, why are you always so biased against Christianity?

Secondly, I never said the Bible isn't mythical, nor that the "Messiah" Jesus didn't exist, I said that Jesus was a real human who actually existed.

Jesus did exist and is not Horus. He is not a made up myth, though there may be myth tied to him. I pointed out many sources that say Moden Theologians agree that Jesus actually existed.

For instance look at this similarity on the web site:

The paradise of the pole-star

The Holy City lighted by one luminary that is neither the sun nor the moon=the pole-star.

This is an example of the biased-minded similarity.
The passage in the Bible is:
""And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it; for the glory of God did lighten it, and the lamb is the light thereof" (Rev. 21:23)

The Glory of God lightened it, not a pole-star. Where does the author of the website get polestar from? Haha, you've just been completely debunked :rolleyes:
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Nisus said:
Doesn't sound like you've ever read the Bible. There is a lot more that occurs in the Bible than the Birth of the Messiah. If you were to take all the words that were claimed to be actual miracles you would have a lot less than what is in the Bible now. There are many occurences, historical sites, and just regular things that go on in the Bible.

Babylonian Captivity *known event*
Jeruslalem, Jericho, Egypt, etc. *known places*
Many actual wars

If you summarized the Bible into just the "spectacular mind blowing miracles" You would lose an actual good huge portion of simple judaic history. Much of which coincides with secular history.

It's not the people that Real Scholars have a fact with accepting. It's the Divine Attributes, they can't explain or hold as fact. Once you learn to discern between these things, you will graduate from noob, to Closer to Academic.
M*W: You might be surprised to learn that atheists probably read the bible more than christians do. I went to a Baptist University, converted to Roman Catholicism in my early 20s, ate, lived and breathed RC catechism which I taught for about 20 years until I found out the truth that I had been leaving and teaching a lie!

Becoming atheist is a process. It's not an overnight revelation. In order to become an atheist, one must have a thorough knowledge of christianity or other religion. I'd say most atheists were former christians.

I believe in science. I don't believe in miracles. I visited most of the religious shrines in Europe when I was a christian. I've read anti-christian scholar's works, and I've read christian scholar's works (Dominic Crossan).

Atheists don't just claim the title without the knowledge to back it up. Atheists become religious scholars. Christians rarely research beyond their own church and their bible. Being a christian is not an honorable profession. Just calling yourself a christian denotes ignorance and denial of the truth. There can be NO TRUTH in something that is based on lies and delusions. Monotheism is nothing more than Egyptian sun worship. The ancient Israelites worshipped the sun, of Saul, their "king." The name Is-ra-el itself lends its name to Isis, RA-the Sun God, and El-the god of the Jews. The cult of the Raelians is taken from the name Israelites who worship the Sun as Ra(god).

All religions throughout history evolved from El worship, also called Eli, Heli, Helios, etc., the Sun.

Any religion beyond sun worship is false. Man created god by his understanding of the sun, moon, stars and elements. THERE IS NO GOD BUT THE SUN WHO CREATED THE LIVING WORLD. Jesus was called the Sun of God and the Son of God. He didn't exist as a human much less as a messiah. Jesus was a fictional character based on earlier pagan gods. In fact, Jesus may have been a literary character invented by the Roman Emperors to rein-in their subjects through fear when the HRE couldn't afford to pay it's armies any longer.

You have no savior, but you don't need one. If you weren't meant to be here, you wouldn't be here. Be happy for the time you've got, and do the very best you can with your time. There is no heaven and there is no hell. Earth is all we've got. It is up to us to make it peaceful and liveable. As long as people believe in fairy tales they will not progress intellectually. Your mind is the closest thing you have to a god. Nurture it. Read. Write. Cogitate. Dream.
Give it up man, the fact remains, almost every unbiased historian agrees that Jesus existed

"the sources for Jesus are better, however, than those that deal with Alexander" and "the superiority of evidence for Jesus is seen when we ask what he thought" (1993:3) E.P. Sanders

Experts clearly see a major difference in what Jesus says. Jesus didn't speak the way the writers of the Gospels did, experts in literature clearly see similarities in all of Jesus's sayings.

There is almost no similarity between Jesus's sayings and what Horus says.

Medicine Woman:
You seem to denounce Jesus and Christianity, but anyone who actually reads what Jesus says (not the Church or rest of the Bible) can clearly see that he did not believe in a Heaven nor a God like most Christians do.

In fact, I find nothing wrong with Jesus's teachings. They're very philosophical and encourage peace. Jesus's teachings are very different from the rest of the Bible. However, the Church does not really preach Jesus's teachings, and the majority of "Christians" do not follow Christ in any manner.

Jesus struggled to explain to his disciples that God was not a physical human:

"His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?"

"It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said, 'Look, here!' or 'Look, there!' Rather, the Father's kingdom is spread out upon the earth, and people don't see it." " - Gospel of Thomas, Verse 113

" Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the (Father's) kingdom is within you and it is outside you. " - Gospel of Thomas, Verse 3

" Jesus said, "I am the light that is over all things. I am all: from me all came forth, and to me all attained.

Split a piece of wood; I am there.

Lift up the stone, and you will find me there." " - Gospel of Thomas, Verse 77

"And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation, Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you" - Luke 17:20-21

This is pretty similar to Hindu philosophy. Ironically, this is similar to what you (Medicine Woman) says, " Your mind is the closest thing you have to a god. Nurture it. Read. Write. Cogitate. Dream."
VitalOne said:
I have looked, and they seem very vague, and not all of the similarities are even agreed upon by Scholars.

You're so trapped in denial you refuse to look at my arguments, now that's ignorance. I clearly demonstrated that there are many similarities between lots of people in history, but that doesn't mean anything.
You are the one trapped in denial. I proved your religion wrong. You are still in denial about it and have yet to counter with anything valid.