The Biblical flood?


Brooks Hanson

The massive volcanic eruption of Santorini just before about 1600 BCE , or 3600 years ago, is one of the largest historical eruptions. It spread ash across the central Mediterranean and formed a massive caldera in the island of Thera.

Despite its size, the scale of its effects on surrounding nascent civilizations even nearby in Crete continues to be debated. Bruins et al. now provide evidence that the eruption may have spawned a tsunami that devastated the northern coast of Crete, including a major city of the early Minoan civilization.

They identified several deposits along the coast and in the ancient city of Palaikastro that include chaotic mixtures of ash, pebbles, fragments of walls and buildings, Minoan pottery, bones, and other debris. The geochemistry of the ash ties it to Santorini, and the position and stratigraphy of the debris layer are consistent with deposition by overwash in a tsunami.

The highest debris implies that the height of the waves reached at least 9 m above sea level, but models of a tsunami and the extent of devastation are consistent with a much higher wave height, perhaps up to 35 m, that would have overwhelmed coastal cities. -- BH

J. Archaeol. Sci. 35, 191 (2008)."
An eye-witness account of the tsunami that struck Cyprus in AD 365:

''A little after daybreak, preceded by heavy and repeated thunder and lightning, the whole of the firm and solid earth was shaken and trembled, the sea with its rolling waves was driven back and withdrew from the land, so that in the abyss of the deep thus revealed men saw many kinds of sea-creatures stuck fast in the slime; and vast mountains and deep valleys, which Nature, the creator, had hidden in the unplumbed depths . . . Many ships were stranded as if on dry land, and since many men roamed about . . . to gather fish and similar things with their hands, the roaring sea, resenting, as it were, this forced retreat, rose in its turn; and over the boiling shoals it dashed mightily upon islands and broad stretches of the mainland, and leveled innumerable buildings in the cities.'' In Alexandria, he adds, the waves were so high they deposited ships on the tops of buildings.
I don't think that would be big enough, or long lasting enough, to qualify as even a local "Deluge". Even in those days.
Brooks Hanson

The massive volcanic eruption of Santorini just before about 1600 BCE , or 3600 years ago, is one of the largest historical eruptions. It spread ash across the central Mediterranean and formed a massive caldera in the island of Thera.

Despite its size, the scale of its effects on surrounding nascent civilizations even nearby in Crete continues to be debated. Bruins et al. now provide evidence that the eruption may have spawned a tsunami that devastated the northern coast of Crete, including a major city of the early Minoan civilization.

They identified several deposits along the coast and in the ancient city of Palaikastro that include chaotic mixtures of ash, pebbles, fragments of walls and buildings, Minoan pottery, bones, and other debris. The geochemistry of the ash ties it to Santorini, and the position and stratigraphy of the debris layer are consistent with deposition by overwash in a tsunami.

The highest debris implies that the height of the waves reached at least 9 m above sea level, but models of a tsunami and the extent of devastation are consistent with a much higher wave height, perhaps up to 35 m, that would have overwhelmed coastal cities. -- BH

J. Archaeol. Sci. 35, 191 (2008)."

Thera will explode again. I was given this in a dream. I never even knew that an island volcano named Thera existed before i had the dream.

She is going to erupt mark my words and remember, Let it be a sign to you.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I asked adstar a long time ago "when" this was going to happen. I was told that "when" was essentially irrelevant, but that it would happen. I said, "well, it's not an extinct volcano, so..."
I asked adstar a long time ago "when" this was going to happen. I was told that "when" was essentially irrelevant, but that it would happen. I said, "well, it's not an extinct volcano, so..."

Just like Nostradamus. Make a prediction and wait for something to happen, then claim credit or have others do it for you.

I was give a car crash on an American freeway in a dream last night. I don't know when it will happen but when it appears on tv news I will confirm it was the crash I was given
Thera will explode again. I was given this in a dream. I never even knew that an island volcano named Thera existed before i had the dream.

