The Biblical flood?

sumtimes i cant handle the bible
i reckon just do good dont go over board with stuff hahahah get it over board hahahah
never mind
.... Or are you just clutching at anything i say to twist it in a vain attempt to make me look stupid.....

LOL, yeah Myles, quit making Adstar look stupid. :rolleyes:

so what about the flood? Do they have timing as to when they think the flood occurred exactly? Way after any Ice Age conditions I suppose?
The level of perfection of human reason is limited to the general level of human perfection.

Human beings are not perfect. Therefore to rely upon and trust in ones own reason is to rely on something that is not perfect. Relying on something that is not perfect will lead you to disaster if not today then some day.

Humanity has gone from one disaster to another throughout history, only difference now is our disasters have more power to do more harm. With the greater knowledge so to is greater the harm and suffering. Sooner or later human reason will bring humanity and life on this earth to the point of extinction. (if it hasn't already reached that stage)

Pride in ones on intellect and reason is the greatest danger the world faces, only when one obtains the wisdom that ones own wisdom is faulty can begin to seek to be gilded by Someone with perfect wisdom. And you already know Who i follow.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

So to rely upon something that is not perfect will lead you to disaster ?? LOL
Good luck then..

You pointed out, and quite correctly, that humans are not perfect. Then you said to rely on oneself will thus lead one into disaster.

How come you rely on that dream of yours then ? Is it not produced by something imperfect ?

You pointed out, and quite correctly, that humans are not perfect. Then you said to rely on oneself will thus lead one into disaster.

How come you rely on that dream of yours then ? Is it not produced by something imperfect ?

I do not believe i produced the dream. I believe the dream was givien to me. The fact that i had no idea that this volcano existed or that it was even an island made it very powerful to me.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I do not believe i produced the dream. I believe the dream was givien to me. The fact that i had no idea that this volcano existed or that it was even an island made it very powerful to me.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Even if the dream was given to you, your brain allowed you to view it in your dream. Your brain 'channeled' the dream if you will. And the brain is imperfect as you stated.

Also, isn't it possible you unconsciously picked up the name Thera somewhere ? Happens all the time...
Even if the dream was given to you, your brain allowed you to view it in your dream. Your brain 'channeled' the dream if you will. And the brain is imperfect as you stated.

Also, isn't it possible you unconsciously picked up the name Thera somewhere ? Happens all the time...

Well i am not into vulcanology so i never went out looking for dormant volcanoes Also the island is not known as thera on maps the island is called Santorini so even if i somehow was gazing at a map of the Mediterranean and subconsciously looked at the island i might have had the name Santorini pop up in my dream not Thera.

Nope it cannot be just a coincidence, i know it would make you happy to tie this all up as some kind of dream derived from old learned knowledge but it just cannot be explained away by that method.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well i am not into vulcanology so i never went out looking for dormant volcanoes Also the island is not known as thera on maps the island is called Santorini so even if i somehow was gazing at a map of the Mediterranean and subconsciously looked at the island i might have had the name Santorini pop up in my dream not Thera.

Nope it cannot be just a coincidence, i know it would make you happy to tie this all up as some kind of dream derived from old learned knowledge but it just cannot be explained away by that method.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Sure it can.. you just don't know it because you are imperfect.

And what about this ?
"Even if the dream was given to you, your brain allowed you to view it in your dream. Your brain 'channeled' the dream if you will. And the brain is imperfect as you stated."
Brooks Hanson

The massive volcanic eruption of Santorini just before about 1600 BCE , or 3600 years ago, is one of the largest historical eruptions. It spread ash across the central Mediterranean and formed a massive caldera in the island of Thera.

Despite its size, the scale of its effects on surrounding nascent civilizations even nearby in Crete continues to be debated. Bruins et al. now provide evidence that the eruption may have spawned a tsunami that devastated the northern coast of Crete, including a major city of the early Minoan civilization.

They identified several deposits along the coast and in the ancient city of Palaikastro that include chaotic mixtures of ash, pebbles, fragments of walls and buildings, Minoan pottery, bones, and other debris. The geochemistry of the ash ties it to Santorini, and the position and stratigraphy of the debris layer are consistent with deposition by overwash in a tsunami.

The highest debris implies that the height of the waves reached at least 9 m above sea level, but models of a tsunami and the extent of devastation are consistent with a much higher wave height, perhaps up to 35 m, that would have overwhelmed coastal cities. -- BH

J. Archaeol. Sci. 35, 191 (2008)."

What maybe more intresting is what caused this eruptions. It would be intresting to find out if there was any correlating eruptions around the same time period. I've read Donald Patten's book on the Biblical Deluge and Ice Epoch and it's the most facinating read I've ever set eyes on.

If he's right then there would be precursors like global eruptions of volcanic instability along with a massive disruption of the hydrosphere.
What? Where did i say that God was down a volcano? Or are you just clutching at anything i say to twist it in a vain attempt to make me look stupid.
And you have found your god. Your own human reason, for that is what you praise.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I'm bnot trying to make you look stupid. You manage to do that very well on your own
I do not believe i produced the dream. I believe the dream was givien to me. The fact that i had no idea that this volcano existed or that it was even an island made it very powerful to me.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

So how do you know that your dream relates to this particular volcano ?
What? Where did i say that God was down a volcano? Or are you just clutching at anything i say to twist it in a vain attempt to make me look stupid.
And you have found your god. Your own human reason, for that is what you praise.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

So I take it that god isn't everywhere as his followers usually claim
the biblical flood is recorded in Sumerian tablets and may refer to the flooding of the Euphrates. It may also be a recalling of even more ancient stories; the flooding of low-lying land in the Persian gulf (~8000 BC) and the flooding of the Black Sea (5500 BC).
blobrana said:
the flooding of low-lying land in the Persian gulf (~8000 BC) and the flooding of the Black Sea (5500 BC).
OK, so there is evidence of previous floods (I have read about both these events in SA, and so on, myself), and this new evidence indicates another devastation.

The Thera event ~3600 years back is definitely in the OT ballpark, and the theme in that scripture (the story of Noh), is the notion of recurrence, I think. Or at least I can recall reading that this recurring flood idea, and the notions of punishing wickedness, etc, supposedly, or possibly, arise from a flood myth, based on real events.

A 35m tsunami would have taken a while to recover from, I'd say, which ties in with the idea of a survivor group. But, hey, it's an idea about how a religion started up. The Hebrews would certainly have known about it. And the story is tied to the city or people of Nineveh.
Well, the Thera would certainly be a story worth recording; and elements of it may indeed have been recorded in the OT (but perhaps during one of the many Exoduses).

The Thera event dates well after the main elements of the flood are recorded (albeit in Sumerian tablets around, say, 3000 BC). And there are reasons to suppose that they recall events dating back even further.
In writing.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

You first mentioned Thera so are you now saying Santorini was mentioned as well ? If so why did you omit when you first spoke of the volcano ?

Can you read Greek or were you given a transliteration ?