The Barefoot Outlaw


Doesn't Need to be Spoonfed.
Valued Senior Member
Colton Harris-Moore… the Barefoot Burglar

I have to say that I am quite a fan, actually. This kid makes a mockery of the disparity between rich and poor, he steals what he needs to survive and eat… and also has a little fun at the same time. Crashing big ticket items like fueled Cesna’s, breaking into peoples lavish vacation homes, stealing a Mercedes or two. He never takes anything that wouldn't be heavily insured or might have sentimental value. And he never charges cards that wouldn't be covered under fraud protection.

I kind of admire him. Sure, he’s stolen the numbers to a few credit cards and bought things online with them so that he can sell them back or return them for cash he needs to survive, and he seems to enjoy living this way as he’s eluded the police for years now. Most recently, he’s taken a few small planes for joyrides, with no training except reading the manuals. I’m sorry if it upsets their delicate sense of entitlement. I am sorry if they feel that he should be in jail. I think he has an important lesson to teach… don’t get so attached to material things. They don’t make you better or richer, they make you more vulnerable to losing your things. They add to your stress and confinement. From most of the houses he’s broken into, he’s stolen clothes and food, blankets and batteries that he needs to survive, and sometimes does the credit card thing to keep him going for awhile. Yes, it’s illegal. Yes, it’s offensive to the victims, but here is a kid with the brain enough to realize that our society has been so phucked-up by greed, materialism and Capitalism and rebels against it. I love it. I love this story. Long Live Anarchy! Long Live the Outlaw!

More news stories;

His fan club on Facebook;

(Again, I'm marking this, like a dog, so I remember to come back to it.)
They still haven't caught Colton. I'm still amused.

And you all lack imagination.

Society is so phucked, with all these cute little robots who are programmed to all think the same. You look great tho, keep it up.
So you are applauding what? That he is doing what you fear to do or that he will spend most of his life in prison?
You know what, I'm hoping he eludes them...forever.

I'd love for this kid to get away (probably to Canada), particularly if that was him that fly the plane with no training.
You know what, I'm hoping he eludes them...forever.

Given what's in the article, its not real likely.

I'd love for this kid to get away (probably to Canada), particularly if that was him that fly the plane with no training.

Canada isn't a get out of jail free card. For this they would likely extradite and they don't like theft any more than the US does. Also fleeing across state lines would make it a Federal matter.

There really isn't a good ending for him in this since he has left evidence that ties him to the crimes and they know who he is. He is getting buy on his knowledge of the local area and luck. Eventually one will run out and its not like he can change course at this point.
I am sure Liebling will see him as a hero even after he steals her stuff, her car, and her credit card will be overdrawn with debit cards as well...

And I hope the police will catch and apprehend this criminal and jail him for all the crimes he did and jail anyone who has helped him. Maximum security preason behind bars for many years so that he will taste the fruits of his actions. I hope SWAT team gets him nailed once and for all so that poor citizens of Camino Island and Seattle area do not have to fear of their property being stolen. And if given a chance I will take him down myself with grace and honor!
Oh and guess what I live in Seattle area so when I do see this piece of carnation I will sure to bat him out and bring him to the police.
I am sure Liebling will see him as a hero even after he steals her stuff, her car, and her credit card will be overdrawn with debit cards as well...

And I hope the police will catch and apprehend this criminal and jail him for all the crimes he did and jail anyone who has helped him. Maximum security preason behind bars for many years so that he will taste the fruits of his actions. I hope SWAT team gets him nailed once and for all so that poor citizens of Camino Island and Seattle area do not have to fear of their property being stolen. And if given a chance I will take him down myself with grace and honor!

Poor people... he's not stealing things from poor people.

And he can steal my stuff, I have insurance. And all of my cards also have protection. I am sure, as wealthy people always are, they are insured to the gills. I guess that's the interesting thing. He's stealing from people with excess. Materialistic people who are far too attached to the things they buy. It's just stuff, and stuff is replacable.

I'm not invested in my stuff, and since he's never harmed anyone, there wouldn't be a reason to be afraid. Perhaps these people learned a little thing about freeing themselves from materialism. About real freedom.
A'least he's gotta cowboy-soundin' name

I think I'm rooting against this kid on the grounds that his name is Colton. Around here, people name their kids "Colton" as a compromise. For the mother, it has two syllables and sounds kind of English and distinguished. For the father, it sounds like he named his kid after a gun, because the boy is going to be known as "Colt" for most of his life.

