The basis of moon and sun worship in the Bible

Christians worship on Sunday because Sunday is the day when Jesus rose. He died on Friday and on the third day (Sunday) he rose from the dead.
Pfft. I have it on good information that the sun was up that day. Take that.
Christians worship on Sunday because Sunday is the day when Jesus rose. He died on Friday and on the third day (Sunday) he rose from the dead.
M*W: Yes, I know what the bible says. Believe what you want.
I never said I believe in that. I only stated that's what Christians believe.
M*W: Oh, my bad. I assumed you were saying that's what you believed. Perhaps you could have been a bit more clear. I think folks on this forum are very well aware of what christians believe.

Welcome to sciforums.
Christians worship on Sunday because Sunday is the day when Jesus rose. He died on Friday and on the third day (Sunday) he rose from the dead.

That is the stated reason. Do you have an explanation for how going from Friday afternoon to early Sunday morning is three days (either your own or the stated reason given by most denominations)?
Do you have an explanation for how going from Friday afternoon to early Sunday morning is three days (either your own or the stated reason given by most denominations)?

Jesus stated about His body; "I'll raise it up in the third day", not after three days.

JOHN 2:19
Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.

Any time Sunday would be considered already into the third day.
This "third day" is also a reference to the millennial reign of His kingdom on earth.
Metaphorically any time after the year 2000, taking the ratio of "a day as a thousand years", would also be considered the third day.

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day [is] with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

His "body" He spoke of also represents His elect made up from the ages since His sacrifice that will reign with Him in His kingdom.
They are actually "the temple" of His many membered body that He said He would raise up.

What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost [which is] in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

So we, [being] many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.

That is really what He was referring to on a larger scale.
All scriptures have a compound meaning.
He wasn't only referring to His own physical body.
That was just the beginning.

He was a type of the ancient wave sheaf offering in Israel when the spring harvest was reaped.
He represented the firstfruits. Waved before the people by the priest on the morning the day after the sabbath.
He fulfilled all the types pertaining to Him in that day set forth in the scriptures.
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