The atrocities of Christianity

True. The list of horror committed in its name goes on and on and on. I don't think you'll find much of a debate about it.
Can there be any doubt that Christianity is, historically speaking, one
of the most murderous religions that has ever existed?

Christian Atrocities | Victims of Christianity | Catholic Church
Inquisition | Crusades

Why do you lump Christianity as a whole there were many christian who were persecuted by the church of ROME,
Listen to the post you you posted and you will see the persecution was against the heretics , that means who ever disagreed with the church of Rome .
True. The list of horror committed in its name goes on and on and on. I don't think you'll find much of a debate about it.

You give power to any organized religion were the religious organization is the head of state it will persecute the the non believers . Take who persecuted Jesus and the apostols in Israel . Were the Sanhedrin !!!
Why do you lump Christianity as a whole there were many christian who were persecuted by the church of ROME,
Listen to the post you you posted and you will see the persecution was against the heretics , that means who ever disagreed with the church of Rome .

The list of victims includes more than just heretics. Read it again.
Why do you lump Christianity as a whole there were many christian who were persecuted by the church of ROME,
Listen to the post you you posted and you will see the persecution was against the heretics , that means who ever disagreed with the church of Rome .

Doesn't make a difference, Christianity is harmful to Christians AND non-Christians.
you apparently Have in mind to blame all Christian , blame the organization that did the atrocity, remember Marin Luther was persecuted by the Rome.

Absolutely I'm blaming christians for the atrocities caused by their own religion. Christians were persecuting pagans before the Catholic Church existed. Protestants have long been warring against catholics in places like Ireland. And protestants had their part in the burning of witches. And then there's the modern day abortion clinic bombings. All this crap comes out of the IDEOLOGY of christianity itself. Hence the title of this thread.
So does any organized Philosophical organization , Take the Bolshevics in the USSR or Maoist in China everybody knows about the great wars between the Platonists and the Pythagoreans.;-) Uh no..not every philosophical school enforces itself with a sword. The history of philosophy gives us a splendid example of rational discourse and civility when it comes to competing schools of thought. Religion? Not so much..
Absolutely I'm blaming christians for the atrocities caused by their own religion. Christians were persecuting pagans before the Catholic Church existed. Protestants have long been warring against catholics in places like Ireland. And protestants had their part in the burning of witches. And then there's the modern day abortion clinic bombings. All this crap comes out of the IDEOLOGY of christianity itself. Hence the title of this thread.

Do you have any philosophical inclination ? The same way the Muslim have done and so the Hindu to the Muslims , and if you would be in powere you will impose your will against who does not agree with you.
Do you have any philosophical inclination ? The same way the Muslim have done and so the Hindu to the Muslims , and if you would be in powere you will impose your will against who does not agree with you.

I'm agnostic, so I have no incentive to dehumanize, demonize, and damn others who happen to disagree with me.
Do you have any philosophical inclination ? The same way the Muslim have done and so the Hindu to the Muslims , and if you would be in powere you will impose your will against who does not agree with you.

No because I'm not an asshole. But there are indeed limits about what I would allow, limits against theocracy imposed by our Constitution.
You give power to any organized religion were the religious organization is the head of state it will persecute the the non believers . Take who persecuted Jesus and the apostols in Israel . Were the Sanhedrin !!!

Then its best to tie down the ability of politico-religious complexes to make things worse for society, a select group of society, or just people they hate by breaking their connections to political power. If they refuse to accept such a break, destroy the religious complex itself.
No because I'm not an asshole. But there are indeed limits about what I would allow, limits against theocracy imposed by our Constitution.

Power . Look over in the forum many of the moderators are of homosexual orientation , If I mention or imply some thing about homosexual or blacks they will threaten me with banning me of excommunicate me from the forum , they have done before.
Power . Look over in the forum many of the moderators are of homosexual orientation , If I mention or imply some thing about homosexual or blacks they will threaten me with banning me of excommunicate me from the forum , they have done before.

Why would you have a problem with someone who is homosexual or black? Do you hate people because of their race? Their sexual orientation?
Then its best to tie down the ability of politico-religious complexes to make things worse for society, a select group of society, or just people they hate by breaking their connections to political power. If they refuse to accept such a break, destroy the religious complex itself.
What is a religious complex?
You have a problem with our constitution?
No, his statements clearly support the constitution.
Why would you have a problem with someone who is homosexual or black? Do you hate people because of their race? Their sexual orientation?
Apparently, he does.
You want to burn churches? Holy shit! Should I just forward your comments to the FBI?
It's painfully obvious that you have assigned your own interpretation to his words. Forwarding the comments may get you laughed at.