The Aset KA


Registered Senior Member
what do you know of them and what is your opinion of them ?
links welcome
i am researching the religion for personal study.

the older the better as far as referenced material is concerned.

they seem to also be refereed to as vampires & i wonder if the christian church has deemed themselves to be at war with them.
aside from me knowing the difference between energy vampires and actual blood vampires i doubt many others do.

your thoughts and questions welcome.

here is the only reference i have to date which is very new.
Aset KA
Can someone who is not behind a restrictive corporate firewall at the moment please post a link to the South Park vampire episode?
Can someone who is not behind a restrictive corporate firewall at the moment please post a link to the South Park vampire episode?

This one?

The Ungroundable (s12/e14)

"Butters is sure he's seen a vampire at school but he can't get anyone to listen to him. Meanwhile, the Goth Kids are angry and frustrated when the other kids can't tell the difference between a Goth and a Vampire."
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aside from me knowing the difference between energy vampires and actual blood vampires i doubt many others do.
You over-estimate yourself: of course we know the difference.
They're written about by different fiction authors.
One's made up and the other's... er, made up.
It's a marketing website for the book (Asetian Bible)?

that did spring to mind.
there is supposedly a temple in Egypt which im yet to check out.
the bible is a relatively new word considering and one that is purely lacking in real definition for such an ancient concept.
but anywho... most think bible means judain christian.

there are 2 types of energy vampire
1. is a bit like a uni polar person suffering from depression they are more a kin to actual bi polar-ism because they will excite to meet the same level of excitement as another person only to gradually bring them down to depress them and drag them down to a level of depression where they feel they can then control them.
it is a nasty thing to observe and really does make me want to kill them right there on the spot, BUT they are as much a victim as those they victimise as they are a product of very unfortunate upbringing.
to condemn them to death is maybe a little extreme but certainly feels like the right thing to do when you see them dragging down others around them as they exploit other peoples good natures and weakness in general psychological awareness.
i know how to spot them verbally and visually and can pretty much play with them if i want so i will sometimes give them a bit of a slap across the front lobes to let them know i know what they are and what they are trying to do.
generally speaking they will also have a chemical addiction like alcohol and will present like a depressed alcoholic.

2. the other one is an actual energy absorbing thing. much like one may stand in the radiation of high voltage devices or very strong electro magnetic devices they leave you feeling drained and somewhat miserable.
though some people are capable of actually controlling this ability the most are not able to control it and it is more a genetic issue.
ive met a few of these types of people too they also tend to be a bit psychopathic in nature too.

pays to keep in mind the stark difference between feeling attracted toward someone and feeling drained and somewhat repressed by them.
some people try and use this same type of energy to repress people and squash them with it. these type of people are infact quite violent people and will have anger management issues and likely be wife and child beaters.

jst because you feel attracted toward someone does not mean they are essentially evil or such like.
it takes years and years of study to be able to identify the differences and the self awareness to know what you are being attracted by, bet it sexual, spiritual, companionship, shiny fashionable things, escapism(mental holidays).

we are dawning in a new era of humanity where allot of this type of thing is coming to the surface and i venture a vast amount of mental health problems and violence may well ensue if it is continually repressed by society at large. much like the current ""miss diagnosis"" of ADHD ADD and some aspergers spectrum stuff.
back to topic.

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At war with them? :roflmao:
I doubt the vatican gives half a shit about them, if they even aknowledge them at all.
The only people they are at war with is their disappointed Christian parents.

parading your ignorance around is not going to ingratiate you to any learned debate.
i direct your attention the the inquisition by the catholic church for some light reading.
parading your ignorance around is not going to ingratiate you to any learned debate.

i direct your attention the the inquisition by the catholic church for some light reading.

I have read quite a bit about the Catholic church and the InquisitionS.

First, which inquisition? There are four generally recognized as "official" inquisitions - Medieval, Spanish, Portuguese and Roman - though they were hardly "wars" waged and cannot really be delineated as cleanly as that.

Once we have that established, maybe you can cite a reliable source (no one run by a so-called vampire) showing evidence of any decree or concerted efforts of the church waging war with vampires during said inquisition, or even acknowledging that vampires exist and are any sort of threat to the church or really anything about the church’s stance on vampires - because I have yet to come across any.