What? It's at least as logical as people's reasons for cheering. Look, I like a good outlaw, too, but this isn't Robin Hood or something that can be argued to be noble. This is just a brat running loose in search of self-gratification. He's a small-time punk bitch, and any status he might earn as a hero or anti-hero only reminds us how low our ambitions have fallen.

The kid never had a chance from the outset. Certainly, 'tis cause for sorrow. But not celebration. Right now all he's got going for him is what Chaplin figured out decades ago, and wasn't exactly news then—the reason the ice cream must hit the aristocrat is because the rich suck and deserve every bad thing that happens to them.

Well, that and he's got a cowboy-sounding name.
Poor people... he's not stealing things from poor people.

And he can steal my stuff, I have insurance. And all of my cards also have protection. I am sure, as wealthy people always are, they are insured to the gills. I guess that's the interesting thing. He's stealing from people with excess. Materialistic people who are far too attached to the things they buy. It's just stuff, and stuff is replacable.

I'm not invested in my stuff, and since he's never harmed anyone, there wouldn't be a reason to be afraid. Perhaps these people learned a little thing about freeing themselves from materialism. About real freedom.

So these heavily insured rich people will just replace all the stuff this laddie stole, pushing up the insurance premiums yet higher so the poorest proles living in high crime areas who find it difficult to afford it in the first place jeeest get fingered yet again by all the rich noobs who run insurance companies to line their own already well feathered pockets?

So easy to be 'not invested in your stuff' when you know it won't cost you anything to replace it all.

Yea freedom!

How about, in the name of freedom, you revoke all your insurance policies today and leave your back door unlocked tonight......?

sniffy hires white van and man......
I wasn't vested in my "stuff" when I didn't have insurance either. In fact, I've had a place broken into four or five times, a car stolen, and lost everything several times once due to a bad breakup, and once because the Army dropped my crate of goods into the ocean when they were loading it onto the boat from Germany. No one paid me back for any of those things. I lost jewelry, clothing, high priced electronics...

But they are just things, and someone needed them more than I did. They were desperate enough to break the law to get them for one reason or another. Doesn't matter the reason, they just needed them more than I did. My fault for not protecting them was their gain. And somethings aren't worth fighting for. Anything you can put a dollar value on, is not important.

I've been at the bottom and not had to steal either, I just had to work harder. Anything more than food, shelter and safety is fluff. Negligable. The more you vest yourself in it, the more it owns you.

Think about it. Right now, what's keeping you from living out your dreams?

As for his name, he didn't choose it himself. You can't really hold him accountable for that or use it against him. Well, you can but it's kinda petty really. I'm not celebrating that he's stealing and breaking the law, I'm appreciating that he's living his life on his own terms. Something most of us do not have the courage to even try. Including myself, and that is cause for sorrow.
Right now, what's keeping you from living out your dreams?


As for his name, he didn't choose it himself. You can't really hold him accountable for that or use it against him. Well, you can but it's kinda petty really. I'm not celebrating that he's stealing and breaking the law, I'm appreciating that he's living his life on his own terms. Something most of us do not have the courage to even try. Including myself, and that is cause for sorrow.

Dreaming is for dreamers. Life is for living. The only thing stopping you from appreciating the latter is you.
Exactly society needs to be brought to order by LAW! We need to enforce laws and this barefoot outlaw needs to be punished as an example to all other men and women who look after him like he was some sort of a Robin Hood. Well its time to take action to snipe him out, to end these terrible crimes, and control the area under close surveillance of the police force, especially control the teenagers.
I'll bet he ends up with a longer sentence than the people who brought the entire economic system into crisis.

The trick is to steal from the poor and the working and middle classes, and to do it through a computer or through no bid contracts and wars based on false grounds.

You can even been seen as patriotic or daring if you do these things.

But don't run around stealing rich people's stuff.
stealing is wrong no matter who is doing it. i have seen many swindlers go to prison for a long time, including politicians.

the robin hood scenario is total BS.
And you all lack imagination.

Society is so phucked, with all these cute little robots who are programmed to all think the same. You look great tho, keep it up. ”

Quoted for emphasis.

Thus implying you, safely insured to the hilt, are not just another cute little robot. Is America's the only society and the American Dream the only dream? Judging by this thread the answer appears to be 'yes'.

And if you need some wheeler dealing kid to teach you about what is valuable in your life I suggest you are the one lacking imagination.
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