The Big Picture


Valued Senior Member
I experienced life after death on 10/29/04. I died and was shown the complete afterlife and the big picture. I retain the experience from this event but it's hard to put into words- it's like trying to condense the dictionary to one word.

To kick-start this thread, there are three afterlives. The first is Heaven however you imagine it. Over time you realize this is not reality and you seek answers.

The third reality is all knowing, all understanding with time but to get there you must jump through part two which many consider hell- it's the exposing of every dark little secret to those you plotted against; it's karma. For Gandhi, it's a walk in the park. For Hitler, it's something he may never face.

In the end, you end up in a six dimensional universe called ALL. It's as if the entire universe were a book you can flip to and jump into a moment in time: it's ALL KNOWING.

Upon rereading what I just wrote, it's true but rough- it's better explained in thousands of words with multiple inputs to fully understand.

As such, I am open to comments and questions. I have tried many times to write it in words but the simple vastness of it defies words- it becomes indescribable; it unifies physics and philosophy.
I also have died and was dead for over three minutes about 10 years ago and when I died all I remember was there wasn't anything but blackness. I saw no light, heard no voices or had any experiances what so ever that I can recall. It was as if I just went to sleep then awoke without dreaming. :shrug:
I was given the full show, I guess. I was shown the substrate reality exists upon.
I was given the full show, I guess. I was shown the substrate reality exists upon.

How do you live your life differently now versus before you had this experience?

What advice would you offer people based on what you know?
I also have died and was dead for over three minutes about 10 years ago and when I died all I remember was there wasn't anything but blackness. I saw no light, heard no voices or had any experiances what so ever that I can recall. It was as if I just went to sleep then awoke without dreaming. :shrug:

CT - Have you ever considered hypnosis to see if you could recall anything else?
I experienced life after death on 10/29/04. I died and was shown the complete afterlife and the big picture.
As such, I am open to comments and questions.
I have tried many times to write it in words but the simple vastness of it defies words- it becomes indescribable; it unifies physics and philosophy.

That's the kind of things that interest me.
When you think about how short this life is compared to eternity, this is the stuff that really matters.

I was in a coma three years ago.
Coming out of the coma, I didn't remember seeing a light or hearing voices or anything much at all for that matter... at least until the amnesia wore off.

But then there was one single thing that stood out and came back to me.
The best way to explain is it was like waking from a dream.
It had been like some kind of it had revealed the way I had lived my life so far.
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...Coming out of the coma, I didn't remember seeing a light or hearing voices or anything much at all for that matter... at least until the amnesia wore off. But then there was one single thing that stood out and came back to me. The best way to explain is it was like waking from a dream. It had been like some kind of it had revealed the way I had lived my life so far...

...I was left with the feeling that when living life in God's sight, the little things done here matter and add up more than we'll ever know.
You can't play "catch up" with God. You need to learn to obey that Spirit when it moves you, because your own abilities really amount to nothing.
Does any of that sound familiar to you?

Everything is a loop. Reality is the sum of conciousness throughout the universe, cognito ergo sum. The universe is an infinite number of first hand perspectives of the universe and nothing more. When the box is closed, nothing exists inside it.
If you experienced it, then it wasn't death. Death is the absense of an experiencing entity.
If you experienced it, then it wasn't death. Death is the absense of an experiencing entity.

Hi Spidey. But what if was one of those clinically documented deaths. the kind where you flat-lined for a period of time in the hospital then came back?
Look at all these sock puppets!!!:D

Seriously though, uh, I don't believe you're the only one who's died and then came back after to tell of the experience. Can you say otherwise???:D
But what if was one of those clinically documented deaths. the kind where you flat-lined for a period of time in the hospital then came back?
It just means that the doctors were mistaken and you weren't really dead. "Death" is the irreversible degradation of your synapses, so everything important that is "you"--your personality, memories, cognitive abilities, etc.--ceases to exist. We don't have any foolproof way of detecting the irreversible degradation of synapses until the brain cells in which they reside reach the point of visible physical decay--or in obvious cases like physical trauma where the cells are spilling out of a crack in the skull. So obviously we're going to guess wrong occasionally. Duh.

The cryonics movement is based on the hypothesis that a "clinically dead" brain can be preserved before the synaptic degradation becomes irreversible, and that some day technology will exist to reverse it. I don't think anyone except the desperate fanatics believes that the way we're doing cryonic preservation today is going to actually yield brains whose synaptic degradation can be reversed at some arbitrary time in the future, but that doesn't mean it won't be possible to do a better job of preservation some day.

People today who are "clinically dead" but not "actually dead" are in a very unusual state. Their brain cells are running critically low on oxygen, a condition that is generally associated with hallucinations and other bizarre cognitive phenomena. (Compare this weird new sexual game of strangulation right before climax and hoping to not overdo it--in the heat of passion.) So it's hardly remarkable that a person who is lucky enough to recover from that condition and wake up fully functional will have some really outlandish memories.
Look at all these sock puppets!!!:D

Seriously though, uh, I don't believe you're the only one who's died and then came back after to tell of the experience. Can you say otherwise???:D

There are boundaries you consciously cross.
Could you do me a favor and locate the exact point or points in which you experience things?
Points do not exist, they are one-dimensional concepts. You experience things with your brain. If you experienced something, your brain was working.

Hi Spidey. But what if was one of those clinically documented deaths. the kind where you flat-lined for a period of time in the hospital then came back?
That is only an artifact of an artificial definition of death, which doctors need to have to draw a line somewhere. If you come back, you weren't dead. The "flat line" is merely a measure of heart activity.