Then maybe we can start discussing my ignorance.
THEN we can talk about whether or not "Aset Ka" was one of these vampire societies targeted by the church - or even if they ever existed before this ridiculous book was written.
I wonder why there it is so difficult to evidence of them that predates this book - it must be due to so much gross ignorance abound.
Maybe the Catholic Church is part of a vast conspiracy to cover up their existence.
parading your ignorance around is not going to ingratiate you to any learned debate.
Credulous gullibility does even less for learned debate.
Although I must admit to being intrigued as to how one would go about "ingratiating themselves to" any debate.
Command of English not your strong point, is it?

Aset Ka owes more to Crowley's writings than any historical reality.
Another wannabe bunch of nerds with delusions of "power".
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one_raven & Dywyddyr, you are both on your bandwagon clutching at straws failing to engage in any actual topic i have raised and trying to turn the thread into your own preconceived pre judged egocentric rant session.

re read my thread header and then think about where you have tried to take the subject.
not to a place of learning but to dismiss and ridicule the subject as quickly as possible.
a sure sign of a personal agenda &/or bigotry &/or scientifically retarding prejudice.
All I'm asking for is any evidence at all that this is anything more than it seems on the surface.
Do you have any?
Does anyone?
You said I was ignorant of the Inquisition when I said that teh Vatican is not at war with these vampires.
I can only assume that you have evidence to the contrary - otherwise you would be the ignorant one.
Where is that evidence?
one_raven & Dywyddyr,
you are both on your bandwagon clutching at straws failing to engage in any actual topic i have raised and trying to turn the thread into your own preconceived pre judged egocentric rant session.


From your opening post:
what do you know of them and what is your opinion of them ?
I answered directly...
Strikes me as a bunch of idiots with too much time on their hands wanting to play vampire and convince others how really really real they really are.

You requested:
links welcome

I offered:

You mused:
they seem to also be refereed to as vampires & i wonder if the christian church has deemed themselves to be at war with them.
I responded honestly:
I doubt the vatican gives half a shit about them, if they even aknowledge them at all.
The only people they are at war with is their disappointed Christian parents.

You claimed:
your thoughts and questions welcome.
That's exactly what I gave you and you said I was ignorant of the Inquisition.
parading your ignorance around is not going to ingratiate you to any learned debate.
i direct your attention the the inquisition by the catholic church for some light reading.

Then I asked which Inquisition you were referring to and asked for any information to back up your claim of superior knowledge in an attempt to move this discussion along...

And I got nothing.

So what's the problem?
Is it that you are upset that people are not telling you what you want to hear?
Is it that you are talking out of your ass and want a chorus of farts to back you up?

If you want people's opinions, expect to get them.
If you claim that someone is ignorant, be prepared to show them evidence to back your bullshit up.
From your opening post:
I answered directly...
You requested:
I offered:
You mused:
I responded honestly:
You claimed:
That's exactly what I gave you and you said I was ignorant of the Inquisition.
Then I asked which Inquisition you were referring to and asked for any information to back up your claim of superior knowledge in an attempt to move this discussion along...
And I got nothing.

So what's the problem?
Is it that you are upset that people are not telling you what you want to hear?
Is it that you are talking out of your ass and want a chorus of farts to back you up?

If you want people's opinions, expect to get them.
If you claim that someone is ignorant, be prepared to show them evidence to back your bullshit up.

come on man lets get a little real on this shall we ?
you seem to be keen to slap a sticker on the front with the first 2 links off the top of google.

while i appreciate that it may well have been an honest attempt to help i would be very grateful if you took it to the next level of debate and assumed as much that like at this very moment i have around 10 different web pages open on the Aset Ka.
notice you said the Vatican were not at war with vampires but that is something you could not possibly know.
i posed a question and you gesticulated at rebellious teenagers going through self awareness in a religious paradigm.
somewhat whimsically one might ponder.

soo my apologies if you were being honest because it did seem all rather blase' from my perspective.

never mind im one to be able to bury the hatchet and move on in attempt to resolve animosity to seek common collective discussion.

foot note i have spent some years researching the paranormal and have around 2 decades of psychology study to draw on also.
im just not one to be soo egocentric to state this as if it makes me superior to others.
however i do seek to kick off the debate on a level a little higher than ground level and try to maintain a sense of assumed knowledge otherwise i would never get to the heart of the actual true data.
never mind im one to be able to bury the hatchet and move on in attempt to resolve animosity to seek common collective discussion.

Fair enough.
So which Inquisition?
Do you have any evidence that gives you reason to believe this is real or existed at all before this book was published?
Is there any reference to "Aset Ka" in historical accounts?
Do you have any accounts of church documentation about them?
I have found nothing so far.