The Big Bang And Creation...

There isn't only one book. "Christ" exists in other religions too, just under different names. Someone just made a thread about similarities between Quetzalcoatl and Christ.

Ah. Yeah. That makes sense. I mean, look at how similar they were. Jesus was nailed to a tree. Quetzecoatl demanded constant blood sacrifice lest he destroy the earth in a fiery cataclysm. Yeah. They're practically identical.
spidergoat said:
I've said this before, but causes and effects are the same. A cause was caused by a previous cause. An effect becomes the cause for other things, seemlessly.

One of the major errors of Physics comes from the ignorance of what a cause is. Can an effect be the cause of another effect? As a rule, we tend to think so, but this is a mistake. Everything visible is the result of a cause. The cause cannot be found by observing effects. There is no visible cause. The cause is in the presence, where there is no physical existence. This is why physicists get confused when they dive into the sub-atomic world, because the cause cannot be observed.

The existence of life. Life is evolution. Evolution is life. What causes life? In general, the presence of a complex combination of organic chemistry, the exact composition and metabolism of which is still unknown.

Saying that evolution just happens may not be such a good explanation.

Evolution happens because there is a strong "will" within matter, to unify (the spiral form), to become greater, more complex, and more like our self (infinite). This will exists because everything that is visible is separated from its complementary half. They are separated because two things in the recognizable world cannot be at the same place at the same time. It would mean the destruction (unification) of both of them, so they create visible imitations of the oneness in the form of a circle (separation) in order to exist, simplified all the way down to two poles. But since they are still visible, it is impossible for them to truly unify. They repel.

The "magnetic energy" is the only energy in the world. It is because of this energy that things evolve. When things evolve into complicated organisms, this "lifeforce" cannot be kept in the same form anymore, so it is transformed into more complex forms. In humans, it is manifested as a mental form (love).

You know that, if you are a man, you feel lost and forsaken without the "woman", which you think is your complementary half, since you identify yourself with your body. It is similar for particles, except much more primitive.
Evolution happens because there is a strong "will" within matter, to unify (the spiral form), to become greater, more complex, and more like our self (infinite).

That's just plain dumb.

There's a strong 'will' in matter to form spirals?
If you call properties of the chemical bonds involved in a double strand of DNA 'will' then whatever. However, your semantics are all fucked up. "Will" implies some sort of a choice. Some sort of a decision. DNA formes a helix because of its chemical properties.

And, so, do you deny the second law of thermodynamics too then? Quite the rebel, aren't you?

This will exists because everything that is visible is separated from its complementary half.

Wow. You're quite the primitive. You realize that this is the idea behind contagious magic? That things that have been brought together in space and time are somehow connected and can act upon each other afterwards? In this vein, people would oil the weapon that caused a wound in the hopes that 'healing' the weapon would heal the wound. Other cultures took the opposite tack and buried the weapon so that it would rust and assume that once the weapon is destroyed then the wound would heal.

Do you really believe this shit you spew constantly?
invert_nexus said:
"Will" implies some sort of a choice. Some sort of a decision.

Small particles do not have a brain to control the magnetic energy consciously, but it's still the same "will" which makes them attract and repel, but because their bodies are primitive, the "will" is unconscious. In animals it is no longer unconscious, it is instinctive, but only in humans it is completely free.

And, so, do you deny the second law of thermodynamics too then?

Where did I deny it?

DNA formes a helix because of its chemical properties.

Why are the chemical properties the way they are?
Small particles do not have a brain to control the magnetic energy consciously, but it's still the same "will" which makes them attract and repel, but because their bodies are primitive, the "will" is unconscious. In animals it is no longer unconscious, it is instinctive, but only in humans it is completely free.

Where do you get this from?? What books did you read, what studies were done, what professor lectured it? It is pure crap!

Why are the chemical properties the way they are?

If you are going to say that it's because of some unconcious "will" that drives the properties to drive the chemicals to spiral into each other, then I want some evidence or even THEORY that suggests this.

