The Bible. Myth or Reality?

In other words, full of shit.
Mostly not. Just some mistakes. Which is to say, you shouldn't take them 100% literally - but you'd also be foolish to take the opposite position on everything just because you didn't like the writing.
I'm unaware of any news stories concerning Jewish terrorists blowing up buildings or shooting doctors at abortion clinics...
I wonder what a God is made of? I'd love to know the evolutionary history of its species.
By who's standards?
By the standard that violencing the shit out of people for religious reasons isn't exactly constructive or helpful. A non-literalist interpretation of mythology is much more conducive to a mellow attitude, while still maintaining the identity and practices of the religion to whom that mythology is relevant.

The Bible is the Word of God to man. Ignore It/Him and you will certainly perish.
Then maybe I will perish. It doesn't matter, because my beliefs and experiences indicate a rather different conclusion. If I die and suffer, then at least I died knowing what I believed in and operating on the best knowledge I had available to me. Is your god really so spiteful?

Nothing so complex as a physical paradox.
Here's a simple one. Did cows come before people?
Define "cow". Just domestic cattle? Do we include aurochs?
Then maybe I will perish. It doesn't matter, because my beliefs and experiences indicate a rather different conclusion. If I die and suffer, then at least I died knowing what I believed in and operating on the best knowledge I had available to me. Is your god really so spiteful?

The natural world is based on cause and effect. If god said, thou shall not jump off the roof or thou shall die, it is not because he is being mean and spiteful. He is explaining the cause and effect of gravity and your body, based on natural laws.

Where liberals and atheists go wrong is, science is able to compensate for natural cause and effect, using artificial means. They will place a bunch of pillows on the ground and then jump off the roof, saying, nothing happened. Therefore God is just being mean because I should be able to do this and not go to hell. They overlook the fact this choice needs prosthesis that exist outside of natural creation.

If you look at sexual reassignment, this is not physically possible, without modern science and medicine. The human sex organs do fall off naturally, with new ones growing in their place to fit the imagination. There is no natural cause and effect that allows this to manifest. It needs artificial because it is not natural. This would be called taboo or sin, in the natural world of humans, because it cannot manifest naturally, and continued obsession, as the data shows, will lead to frustration and even suicide; hell on earth. This is not spite, but caring.

God is about natural living and not artificial living, based on being artificial propped up via science and free market capitalism. Sin is big business, because to escape the natural causes and effects, one has to pay a tribute or get others to pay the tribute for you, via taxes. It is not about being mean and spiteful, but avoiding the need for tribute.

The children of god will inherit the desolate heritages, meaning without money to buy props. To do this one needs to find the natural cause and effects connected to the natural human.

Condoms are not found in nature. This is not part of natural cause and effect. If we removed all condoms, hypothetically, the wage of sin; cause and effect, will lead to death rates increasing due to sexually transmitted diseases. Matter of fact is not spitefulness. But if you pay tribute yu can escape. But this tribute is not to nature but to sin; unnatural where the cause and effect of nature become distorted.
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How's that workin' out for 'em?

Quite well I think.

I think that per capita they lead the world in geniuses and Nobel laureates.

They are one of the smallest nations in the world yet have more impact on it than most.

Morality wise, which is supposed to be the important part of religion, they certainly put most mainstream religions to shame.

They are second only to my own Gnostic Christian sect.

God is about natural living and not artificial living, based on being artificial propped up via science and free market capitalism. Sin is big business, because to escape the natural causes and effects, one has to pay a tribute or get others to pay the tribute for you, via taxes. It is not about being mean and spiteful, but avoiding the need for tribute.

Yet tribute was demanded by God in the form of a human sacrifice so that he would reverse his own condemnation of the mankind that he himself created to be as is.

That is insanity and not natural living.

It is also completely immoral.

Care to debate that punishing the innocent instead of the guilty is natural and just?

Mostly not. Just some mistakes. Which is to say, you shouldn't take them 100% literally - but you'd also be foolish to take the opposite position on everything just because you didn't like the writing.
Myth is not a mistake, it's a fabrication designed to teach a lesson.
By comparison to every other major religion out there.
The standard is God Himself, not "every other major religion out there" and given the Words recorded in the Prophets, they failed by any standard--Divine or human. However, He is not done with them as HE WILL "pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and pleas for mercy, so that, when they look on Me, on Him whom they have pierced, they shall mourn for Him, as one mourns for an only child, and weep bitterly over Him, as one weeps over a firstborn." i.e. In God's time they will recognise Jesus as their Messiah..."if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?"

That day* is fast approaching.

*Christ's return to earth
Then maybe I will perish. It doesn't matter, because my beliefs and experiences indicate a rather different conclusion. If I die and suffer, then at least I died knowing what I believed in and operating on the best knowledge I had available to me. Is your god really so spiteful?
The best knowledge available to you is the Gospel of John. READ IT, and see if He is "really so spiteful."
The standard is God Himself, not "every other major religion out there"
Ah. Then by the standards of both Allah and Zeus, you are not doing well at all.
That day* is fast approaching.
*Christ's return to earth

You missed it! It was May 21, 2011. Perhaps you were at the dentist, or weren't watching.