The Atheist's wager

No he supposedly died on the cross for our sins because God messed up in the very beginning and had to find some sugarcoated way of playing it off.
If God is omnipotent, he has the power of wiping out anyone's sins from any time period w/o having to send his 'only begotten son'. Please.

Good points, mikenostic. God should be able to forgive us without sending himself down to earth and showing us how to behave.

By the way, what did the Noah flood accomplish? It's goal was to clear the earth from sin, right? Doesn't seem to have worked.
Good points, mikenostic. God should be able to forgive us without sending himself down to earth and showing us how to behave.

By the way, what did the Noah flood accomplish? It's goal was to clear the earth from sin, right? Doesn't seem to have worked.

Well if there was a flood to begin with, it damn sure didn't cover the whole earth. If all the ice in the world melted, the sea level would only rise about 80 feet; far, far short of the 5.5 miles needed to cover the summit of Everest.
And a boat that is big enough to support all the species of land animals that was made of wood, back then, would be too big to support itself and would break apart.
And wouldn't all the freshwater rain dilute the oceans to the point where salt water creatures would not survive? <--but all this is another topic entirely.

This excerpt from the link on the first page of this topic sums it up quite nicely (even though I'm agnostic, not athiest...we're all friends though!)

Athiest's Wager said:
If God only rewards those who follow the “correct” faith and faith is inherited from one’s parents, then the God who refuses to prove his existence is playing favorites over his creation based on tribal lines pitting groups of humans against each other just like our aliens. If, by chance and chance alone, one is born into the right religion and curries favor with God Almighty, then this person is actively collaborating with the enemy of humanity. The atheist may find himself in hell for his disbelief, but at least he is not a traitor. Until God accepts that religion is His responsibility and can provide some real proof and guidance as to His plan, He is completely unworthy of our worship. To continue to worship a deity that arbitrarily divides us as a species, rewards a chosen few for their faith in which there is no evidence, and has deliberately chosen not to intervene when His name is used inappropriately is no different from collaborating with the alien cage fighters. By dividing humanity amongst different sects with conflicting ideology and allowing war in His name, God is evil. To worship a deity like this is to commit an act of treason. Unless God proves his existence and changes the outcomes, we as a race owe it to ourselves to not worship Him.
Apparently, if Jesus/God decided not to die for our sins, then God would unleash his wrath upon us and everyone would go to the lake of fire.

So if God failed at doing his own will he would be extremely dissapointed and pissed with himself, and he would take it out on us by giving us all a one way pass to the infamous Lake of Fire where we will swim around in liquid fire for the rest of eternity.
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I always like to think of this from a sensible standpoint.

Christians say Jesus is God.

Therefore it follows that Jesus sent Himself to earth deliberately to get himself killed in order to appease himself. And since he is God, he asked himself famously "God, God, why have you forsaken me?".

Apparently, if Jesus/God decided not to die for our sins, then God would unleash his wrath upon us and everyone would go to the lake of fire.

So if God failed at doing his own will he would be extremely dissapointed and pissed with himself, and he would take it out on us by giving us all a one way pass to the infamous Lake of Fire where we will swim around in liquid fire for the rest of eternity.

Yeah, but aren't we supposed to be God's greatest creation? A creation so great that he ordered his angels to worship us? Thus creating the whole Lucifer's fall from heaven?

...contradictions aplenty!
He died upon the Cross to bear the burden of your Sins, is that vindictive and wrathful?

What did it accomplish? If humanity still has to avoid sin to avoid eternal hell,just what did dying on the cross to bear sin do for us?
The resurection I can understand as it was a common theme in other religions , but dying to relieve our sin?...never made sense to me!

May the wisdom of Crom bless you all!---Conan 16,4
Jesus wasn't god. He said so many times.

But he also said that he was.
I'll just post two more contradicting scriptures. Yeah yeah apologists, I know; one has to read into it some more to get the meaning...blah blah.

JOH 10:30 I and my Father are one.

JOH 14:28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.
He died upon the Cross to bear the burden of your Sins, is that vindictive and wrathful?

If you're under the belief that jesus is god... can god die? If the answer is no here then he never died anywhere for your sins, if the answer is yes.. he's hardly a god worth giving two smegs about.