The Atheist's wager

God wants skeptics in heaven. Not people who believe bullshit penned by men in a desert somewhere.
Would you still be a skeptic in Heaven?


To quote Bertrand Russell on the subject of being questioned by god as to why he didn't believe... "Not enough evidence, god".

If he puts me in hell for unsubstantially not believing in him without evidence, then that's his beef.

It's not something I worry about... Death will just be as it was before I was born.
"Without evidence" would not be your excuse, that is for sure, you'll have to conjure up something else.

If it was simply a matter of intellectually scruitinizing evidence, then there would be no need for faith as the bible clearly says you as a believer should have.
"Without evidence" would not be your excuse, that is for sure, you'll have to conjure up something else.

-a 'book' that has been written by men that has a plethora of contradictions in it, that is also very, very vague scientifically is not evidence

I will go to my grave wondering why so many people think the Bible is solid evidence.

YOU'll have to come up with something better than that dude.
You're starting from ground-zero Kenny, God says that those who don't admit that there must be a Creator of all we see in nature is a liar.

God did not say that. Men in a desert thousands of years ago did. I don't take too kindly to being called a liar by idiot men from the past :mad: It is they who are the liars. If god wants to call my a liar, then you tell him to say it to my face instead of having simpletons say it for him.

Even if the old testament is the words of god... then god can kiss my ass and learn not to be such a vindictive prick.
God did not say that. Men in a desert thousands of years ago did. I don't take too kindly to being called a liar by idiot men from the past :mad: It is they who are the liars. If god wants to call my a liar, then you tell him to say it to my face instead of having simpletons say it for him.

Even if the old testament is the words of god... then god can kiss my ass and learn not to be such a vindictive prick.

That's been my mentality for quite sometime dude.
I mean really, who would want to worship such a vindictive, wrathful god who claims to be benevolent?
He died upon the Cross to bear the burden of your Sins, is that vindictive and wrathful?

No he supposedly died on the cross for our sins because God messed up in the very beginning and had to find some sugarcoated way of playing it off.
If God is omnipotent, he has the power of wiping out anyone's sins from any time period w/o having to send his 'only begotten son'. Please.