The Bible

What other sources are there to indicate anything of a God.
Bible Study!!!

As Carcano pointed out..Near death accounts are one source,pychic phenomanae is another
NDEs do not confirm a literal portrayal of God as depicted in the bible nor confirm much of it's specific idealogy about hell,heaven,the afterlife and salvation...rather religous texts only have generalities between them that jive with NDEs'.
It's just my belief but I believe they are much more credible than religous texts that are written by largely unknown people...many who had a political or cultural reason for their specific ideas about God.
Hello exuberant!

This is a thread specifically for discussion of the bible.

However there are many points when you consider the bible itself.
My perspective, is that the bible is filtered with so many insanities upon insanities, and that there is no possibility that this book could have been even deciphered or whatnot from the .. God. It is impossible. God would never say things that are in this bible, nor would God be so as rediculious as 'everything' we have been told by him to exist.

Now. I am just talking about the bible.
And my position is that it is entirely garbage.

What other sources are there to indicate anything of a God.
Bible Study!!!

To discuss biblically in your perspective is impossible dream. Why? Because you put god in your own thoughts, words and ideas. There are gods/Gods mentioned in the Bible. Sowhich God you do prefer me to involve in a discussion?:rolleyes::confused:
Sort of got a few screws loose at the moment.
Anyway, the point is this:
I want a discussion of atheism.
Sort of.
At least, I want to hear, ..
In this discussion,
a god being talked about or bashed.
It can be any one.
I do not believe anything about most all of it.

If you wouldn't mind showing me any of it, I wouldn't mind crashing it.

The only other sources I can think of at the moment are the testimony of people who have died and been brought back to life...some of them anyway.

However, what they describe as God and what the Bible describes are very you might expect.
Like the article says, nothing in this area has been conducted under scientfic conditions. It seems kinda obvious that Near Death means just that - they didn't actually die. But the common factor is that each were suffereing from severe brain trauma and any recollections by a brain under such extremes hardly counts as reliable testimony. The other concern is the alleged quotations of revealing facts while looking down on their body etc, - the problem here is how scientfic were those interrogations.

Like the article recognizes there is nothing scientific about these claims, just a lot of creative imagination again.
Like the article says, nothing in this area has been conducted under scientfic conditions. It seems kinda obvious that Near Death means just that - they didn't actually die. But the common factor is that each were suffereing from severe brain trauma and any recollections by a brain under such extremes hardly counts as reliable testimony. The other concern is the alleged quotations of revealing facts while looking down on their body etc, - the problem here is how scientfic were those interrogations.
Quite the contrary...much of article goes out of its way to site cases of brain death - no electrical brain activity.

This is why cases of 'near' death are of no interest scientifically.

The other important point is that physical observations are made by the subject which can not be made in a state of unconsciousness or death.

Unless these two criteria are met the evidence cannot be taken seriously.

"Cardiologist Michael Sabom described a near-death experience that occurred while its experiencer - a woman who was having an unusual surgical procedure for the safe excision and repair of a large basilar artery aneurysm - met all of the accepted criteria for brain death. The unusual medical procedure involved the induction of hypothermic cardiac arrest, in order to insure that the aneurysm at the base of the brain would not rupture during the operation. The patient's body temperature was lowered to 60 degrees Fahrenheit, her heartbeat and breathing ceased, her brain waves flattened, and the blood was completely drained from her head. Her electroencephalogram was totally flat (indicating no cerebral electrical activity) and auditory evoked potentials (normally elicited by clicks presented through molded earplugs that had been inserted into her ears) ceased (indicating cessation of brainstem functioning). Ordinarily - at regular body temperature - the brain cannot function without its oxygen supply for more than a few minutes. Lowering the body and brain temperature to 60 degrees F. - by chilling the blood in a bypass machine before returning it to the body and brain - however, can reduce cellular metabolism so that the brain can tolerate complete cerebral blood flow for the 45 minutes or so required for the brain operation. The patient later reported that, apparently while under these “brain death” conditions, she had a near-death experience (NDE) in which she was able to observe and hear details of objects and happenings in the operating room with accuracy. She also experienced classic components of the NDE, including a tunnel vortex, a bright light, and different figures in the light (many deceased family members, including a distant cousin of whose death she had been unaware)."
Bart Ehrman's : "Misquoting Jesus" is very good and details how the new testament came about. Only an uninformed idiot could believe that god had anything to do with writing it and that it is infallible.
Bart's other book 'Truth and Fiction in The Da Vinci Code' is good too.

Dan Brown could have corrected his historical errors with just a few hours of reading in the Encyclopedia Britannica.