The Bible is word of God


Registered Senior Member

When it is a question of events mentioned in the Bible, we can often read and hear how some researchers doubt the historicity of these accounts. This is especially so concerning the initial accounts of the fall, the Flood and the tower of Babel and miracles which appear in the gospels. These are matters, which researchers regard as unreliable. They may regard them only as legends, and they think that those accounts aren’t worth taking seriously.

We are going to examine this difficult matter in this study by looking at many examples. This study has been directed expressly at such persons as who sincerely want to research this area and who struggle with this matter. In other words it has been targeted at such persons who want to know whether the events mentioned in the Bible are really historically correct.

In this writing we will also try to bring out archaeological finds, because they have often confirmed those events, which are mentioned in the Bible. They have confirmed the information found only in the pages of the Bible many times:

"Generally, archaeological research has undoubtedly added confidence in the truthfulness of the Bible. More than one archaeologist has noticed that his respect towards the Bible has grown with excavations carried out in Palestine (1). The archaeological evidence has, in many cases, proved the modern critics to be wrong. It has been proved in many case that these views have been based on incorrect hypotheses and unreal, fictitious views. There is no reason to belittle this genuine help from archaeological resources." (2)

"It is important to understand that archaeological resources have provided a large body of evidence through diggings which indicate clearly that the Bible is not mere pious faking. To this day, none of the historical points of the Bible have been proved to be false on the basis of this evidence obtained by archaeological research." (3)
What are you doing, exactly PetriFB? You have pasted the first page of the site you have linked to, with no comment or observation. Do you intend to post the entire site, bit by bit? I am at a loss to know what is intended. Would you clarify please.
That writing is clear proof about it that the Bible is supernatural word and word of God.

The writings speaks on its behalf .......... ;)

WOW yor web site statistics are quite impressive!

Thanks for the link. ;)

What do you think about the theory that the ark of the convenant is in a temple in africa?

How about the Dead Sea Scrolls? Muslims claim the OT was corrupted by the Jews, but the scrolls show otherwise.
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PetriFB said:
That writing is clear proof about it that the Bible is supernatural word and word of God.

The writings speaks on its behalf .......... ;)

that didnt offer any proof
it says that nothing has been proved to be false
To say that biblical stories are based on true events does not mean that everything about the story is true. We know there was a president named George Washington, but did he chop down a cherry tree?
Some are literal, and some are takes the author to disciper the message and unlock the seals on the book...only the Lamb was found worthy.
That's what He is here doing today.......just what is promised for the hour.
PetriFB said:
That writing is clear proof about it that the Bible is supernatural word and word of God.

The writings speaks on its behalf .......... ;)

NO... it only proves that... as a history book... its pretty good.

but as the actual word of GOD..... that is still in question.

case in point.

the book of JOB..... was a fictional play written for the theatre...

it was not written as the word of GOD....

but constantine and his buddies in the 5th century desided it was.

and he formed the bible.. him and his buddies... and they put it in.

i do not doubt the value and truth which is to be found in the bible.

but clearly... it was constantine who made these decisions... and the only argument you can make is that he... constantine was divinely lead.

lead to make the bible as is...

but there is no proof of that.. and constantine made no major claims.

Job is the oldest book in the bible.....
It was taken from a time when the orientals even believed in did the whole world from Noah right up till the tower of Babel.
PetriFB said:
That writing is clear proof about it that the Bible is supernatural word and word of God.

The writings speaks on its behalf .........
not really,could you point out the verse and page

WHERE in the bible does it say "its the word of god"

while you're at it show us the word REALITY in the bible.
imo its a book of myths.
Joh 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water

Ro 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

Ga 3:22 But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.

2Pe 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
Spidergoat: Which country are you from so I can burn the flag? How dare you depict Mohammed (peace be upon him) :D
i say rea some Robert raves. yes you are right, some mythology does give a kind o report of actua events and archeology, sure. BUT, the ESSENCE is not that. what mythology attempys to do is explore pradox. what i means to b human and relationship with reality

NOW. wit REVEALED religious myth we have also the more insidious PROPAGANDA. when you hear 'tis book is written by 'Go', yer know that tat is hype. what is really means is:it is writ by a male elite authority
admittly involved in tis would have been so-called prophets 'channeling' . they would have dont this wit various psychoactive substaces, and believed that what they were prphesizing was the'word of God'. but you see the mind plays tricks on itself. its own desires will be pretended to be from some invented 'all powerful all-good' entity' nd this is where all evil begins. because then evil against others, and even against members of their own tribe is 'sanctioned by their God-myth'. WHO can disobey such INVISIBLE 'authority'??! do you see the trap of all that? hope ya do.....or will soon... !
PetriFB said:
Joh 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water

Ro 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

Ga 3:22 But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.

2Pe 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

M*W: What is it with you? Quoting scripture is preaching. Preaching is not allowed on the forum. Yet, you continue. You've been asked to provide evidence for your statements, but you have not. (Are we surprised? No). Tell us something we don't know. Dazzle us with your brilliance. All you're doing is baffling us with your bullshit.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: What is it with you? Quoting scripture is preaching. Preaching is not allowed on the forum. Yet, you continue. You've been asked to provide evidence for your statements, but you have not. (Are we surprised? No). Tell us something we don't know. Dazzle us with your brilliance. All you're doing is baffling us with your bullshit.

You quote your "mother earth\astrology" beliefs all the time.M*W*
If we were as fanatical as some,......(think cartoons....I'm not saying the "m" word) we'd be out burning a forest right now!!!
Go hug a tree!
Bible is as much word of God as Koran is a word of God, Bible and Koran are as much words of God if there is God, and finally Bible and Koran are as much words of humans if there is no God.