The bible is a dangerous Tool


Registered Senior Member
For numerous reasons, for instance give a powerfull man a bible call him catholic for instance and he will kill um 5 million jewish people, hey and if you think i'm just attacking catholics.. forget it I hate all religion with a passion.
spidergoat the man was a madman.. I said dont give the book to a madman...

And religion seems to me like some crazy reason he had...
why would some god let one man do this makes you think god is a bit powerless, in the end hitler had to kill himself.
You wonder why God let Hitler kill millions of people? So that we humans would learn that it is wrong to kill and that we should be nice to each other, otherwise people like Hitler will be born. You hate ALL religion? You're just being partial, like most humans.
Yorda said:
You wonder why God let Hitler kill millions of people? So that we humans would learn that it is wrong to kill and that we should be nice to each other, otherwise people like Hitler will be born. You hate ALL religion? You're just being partial, like most humans.

WOW never heard so much bullshit, here lemme give you a bigger shovel to shift more shit.
See yordas problem was her/his answer was not in her/his bible thingy, so she/he had to assume some other reason why hitler was born.. ahaha.
Dug-T: For numerous reasons, for instance give a powerfull man a bible call him catholic for instance and he will kill um 5 million jewish people, hey and if you think i'm just attacking catholics.. forget it I hate all religion with a passion.
M*W: And that passion is shared!
Well pilgrims, yah need to read the bible. If you read the bible instead of your religious books ABOUT it you may just learn something. But then you have already become indoctrinated and deceived by your religions and hatred of them as so called athiests.

The bible is a very powerful tool of wisdom and knowledge. How you use that knowledge is up to the one that reads it.

Yah all talk ABOUT religions, but never about what the bible really says. :confused:
craterchains (Norval said:
Well pilgrims, yah need to read the bible. If you read the bible instead of your religious books ABOUT it you may just learn something. But then you have already become indoctrinated and deceived by your religions and hatred of them as so called athiests.

The bible is a very powerful tool of wisdom and knowledge. How you use that knowledge is up to the one that reads it.

Yah all talk ABOUT religions, but never about what the bible really says. :confused:

I think the vast majority of the religion forum here have read the bible and other religions holy books out of interest and to have intelligent discussion about the content. And btw, I have learned a lot more information from textbooks and research than fairy tale books :bugeye:
Dug-T said:
WOW never heard so much bullshit, here lemme give you a bigger shovel to shift more shit.

But it's really true. The bad things are as important as the good things. Without the bad, there could be no good things. In God, the positive and negative are merged together, they do not exist. The good and evil are not really good or evil, they are divine.
Yorda said:
But it's really true. The bad things are as important as the good things. Without the bad, there could be no good things. In God, the positive and negative are merged together, they do not exist.
The good and evil are not really good or evil, they are divine.
would you still say that if you or your loved ones got Cancer Aids or some other deadly/evil disease??

divine huh? :rolleyes:
craterchains (Norval said:
Well pilgrims, yah need to read the bible. If you read the bible instead of your religious books ABOUT it you may just learn something. But then you have already become indoctrinated and deceived by your religions and hatred of them as so called athiests.
atheism is NOT a religion you morron,
yes we have read your buybull,have you?
all of it?
I doubt it
and this is why we cant ever follow it
craterchains (Norval said:
Well pilgrims, yah need to read the bible. If you read the bible instead of your religious books ABOUT it you may just learn something. But then you have already become indoctrinated and deceived by your religions and hatred of them as so called athiests.

The bible is a very powerful tool of wisdom and knowledge. How you use that knowledge is up to the one that reads it.

Yah all talk ABOUT religions, but never about what the bible really says. :confused:
oh yes we do, but you delusional idiots put up a brick wall or stick you fingers in your ears and go la la la I cant hear you. :bugeye:
Dug-T said:
See yordas problem was her/his answer was not in her/his bible thingy, so she/he had to assume some other reason why hitler was born.. ahaha.
You find me one quote from the bible where it says it is ok to commit Genecide.
scorpius said:
would you still say that if you or your loved ones got Cancer Aids or some other deadly/evil disease??

divine huh? :rolleyes:

yeah. i think good and evil are divine things. but even though the evil is not evil (when you're god), it is EVIL FOR ME.
Sounds more like the screeching of parrots here than actual reasoning on what the
bible says.

Most have probably never thought to put themselves in "gods shoes" and try to
comprehend the WHY of what some call "evil actions of god".

But, then again there are those that would prefer to think, and have been deceived
into thinking that they are "right" and god is "wrong".
WMA said:
You find me one quote from the bible where it says it is ok to commit Genecide.

hey the bible is full of contradictions etc, and people make their own understanding from the bible going back to the real life free thinking persona.
Look at serial killers etc they all turn to god when they are in prison, all down to fear and they think a god will forgive them for their sins... therefore a get out clause.

Oh and look at musilms its against their religion to kill but they have a get out clause called a jihad (holy war) to kill innocent people, their may be a christian equivalent, point being give an evil person a reason or purpose then they will use it to harm others...
How fucked is that eh.

Trust me I dont see what good religion does all I see is suffering and people warring because they believe in something different, I wouldnt have a prob if people just accepted others have a free mind and ability to believe what they want.... But there is no real good from religion at all.

My uncle went crazy and became a born again christian i saw him a while back and he tried to preach to me, I was civil to him all the way through but not taking his bullshit onboard, its when he told me that if i dont go to church or believe in god i'd go to hell, well this only made me angry inside I felt like ramming his bible down his fucking throat but I didn't.

And ok i've never read a bible but neither do I want to pollute my brain with that hogwash.
Dug-T said:
hey the bible is full of contradictions etc, and people make their own understanding from the bible going back to the real life free thinking persona.
Look at serial killers etc they all turn to god when they are in prison, all down to fear and they think a god will forgive them for their sins... therefore a get out clause.

Oh and look at musilms its against their religion to kill but they have a get out clause called a jihad (holy war) to kill innocent people, their may be a christian equivalent, point being give an evil person a reason or purpose then they will use it to harm others...
How fucked is that eh.

Trust me I dont see what good religion does all I see is suffering and people warring because they believe in something different, I wouldnt have a prob if people just accepted others have a free mind and ability to believe what they want.... But there is no real good from religion at all.

My uncle went crazy and became a born again christian i saw him a while back and he tried to preach to me, I was civil to him all the way through but not taking his bullshit onboard, its when he told me that if i dont go to church or believe in god i'd go to hell, well this only made me angry inside I felt like ramming his bible down his fucking throat but I didn't.

And ok i've never read a bible but neither do I want to pollute my brain with that hogwash.

I may add that I am a good person who wouldnt hurt a fly, unless someone attacks me.

Plus i'm a very honest guy, but I dont need to prove it to some god that might or might not exist, and logic tells me there is no god.

We humans are nothing but an amoebic spec in the universe nothing more.