She is going to erupt mark my words and remember, Let it be a sign to you.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Sorry you have such troubled sleep, what with volcanoes and lakes of fire. Try taking tablets; they might help.

All Praise the Age of Reason
Thera will explode again. I was given this in a dream. I never even knew that an island volcano named Thera existed before i had the dream.

She is going to erupt mark my words and remember, Let it be a sign to you.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Holy shit dude! I get it now. I won't bother trying to show you the truth any more, you've got bigger problems than I realized. I would suggest therapy but I doubt you'd see the need.:(
I asked adstar a long time ago "when" this was going to happen. I was told that "when" was essentially irrelevant, but that it would happen. I said, "well, it's not an extinct volcano, so..."

Well yes you did.

So that will give you a refuge of plausible denial when it happens?

I do not know if you will see it or not, you could die tonight as far as i know. But i know someone here will see it and remember me. I do not know if this event will be a sign leading someone to salvation or a sign to fill a future recipient of the mark of the beast with dread. Either way the one will know deep down inside that the God of Abraham is. Maybe the doors of salvation will be shut to them or maybe it will still be open. God knows, i don't

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Holy shit dude! I get it now. I won't bother trying to show you the truth any more, you've got bigger problems than I realized. I would suggest therapy but I doubt you'd see the need.:(

Do not waste your time. I Know God is. I will not follow the blind. They only lead people into the ditch.

Your truth is darkness.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well yes you did.

So that will give you a refuge of plausible denial when it happens?

I do not know if you will see it or not, you could die tonight as far as i know. But i know someone here will see it and remember me. I do not know if this event will be a sign leading someone to salvation or a sign to fill a future recipient of the mark of the beast with dread. Either way the one will know deep down inside that the God of Abraham is. Maybe the doors of salvation will be shut to them or maybe it will still be open. God knows, i don't

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I have spent years loking for god, without success. Now you tell me he is hiding deep down inside a volcano. I never thught of looking there.

All Praise the Age of Reason
Do not waste your time. I Know God is. I will not follow the blind. They only lead people into the ditch.

Your truth is darkness.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Answered like a true intellectual. That's put him in his place.

All Praise the Age of Reason
Do not waste your time. I Know God is. I will not follow the blind. They only lead people into the ditch.

Your truth is darkness.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I apologize for some of my previous negative comments. I was not aware of your condition. I am not being facetious in the slightest when I say you have my sympathies. Please don't take that the wrong way. I wish you the best.
I have spent years loking for god, without success. Now you tell me he is hiding deep down inside a volcano. I never thught of looking there.

All Praise the Age of Reason

What? Where did i say that God was down a volcano? Or are you just clutching at anything i say to twist it in a vain attempt to make me look stupid.
And you have found your god. Your own human reason, for that is what you praise.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I apologize for some of my previous negative comments. I was not aware of your condition. I am not being facetious in the slightest when I say you have my sympathies. Please don't take that the wrong way. I wish you the best.

No need to wish me the best, i have the best. The Love of God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
What? Where did i say that God was down a volcano? Or are you just clutching at anything i say to twist it in a vain attempt to make me look stupid. And you have found your god. Your own human reason, for that is what you praise.
M*W: Adstar, you never cease to amaze me with your wisdom. So what's wrong with human reason? If there were a god, he would have given us human reason, don't you think? Or is this way over your head?

All Praise My Ancient Fat Ass
The level of perfection of human reason is limited to the general level of human perfection.

Human beings are not perfect. Therefore to rely upon and trust in ones own reason is to rely on something that is not perfect. Relying on something that is not perfect will lead you to disaster if not today then some day.

Humanity has gone from one disaster to another throughout history, only difference now is our disasters have more power to do more harm. With the greater knowledge so to is greater the harm and suffering. Sooner or later human reason will bring humanity and life on this earth to the point of extinction. (if it hasn't already reached that stage)

Pride in ones on intellect and reason is the greatest danger the world faces, only when one obtains the wisdom that ones own wisdom is faulty can begin to seek to be gilded by Someone with perfect wisdom. And you already know Who i follow.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days