The Big Picture

Reality is a virtual brain the size of a galaxy- impossibly large. It is the sum of all conscious thought- we think, therefore we are.

This brain is made up of trillions of inputs- each of them is an individual sentient existence: you.

Existence is a moment in infinite time- like a dream you shake off as you awaken. You are part of the system.

And the system is dedicated to continuing reality to its logical end- at which point there is nothing left but knowledge.
Reality is a virtual brain the size of a galaxy- impossibly large. It is the sum of all conscious thought- we think, therefore we are.

This brain is made up of trillions of inputs- each of them is an individual sentient existence: you.

Existence is a moment in infinite time- like a dream you shake off as you awaken. You are part of the system.

And the system is dedicated to continuing reality to its logical end- at which point there is nothing left but knowledge.

I think that is the most important consideration. I still don't believe your OP.
I experienced life after death on 10/29/04. I died and was shown the complete afterlife and the big picture. I retain the experience from this event but it's hard to put into words- it's like trying to condense the dictionary to one word.

To kick-start this thread, there are three afterlives. The first is Heaven however you imagine it. Over time you realize this is not reality and you seek answers.

The third reality is all knowing, all understanding with time but to get there you must jump through part two which many consider hell- it's the exposing of every dark little secret to those you plotted against; it's karma. For Gandhi, it's a walk in the park. For Hitler, it's something he may never face.

In the end, you end up in a six dimensional universe called ALL. It's as if the entire universe were a book you can flip to and jump into a moment in time: it's ALL KNOWING.

Upon rereading what I just wrote, it's true but rough- it's better explained in thousands of words with multiple inputs to fully understand.

As such, I am open to comments and questions. I have tried many times to write it in words but the simple vastness of it defies words- it becomes indescribable; it unifies physics and philosophy.
On a subject like this, you should be very careful with words. It is impossible to be alive after you are dead. Your mistake is in implying that "death" is what happens when the heart stops beating. But the heart can often be re-started, so what really matters is the brain. When it dies, then you are dead. Some of the characters here might say you are brain-dead, but your brain was not killed and you were therefore never really actually dead.

What you remember was what happens when blood hormones are not circulating. Also, keep in mind that the effect is to distort reality, not to enhance it. Some claim to experience a "oneness with the universe". In other words, it is a temporary disintegration of the self, of the individual personality. Others say they lost all cares, of total relaxation. Life is having cares, however, they give meaning to it. We care about our loved ones, our famililies, nation, the human race, etc.

Those "life after death" moments is just the brain reacting. The brain is a tricky thing and se still don't fully understand it. When astronauts are being tested for flight, they also experience things like that.
To kick-start this thread, there are three afterlives. The first is Heaven however you imagine it. Over time you realize this is not reality and you seek answers.

The third reality is all knowing, all understanding with time but to get there you must jump through part two which many consider hell- it's the exposing of every dark little secret to those you plotted against; it's karma. For Gandhi, it's a walk in the park. For Hitler, it's something he may never face.

So, you were just flat-out shown these three "afterlife steps" before actually experiencing them? If so, what would be the point of experiencing the "first stage" if you already knew it wasn't reality, but instead your own idea of heaven?

Or, are you instead implying that you completed each stage through performing these required actions (realizing the first wasn't reality, exposing your secrets, etc.)? If so, are you now "all-knowing" ?
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I experienced life after death on 10/29/04. I died and was shown the complete afterlife and the big picture.

I liked your story. Most of it seemed to make sense.

I spent three days in a coma on life support machines once.
After waking up, I had a strange feeling that only lasted about a week.
I felt as if I "knew" everyone I met in the hospital, as though I had tapped into a source that had known them all their lives.

You mentioned a "six dimensional universe". Was there a seventh level to it?
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