The Big Bang And Creation...


1 Corinthians 11:1..are you in
Registered Senior Member
Over and over I see people on threads saying that the world can't have been made in 7 days. Now with the big bang theory did the bang go on for more than 7 days to make this world?or did the big bang happen and make this hole planet and then life forms spawned from more bangs?or did one big bang make everything and then they evolved into the way things are today?I am interested to know any other creation theories or stories?
The big bang is still happening. The term "big bang" refers to the expansion of the universe from an initially very hot and dense state.
So the world was once just a hot dense state, like a stone in a fire.................
Everything that makes upt he universe was once in a small clump of matter that, for reasons yet unknown, exploded outwards. The universe is still expanding, because the momentum of the matter particles is still carrying them out.
Earth formed, liek many planets, as a dense ball of dust, which hardened over time into rock. For a couple billion years, the earth was a volcanic rocky ball orbiting the sun...but, then, an amazing thing happened. Supposedly, ice meteors crashed into the surface, creating massive craters which were filled by the melted ice of the ice meteors, thus forming oceans. It is in this that energy and matter clumped together to form the first bacterium- the first organisms.
These evolved, over billions of years, to multicelled organisms, such as plants, fish, etc...and later amphibians and reptiles, some of which split off to become reptile-mammals, which evolved into mammals- rodents, mostly. After a few mass-extinctions, hominids became dominant, evolving into apes and humans eventually.
James R said:
The term "big bang" refers to the expansion of the universe from an initially very hot and dense state.

If heat existed in the beginning, atoms must have already existed, since they generate heat. But if matter/energy already existed, the theory does not explain where the matter/energy (universe) came from.

Hapsburg said:
Everything that makes upt he universe was once in a small clump of matter that, for reasons yet unknown, exploded outwards.

Where did that small clump of matter come from?

It is in this that energy and matter clumped together to form the first bacterium- the first organisms.

What caused energy/matter to form complicated living organisms?
Where did that small clump of matter come from?

That's what SCIENCE is trying to find out. SCIENCE is questioning just how the Big Bang started and since there wasn't much to go on before it happened it's going to take time to figure out how it did come to be. If it weren't for SCIENCE we would still be believing that the Earth was the center of the universe and the Inqusition would still be killing people for believing otherwise. SCIENCE doen't have all the answers and it never claims to be able to either but it will persue the truth instead of making up a story about a supreme being that is invisible that created everything. I'd rather be told the truth about how we got here instead of made up beliefs that others use to control us, wouldn't you?
All.For.One said:
So the world was once just a hot dense state, like a stone in a fire.................

The world didn't exists at that moment in any way or form. Reality was in a maximally compressed state and then something triggered it to expand (that something may be a collission with another reality or just a natural cycle of ours). Earth didn't form until quite a bit of time passed after the big bang, first it had too reach a point where matter could form, then our sun had to form, and finally earth had it's turn.
cosmictraveler said:
SCIENCE is questioning just how the Big Bang started and since there wasn't much to go on before it happened it's going to take time to figure out how it did come to be.

Time cannot start somewhere in time (past), neither can the universe. There is no reason to assume that there was a great explosion. There is not much that points into that direction.

If it weren't for SCIENCE we would still be believing that the Earth was the center of the universe and the Inqusition would still be killing people for believing otherwise.

It isn't because of science, it is because of evolution. How do you know the earth isn't the center of the universe? Infact, I don't think the universe has a center, so the "center" would be everywhere. I am the center of the universe.

SCIENCE doen't have all the answers and it never claims to be able to either but it will persue the truth instead of making up a story about a supreme being that is invisible that created everything.

They aren't just stories. You just don't know what this "supreme being" is, and you don't understand the "stories".
If heat existed in the beginning, atoms must have already existed, since they generate heat. But if matter/energy already existed, the theory does not explain where the matter/energy (universe) came from.

yeah but the big bang is not a theory of how the entire universe was created its a theory more or less of how our world and solar system were created. sort of like how the book of genesis really only explains how god created the world and doesnt explain how god was created.

Where did that small clump of matter come from?

no one knows.

What caused energy/matter to form complicated living organisms?

nothing, complicated living organisms werent formed at first, simple one celled organisms were. eventually they combined in a way that produced a more complex organism. however what is implicit here from the word organism, is that its composition is little more than an amalgam of organic material that comes together in the right combination to form what constitutes a simple and primitive form of life. if nothing else, it is a statistical improbability that given the presence of the right elements, this combination wouldnt take place sooner or later.
The Big Bang didn't "make" anything, it describes the behavior of everything at an early time in history. It doesn't even go back to the origin of the bang, the theory only encompases what happened after the first few milliseconds. Of course, what went before those few milliseconds is the critical thing, but since no information about the initial state could survive the big bang, we can make no certain deductions about it.
They aren't just stories. You just don't know what this "supreme being" is, and you don't understand the "stories".