JDawg said:
Where do you get this from?? What books did you read, what studies were done, what professor lectured it? It is pure crap!
You are being far too kind. c7ityi_'s exposition of his/her beliefs makes me wonder how the human race has advanced as far as it has. Mumbo jumbo, badly masqerading as intellectual thought, yet no doubt capturing a resonance amongst some. It would be easy to be angered by such nonsense, but it seems more appopriate to be saddened by the waste of a brain.
it seems more appopriate to be saddened by the waste of a brain

c7 is probably just yanking everyones chain, no one could possibly be that brain-dead, could they?
(Q) said:
c7 is probably just yanking everyones chain, no one could possibly be that brain-dead, could they?
With concerted dedicated indifference to globally gathered evidence, sifted and certified over centuries, combined with an inherent gullibility, supplemented by a poor education and an even poorer diet, it may just be possible. On reflection, it is an achievment that we should perhaps be in awe of. Here we are dedicating our lives to becoming smarter, possessed of greater knowledge, being more imaginative, and c7 turns it all on its head and aims for intellectual oblivion. Stunning really.
invert_nexus said:
Ah. Yeah. That makes sense. I mean, look at how similar they were. Jesus was nailed to a tree. Quetzecoatl demanded constant blood sacrifice lest he destroy the earth in a fiery cataclysm. Yeah. They're practically identical.
Jesus also demanded that you believe in him, else he destroys the earth in a fiery cataclysm,'s just that christians and the aztecs/inca/maya have different ways of proving that they "believe".
Jesus also demanded that you believe in him, else he destroys the earth in a fiery cataclysm,'s just that christians and the aztecs/inca/maya have different ways of proving that they "believe".

Not exactly. Jesus says to believe in him and he'll take you to heaven when he destroys the Earth in a fiery cataclysm. There's no possibility for parole. The only optional component is where you'll do your time.

Christianity is a doomsday cult, you know. Which is why it's so amazing that it's lasted so long when one of it's original tenets was that the Kingdom of Heaven (i.e. armageddon, doomsday, apocaplypse) would come in the lifetimes of those who were there at Jesus' side. And here we are 2000 years later and still no doomsday. The christians keep their fingers crossed though. Maybe next year...
It's acutally a zombie-worshipping doomsday-cult.
If something rises from the grave, doesn't that make it a zombie? What did JC do in christianity? Rise from the grave. Therefore, Jesus is a Zombie.
I love geometic proofs.
The big bang is a well verified theory. There are no competing theories that aren't at least variations of it for example inflation, ekpyrotic. It is already proven fact that it is how the universe evolved over the last several billion years *almost* up to the moment of singularity itself. Competing theories must agree with the big bang up till nearly Plank time after the big bang theory reduces to singularity in order to be considered valid. Cosmological time or time according to a galactic comoving frame does NOT dilate transforming from one of the galactic comoving observers frame to another and so no this did not take place in seven days according to any of them. Also the big bang theory is not an expansion of matter within space. It is a description of what happens when matter is uniformly distributed everywhere throughout all space that results in the space itself expanding. Shortly after the moment of singularity the forces of nature become distinguishable as real particle force carriers form from energetic virtual particle interactions that occur in accordance with the Heisenburg uncertainty principle. It is only in the moment between the big bang theories singularity and the appearance of the real particle force carriers when gravity is unified with the other fields of nature that competing theories may differ from a big bang and still be considered feasible theories.
See also
7 day creation has been scientifically disproved
ex-nihilo creationism now going by Intelligent Design has been scientifically disproved
The Universe has evolved in accordance with the big bang theory for several billion years
Life has evolved on earth over billions of years resulting in man in accordance with the theory of evolution.
Those are the facts.
Trilairian said:
7 day creation has been scientifically disproved

7 is a special number, often used in stories. In the case of the Bible, the 7 days represent 7 different levels of consciousness, since consciousness is light in religions and day is light (night/darkness means unconsciousness) The 7th level is a rest state, the mind of God. The 7 chakras. The circle. The spectrum of colors.

Moses knew that there was no "physical" reality, and that the world was made of mind.

Those are the facts.

They are opinions and thoughts, just like this is.
c7ityi_ said:
7 is a special number, often used in stories. In the case of the Bible, the 7 days represent 7 different levels of consciousness, since consciousness is light in religions and day is light (night/darkness means unconsciousness) The 7th level is a rest state, the mind of God. The 7 chakras. The circle. The spectrum of colors.

Moses knew that there was no "physical" reality, and that the world was made of mind.

They are opinions and thoughts, just like this is.
No, they are facts. What you propose is rediculous.