Then explain to me why there's only one book, the bible, with information pretaining god and Jesus that was written during jesuses time while here on Earth? It would seem to me that many books would have been written about such a person, or being, not just one. There's no proof that god exists, its all based upon belief.
spidergoat said:
but since no information about the initial state could survive the big bang, we can make no certain deductions about it.

Why is that though? Could it be compared to being given a flower and being asked to work back to its seed structure even though it is the first time you have ever seen a flower and you have never seen a seed?

I need analogies :)


c20H25N3o said:
Why is that though? Could it be compared to being given a flower and being asked to work back to its seed structure even though it is the first time you have ever seen a flower and you have never seen a seed?

I need analogies :)



or like being on top of a ripple in the middle of the sea tied to a plank of wood looking back through the fog trying to guess what caused the ripple.
ooh i like analogies
c20H25N3o said:
Why is that though? Could it be compared to being given a flower and being asked to work back to its seed structure even though it is the first time you have ever seen a flower and you have never seen a seed?

I need analogies :)



no its more like being given the only flower in the world and being asked to work back to its seed structure even though there is nothing else like it to comapre it to anywhere, oh yeah and the place where the seed came from is a light year or two away from where youre standing. a little more complicated.
charles cure said:
no its more like being given the only flower in the world and being asked to work back to its seed structure even though there is nothing else like it to comapre it to anywhere, oh yeah and the place where the seed came from is a light year or two away from where youre standing. a little more complicated.

Not impossible though.

c20H25N3o said:
Not impossible though.


no just difficult because we havent yet developed the technology to go out deep into space for prolonged periods and attempt to reconstruct what may have happened with evidence that we can find. im sure that eventually we will be able to figure it out though.
c20H25N3o said:
Why is that though? Could it be compared to being given a flower and being asked to work back to its seed structure even though it is the first time you have ever seen a flower and you have never seen a seed?

I need analogies :)


An analogy would be trying to describe the metabolism of the first life on Earth, at a time when the metabolism we are now familiar with was impossible.

It's like trying to recreate the structure of a tree using only the information present in a piece of paper.
Charles Cure said:
yeah but the big bang is not a theory of how the entire universe was created its a theory more or less of how our world and solar system were created.

Ouch. How did this not get responded to?
This is about as wrong as it can get. The big bang is a theory about the origins of the universe, not the planet Earth and/or the Solar System (except in that the Earth and the Solar System were only made possible because of the events that took place in the big bang.)

Yorda said:
If heat existed in the beginning, atoms must have already existed, since they generate heat. But if matter/energy already existed, the theory does not explain where the matter/energy (universe) came from.

No. Atoms didn't need to exist. Ever heard of a little equation that goes like this: E=mc^2? I'm sure you have. And I already know that you deny it out of hand (for no better reason than it doesn't feel right to you.) But, the early universe was composed entirely of energy. It was far too hot and energetic for matter to exist at all. It took time for the energy to spread out and cool down for matter to condense out of it.

According to modern theories, even the laws of physics needed to coagulate out of this seething mass. The four forces were once unified and each settled out of the whole as it cooled. This is why modern physics can only extrapolate to a fraction of a second after the big bang. Before that time gravity was unified with the other three forces and we'd need a unified quantum gravity theory to delve the implications of this.

However, it must be kept in mind that the big bang is only a theory. And a sketchy one at that. It does a decent job of explaining observations about the present state of the universe, but there are also competing theories which also explain the observations. Of course, most of them fall along similar lines (an initial explosive expansion) so they could all be called 'big bangs' in their own right, but the details differ. I believe that in string theory the need for inflation is eradicated by pushing the expansion of the universe before the big bang... (This sounds contradictory and I forget the exact explanation I read on this. I know it was in a Scientific American recently. I could dig for it if anyone's interested.)
charles cure said:
sort of like how the book of genesis really only explains how god created the world and doesnt explain how god was created.

God is not created, he is the creator. A cause is not caused by anything, only effects are.

eventually they combined in a way that produced a more complex organism.

What caused them to do so? What causes evolution?

cosmictraveler said:
Then explain to me why there's only one book, the bible, with information pretaining god and Jesus that was written during jesuses time while here on Earth?

There isn't only one book. "Christ" exists in other religions too, just under different names. Someone just made a thread about similarities between Quetzalcoatl and Christ. They talk about the same "God" in every religion, even in Buddhism, which doesn't even accept "gods".

There's no proof that god exists, its all based upon belief.

Of course there's no proof since you don't even know what it is!
God is not created, he is the creator. A cause is not caused by anything, only effects are.
I've said this before, but causes and effects are the same. A cause was caused by a previous cause. An effect becomes the cause for other things, seemlessly.

What causes evolution?
The existence of life. Life is evolution. Evolution is life. What causes life? In general, the presence of a complex combination of organic chemistry, the exact composition and metabolism of which is still unknown.